Uses of Interface

Packages that use Value
soot Base Soot classes, shared by different intermediate representations. 
soot.baf Public classes for the Baf intermediate representation. 
soot.baf.internal Internal, messy, implementation-specific classes for the Baf intermediate representation. 
soot.coffi Contains classes from the Coffi tool, by Clark Verbrugge. 
soot.grimp Public classes for the Grimp intermediate representation. 
soot.grimp.internal Internal, messy, implementation-specific classes for the Grimp intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple Public classes for the Jimple intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple.internal Internal, messy, implementation-specific classes for the Jimple intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.nullcheck Classes that carry out an analysis to determine whether or not null pointer checks are necessary. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar A toolkit for scalar optimization of Jimple. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre Particial redundency elimination. 
soot.shimple Public classes for the SSA Shimple intermediate representation. 
soot.shimple.internal Shimple internal messy stuff. 
soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar Some analyses based on Shimple. 
soot.toolkits.scalar A number of scalar optimizations, and the flow analysis framework. 

Uses of Value in soot

Subinterfaces of Value in soot
 interface Immediate
          A local or constant.
 interface Local
          A local variable, used within Body classes.

Classes in soot that implement Value
 class EquivalentValue
          Encapsulates the Value class, but uses EquivTo for equality comparisons.

Methods in soot that return Value
 Value EquivalentValue.getDeepestValue()
          returns the deepest Value stored in this.
 Value EquivalentValue.getDeepestValue()
          returns the deepest Value stored in this.
 Value IdentityUnit.getLeftOp()
 Value IdentityUnit.getLeftOp()
 Value IdentityUnit.getRightOp()
 Value IdentityUnit.getRightOp()
 Value AbstractValueBox.getValue()
 Value EquivalentValue.getValue()
 Value ValueBox.getValue()
          Returns the value contained in this box.
 Value ValueBox.getValue()
          Returns the value contained in this box.
 Value EquivalentValue.getValue()
 Value AbstractValueBox.getValue()

Methods in soot with parameters of type Value
 boolean ValueBox.canContainValue(Value value)
          Returns true if the given Value fits in this box.
 boolean ValueBox.canContainValue(Value value)
          Returns true if the given Value fits in this box.
 boolean EquivalentValue.equalsToValue(Value v)
          compares the encapsulated value with v, using equals
 boolean EquivalentValue.equalsToValue(Value v)
          compares the encapsulated value with v, using equals
 boolean EquivalentValue.equivToValue(Value v)
          compares the encapsulated value with v, using equivTo
 boolean EquivalentValue.equivToValue(Value v)
          compares the encapsulated value with v, using equivTo
 void AbstractValueBox.setValue(Value value)
 void ValueBox.setValue(Value value)
          Sets the value contained in this box as given.
 void ValueBox.setValue(Value value)
          Sets the value contained in this box as given.
 void AbstractValueBox.setValue(Value value)
 boolean SideEffectTester.unitCanReadFrom(Unit u, Value v)
 boolean SideEffectTester.unitCanReadFrom(Unit u, Value v)
 boolean SideEffectTester.unitCanWriteTo(Unit u, Value v)
 boolean SideEffectTester.unitCanWriteTo(Unit u, Value v)

Constructors in soot with parameters of type Value
EquivalentValue(Value e)
EquivalentValue(Value e)

Uses of Value in soot.baf

Methods in soot.baf that return Value
 Value IdentityInst.getLeftOp()
 Value IdentityInst.getLeftOp()
 Value IdentityInst.getRightOp()
 Value IdentityInst.getRightOp()

Methods in soot.baf that return types with arguments of type Value
 List<Value> DynamicInvokeInst.getBootstrapArgs()
 List<Value> DynamicInvokeInst.getBootstrapArgs()

Methods in soot.baf with parameters of type Value
 IdentityInst Baf.newIdentityInst(Value local, Value identityRef)
 IdentityInst Baf.newIdentityInst(Value local, Value identityRef)
 ValueBox Baf.newIdentityRefBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Baf.newIdentityRefBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Baf.newLocalBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Baf.newLocalBox(Value value)
 void IdentityInst.setLeftOp(Value variable)
 void IdentityInst.setLeftOp(Value variable)
 void IdentityInst.setRightOp(Value rvalue)
 void IdentityInst.setRightOp(Value rvalue)

Method parameters in soot.baf with type arguments of type Value
 DynamicInvokeInst Baf.newDynamicInvokeInst(SootMethodRef bsmMethodRef, List<Value> bsmArgs, SootMethodRef methodRef)
 DynamicInvokeInst Baf.newDynamicInvokeInst(SootMethodRef bsmMethodRef, List<Value> bsmArgs, SootMethodRef methodRef)

Uses of Value in soot.baf.internal

Classes in soot.baf.internal that implement Value
 class BafLocal

Methods in soot.baf.internal that return Value
 Value BIdentityInst.getLeftOp()
 Value BIdentityInst.getLeftOp()
 Value BIdentityInst.getRightOp()
 Value BIdentityInst.getRightOp()

Methods in soot.baf.internal that return types with arguments of type Value
 List<Value> BDynamicInvokeInst.getBootstrapArgs()
 List<Value> BDynamicInvokeInst.getBootstrapArgs()

Methods in soot.baf.internal with parameters of type Value
 boolean BafLocalBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean BafLocalBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 void BIdentityInst.setLeftOp(Value local)
 void BIdentityInst.setLeftOp(Value local)
 void BIdentityInst.setRightOp(Value identityRef)
 void BIdentityInst.setRightOp(Value identityRef)

Constructors in soot.baf.internal with parameters of type Value
BafLocalBox(Value value)
BafLocalBox(Value value)
BIdentityInst(Value local, Value identityValue)
BIdentityInst(Value local, Value identityValue)

Constructor parameters in soot.baf.internal with type arguments of type Value
BDynamicInvokeInst(SootMethodRef bsmMethodRef, List<Value> bsmArgs, SootMethodRef methodRef)
BDynamicInvokeInst(SootMethodRef bsmMethodRef, List<Value> bsmArgs, SootMethodRef methodRef)

Uses of Value in soot.coffi

Methods in soot.coffi that return Value
 Value CONSTANT_Class_info.createJimpleConstantValue(soot.coffi.cp_info[] constant_pool)
 Value CONSTANT_Utf8_info.createJimpleConstantValue(soot.coffi.cp_info[] constant_pool)
 Value CONSTANT_Utf8_info.createJimpleConstantValue(soot.coffi.cp_info[] constant_pool)
 Value CONSTANT_Class_info.createJimpleConstantValue(soot.coffi.cp_info[] constant_pool)

Uses of Value in soot.dava.internal.AST

Methods in soot.dava.internal.AST that return Value
 Value ASTSwitchNode.get_Key()
 Value ASTSwitchNode.get_Key()
 Value ASTUnaryCondition.getValue()
 Value ASTUnaryCondition.getValue()

Methods in soot.dava.internal.AST with parameters of type Value
 void ASTSwitchNode.set_Key(Value key)
 void ASTSwitchNode.set_Key(Value key)
 void ASTUnaryCondition.setValue(Value value)
 void ASTUnaryCondition.setValue(Value value)

Constructors in soot.dava.internal.AST with parameters of type Value
ASTSwitchNode(SETNodeLabel label, Value key, List<Object> indexList, Map<Object,List<Object>> index2BodyList)
ASTSwitchNode(SETNodeLabel label, Value key, List<Object> indexList, Map<Object,List<Object>> index2BodyList)
ASTSynchronizedBlockNode(SETNodeLabel label, List<Object> body, Value local)
ASTSynchronizedBlockNode(SETNodeLabel label, List<Object> body, Value local)
ASTUnaryCondition(Value value)
ASTUnaryCondition(Value value)

Uses of Value in soot.dava.internal.javaRep

Classes in soot.dava.internal.javaRep that implement Value
 class DArrayInitExpr
 class DCmpExpr
 class DCmpgExpr
 class DCmplExpr
 class DInstanceFieldRef
 class DIntConstant
 class DInterfaceInvokeExpr
 class DLengthExpr
 class DNegExpr
 class DNewArrayExpr
 class DNewInvokeExpr
 class DNewMultiArrayExpr
 class DNotExpr
 class DShortcutIf
 class DSpecialInvokeExpr
 class DStaticFieldRef
 class DStaticInvokeExpr
 class DThisRef
 class DVirtualInvokeExpr

Methods in soot.dava.internal.javaRep with parameters of type Value
 boolean DArrayInitValueBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean DArrayInitValueBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 void DAssignStmt.setLeftOp(Value variable)
 void DAssignStmt.setLeftOp(Value variable)
 void DAssignStmt.setRightOp(Value rvalue)
 void DAssignStmt.setRightOp(Value rvalue)

Constructors in soot.dava.internal.javaRep with parameters of type Value
DArrayInitValueBox(Value value)
DArrayInitValueBox(Value value)
DCmpExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
DCmpExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
DCmpgExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
DCmpgExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
DCmplExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
DCmplExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
DDecrementStmt(Value variable, Value rvalue)
DDecrementStmt(Value variable, Value rvalue)
DIdentityStmt(Value local, Value identityValue)
DIdentityStmt(Value local, Value identityValue)
DIncrementStmt(Value variable, Value rvalue)
DIncrementStmt(Value variable, Value rvalue)
DInstanceFieldRef(Value base, SootFieldRef fieldRef, HashSet<Object> thisLocals)
DInstanceFieldRef(Value base, SootFieldRef fieldRef, HashSet<Object> thisLocals)
DInterfaceInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
DInterfaceInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
DLengthExpr(Value op)
DLengthExpr(Value op)
DNegExpr(Value op)
DNegExpr(Value op)
DNewArrayExpr(Type type, Value size)
DNewArrayExpr(Type type, Value size)
DNotExpr(Value op)
DNotExpr(Value op)
DSpecialInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
DSpecialInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
DVirtualInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args, HashSet<Object> thisLocals)
DVirtualInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args, HashSet<Object> thisLocals)

Uses of Value in soot.dava.internal.SET

Constructors in soot.dava.internal.SET with parameters of type Value
SETSwitchNode(AugmentedStmt characterizingStmt, Value key, IterableSet body, List<SwitchNode> switchNodeList, IterableSet junkBody)
SETSwitchNode(AugmentedStmt characterizingStmt, Value key, IterableSet body, List<SwitchNode> switchNodeList, IterableSet junkBody)
SETSynchronizedBlockNode(ExceptionNode en, Value local)
SETSynchronizedBlockNode(ExceptionNode en, Value local)

Uses of Value in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST with parameters of type Value
 void ASTAnalysis.analyseValue(Value v)
 void ASTAnalysis.analyseValue(Value v)
 void ASTWalker.walk_value(ASTAnalysis a, Value v)
 void ASTWalker.walk_value(ASTAnalysis a, Value v)

Uses of Value in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.analysis

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.analysis with parameters of type Value
 void Analysis.caseValue(Value v)
 void AnalysisAdapter.caseValue(Value v)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.caseValue(Value v)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.caseValue(Value v)
 void AnalysisAdapter.caseValue(Value v)
 void Analysis.caseValue(Value v)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.decideCaseExprOrRef(Value v)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.decideCaseExprOrRef(Value v)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.inValue(Value v)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.inValue(Value v)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.outValue(Value v)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.outValue(Value v)

Uses of Value in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.structuredAnalysis

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.structuredAnalysis that return Value
static Value CPHelper.createConstant(Object toConvert)
static Value CPHelper.createConstant(Object toConvert)

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.structuredAnalysis with parameters of type Value
 CPTuple CP.createCPTupleIfPossible(Value a, Value b, CPFlowSet input)
 CPTuple CP.createCPTupleIfPossible(Value a, Value b, CPFlowSet input)
 List MustMayInitialize.getDefs(Value local)
 List MustMayInitialize.getDefs(Value local)
static Object CPHelper.isAConstantValue(Value toCheck)
static Object CPHelper.isAConstantValue(Value toCheck)
 boolean MustMayInitialize.isMayInitialized(Value local)
 boolean MustMayInitialize.isMayInitialized(Value local)
 boolean MustMayInitialize.isMustInitialized(Value local)
 boolean MustMayInitialize.isMustInitialized(Value local)
 Object CP.processSwitchKey(Value key, Object input)
 Object MustMayInitialize.processSwitchKey(Value key, Object input)
 Object ReachingCopies.processSwitchKey(Value key, Object input)
 Object ReachingDefs.processSwitchKey(Value key, Object input)
abstract  Object StructuredAnalysis.processSwitchKey(Value key, Object input)
          Deal with the key in the switch construct
 Object UnreachableCodeFinder.processSwitchKey(Value key, Object input)
 Object UnreachableCodeFinder.processSwitchKey(Value key, Object input)
abstract  Object StructuredAnalysis.processSwitchKey(Value key, Object input)
          Deal with the key in the switch construct
 Object ReachingDefs.processSwitchKey(Value key, Object input)
 Object ReachingCopies.processSwitchKey(Value key, Object input)
 Object MustMayInitialize.processSwitchKey(Value key, Object input)
 Object CP.processSwitchKey(Value key, Object input)

Uses of Value in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.transformations

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.transformations that return Value
 Value SuperFirstStmtHandler.getProperCasting(Type tempType, DVirtualInvokeExpr tempInvokeExpr)
 Value SuperFirstStmtHandler.getProperCasting(Type tempType, DVirtualInvokeExpr tempInvokeExpr)

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.transformations with parameters of type Value
 Object DeInliningFinalFields.check(Value val)
 Object DeInliningFinalFields.check(Value val)
 AugmentedStmt SuperFirstStmtHandler.createStmtAccordingToType(Type tempType, Value tempVal, Local newLocal, SootMethodRef getMethodRef)
 AugmentedStmt SuperFirstStmtHandler.createStmtAccordingToType(Type tempType, Value tempVal, Local newLocal, SootMethodRef getMethodRef)
 Boolean EliminateConditions.isBooleanConstant(Value internal)
 Boolean SimplifyConditions.isBooleanConstant(Value internal)
 Boolean SimplifyConditions.isBooleanConstant(Value internal)
 Boolean EliminateConditions.isBooleanConstant(Value internal)
 boolean ShortcutArrayInit.isInSequenceAssignment(Stmt s, Value leftOp, int index)
 boolean ShortcutArrayInit.isInSequenceAssignment(Stmt s, Value leftOp, int index)
 boolean ShortcutArrayInit.isInSequenceAssignmentPatternTwo(Stmt one, Stmt two, Value leftOp, int index)
 boolean ShortcutArrayInit.isInSequenceAssignmentPatternTwo(Stmt one, Stmt two, Value leftOp, int index)
 void ShortcutArrayInit.markLocal(Value shortcutLocal)
 void ShortcutArrayInit.markLocal(Value shortcutLocal)

Uses of Value in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.traversals

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.traversals that return types with arguments of type Value
 List<Value> ASTUsesAndDefs.getUseList(ASTCondition cond)
 List<Value> AllVariableUses.getUseList(ASTCondition cond)
 List<Value> ASTUsesAndDefs.getUseList(ASTCondition cond)
 List<Value> AllVariableUses.getUseList(ASTCondition cond)

Uses of Value in soot.grimp

Subinterfaces of Value in soot.grimp
 interface NewInvokeExpr

Methods in soot.grimp that return Value
static Value Grimp.cloneIfNecessary(Value val)
static Value Grimp.cloneIfNecessary(Value val)
 Value Grimp.newExpr(Value value)
          Carries out the mapping from other Value's to Grimp Value's
 Value Grimp.newExpr(Value value)
          Carries out the mapping from other Value's to Grimp Value's

Methods in soot.grimp with parameters of type Value
static Value Grimp.cloneIfNecessary(Value val)
static Value Grimp.cloneIfNecessary(Value val)
static boolean PrecedenceTest.needsBrackets(ValueBox subExprBox, Value expr)
static boolean PrecedenceTest.needsBrackets(ValueBox subExprBox, Value expr)
static boolean PrecedenceTest.needsBracketsRight(ValueBox subExprBox, Value expr)
static boolean PrecedenceTest.needsBracketsRight(ValueBox subExprBox, Value expr)
 AddExpr Grimp.newAddExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a AddExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 AddExpr Grimp.newAddExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a AddExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 AndExpr Grimp.newAndExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a AndExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 AndExpr Grimp.newAndExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a AndExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Grimp.newArgBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Grimp.newArgBox(Value value)
 ArrayRef Grimp.newArrayRef(Value base, Value index)
          Constructs a ArrayRef(Local, Expr) grammar chunk.
 ArrayRef Grimp.newArrayRef(Value base, Value index)
          Constructs a ArrayRef(Local, Expr) grammar chunk.
 AssignStmt Grimp.newAssignStmt(Value variable, Value rvalue)
          Constructs a AssignStmt(Variable, RValue) grammar chunk.
 AssignStmt Grimp.newAssignStmt(Value variable, Value rvalue)
          Constructs a AssignStmt(Variable, RValue) grammar chunk.
 CastExpr Grimp.newCastExpr(Value op1, Type t)
          Constructs a CastExpr(Expr, Type) grammar chunk.
 CastExpr Grimp.newCastExpr(Value op1, Type t)
          Constructs a CastExpr(Expr, Type) grammar chunk.
 CmpExpr Grimp.newCmpExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a CmpExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 CmpExpr Grimp.newCmpExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a CmpExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 CmpgExpr Grimp.newCmpgExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a CmpgExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 CmpgExpr Grimp.newCmpgExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a CmpgExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 CmplExpr Grimp.newCmplExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a CmplExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 CmplExpr Grimp.newCmplExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a CmplExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Grimp.newConditionExprBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Grimp.newConditionExprBox(Value value)
 DivExpr Grimp.newDivExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a DivExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 DivExpr Grimp.newDivExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a DivExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 EnterMonitorStmt Grimp.newEnterMonitorStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a EnterMonitorStmt(Expr) grammar chunk.
 EnterMonitorStmt Grimp.newEnterMonitorStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a EnterMonitorStmt(Expr) grammar chunk.
 EqExpr Grimp.newEqExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a EqExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 EqExpr Grimp.newEqExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a EqExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 ExitMonitorStmt Grimp.newExitMonitorStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a ExitMonitorStmt(Expr) grammar chunk
 ExitMonitorStmt Grimp.newExitMonitorStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a ExitMonitorStmt(Expr) grammar chunk
 Value Grimp.newExpr(Value value)
          Carries out the mapping from other Value's to Grimp Value's
 Value Grimp.newExpr(Value value)
          Carries out the mapping from other Value's to Grimp Value's
 ValueBox Grimp.newExprBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Grimp.newExprBox(Value value)
 GeExpr Grimp.newGeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a GeExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 GeExpr Grimp.newGeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a GeExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 GtExpr Grimp.newGtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a GtExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 GtExpr Grimp.newGtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a GtExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Grimp.newIdentityRefBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Grimp.newIdentityRefBox(Value value)
 IdentityStmt Grimp.newIdentityStmt(Value local, Value identityRef)
          Constructs a IdentityStmt(Local, IdentityRef) grammar chunk.
 IdentityStmt Grimp.newIdentityStmt(Value local, Value identityRef)
          Constructs a IdentityStmt(Local, IdentityRef) grammar chunk.
 IfStmt Grimp.newIfStmt(Value condition, Unit target)
          Constructs a IfStmt(Condition, Stmt) grammar chunk.
 IfStmt Grimp.newIfStmt(Value condition, Unit target)
          Constructs a IfStmt(Condition, Stmt) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Grimp.newImmediateBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Grimp.newImmediateBox(Value value)
 InstanceFieldRef Grimp.newInstanceFieldRef(Value base, SootFieldRef f)
          Constructs a InstanceFieldRef(Value, SootFieldRef) grammar chunk.
 InstanceFieldRef Grimp.newInstanceFieldRef(Value base, SootFieldRef f)
          Constructs a InstanceFieldRef(Value, SootFieldRef) grammar chunk.
 InstanceOfExpr Grimp.newInstanceOfExpr(Value op1, Type t)
          Constructs a InstanceOfExpr(Expr, Type) grammar chunk.
 InstanceOfExpr Grimp.newInstanceOfExpr(Value op1, Type t)
          Constructs a InstanceOfExpr(Expr, Type) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Grimp.newInvokeExprBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Grimp.newInvokeExprBox(Value value)
 InvokeStmt Grimp.newInvokeStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a InvokeStmt(InvokeExpr) grammar chunk.
 InvokeStmt Grimp.newInvokeStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a InvokeStmt(InvokeExpr) grammar chunk.
 LeExpr Grimp.newLeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a LeExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 LeExpr Grimp.newLeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a LeExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 LengthExpr Grimp.newLengthExpr(Value op)
          Constructs a LengthExpr(Expr) grammar chunk.
 LengthExpr Grimp.newLengthExpr(Value op)
          Constructs a LengthExpr(Expr) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Grimp.newLocalBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Grimp.newLocalBox(Value value)
 LookupSwitchStmt Grimp.newLookupSwitchStmt(Value key, List lookupValues, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
          Constructs a LookupSwitchStmt(Expr, List of Expr, List of Unit, Stmt) grammar chunk.
 LookupSwitchStmt Grimp.newLookupSwitchStmt(Value key, List lookupValues, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
          Constructs a LookupSwitchStmt(Expr, List of Expr, List of Unit, Stmt) grammar chunk.
 LtExpr Grimp.newLtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a LtExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 LtExpr Grimp.newLtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a LtExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 MulExpr Grimp.newMulExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a MulExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 MulExpr Grimp.newMulExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a MulExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 NeExpr Grimp.newNeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a NeExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 NeExpr Grimp.newNeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a NeExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 NegExpr Grimp.newNegExpr(Value op)
          Constructs a NegExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 NegExpr Grimp.newNegExpr(Value op)
          Constructs a NegExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 NewArrayExpr Grimp.newNewArrayExpr(Type type, Value size)
          Constructs a NewArrayExpr(Type, Expr) grammar chunk.
 NewArrayExpr Grimp.newNewArrayExpr(Type type, Value size)
          Constructs a NewArrayExpr(Type, Expr) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Grimp.newObjExprBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Grimp.newObjExprBox(Value value)
 OrExpr Grimp.newOrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a OrExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 OrExpr Grimp.newOrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a OrExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 RemExpr Grimp.newRemExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a RemExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 RemExpr Grimp.newRemExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a RemExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 ReturnStmt Grimp.newReturnStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a ReturnStmt(Expr) grammar chunk.
 ReturnStmt Grimp.newReturnStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a ReturnStmt(Expr) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Grimp.newRValueBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Grimp.newRValueBox(Value value)
 ShlExpr Grimp.newShlExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a ShlExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 ShlExpr Grimp.newShlExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a ShlExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 ShrExpr Grimp.newShrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a ShrExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 ShrExpr Grimp.newShrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a ShrExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 SubExpr Grimp.newSubExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a SubExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 SubExpr Grimp.newSubExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a SubExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 TableSwitchStmt Grimp.newTableSwitchStmt(Value key, int lowIndex, int highIndex, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
          Constructs a TableSwitchStmt(Expr, int, int, List of Unit, Stmt) grammar chunk.
 TableSwitchStmt Grimp.newTableSwitchStmt(Value key, int lowIndex, int highIndex, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
          Constructs a TableSwitchStmt(Expr, int, int, List of Unit, Stmt) grammar chunk.
 ThrowStmt Grimp.newThrowStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a ThrowStmt(Expr) grammar chunk.
 ThrowStmt Grimp.newThrowStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a ThrowStmt(Expr) grammar chunk.
 UshrExpr Grimp.newUshrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a UshrExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 UshrExpr Grimp.newUshrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a UshrExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Grimp.newVariableBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Grimp.newVariableBox(Value value)
 XorExpr Grimp.newXorExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a XorExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.
 XorExpr Grimp.newXorExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a XorExpr(Expr, Expr) grammar chunk.

Method parameters in soot.grimp with type arguments of type Value
 DynamicInvokeExpr Grimp.newDynamicInvokeExpr(SootMethodRef bootstrapMethodRef, List<Value> bootstrapArgs, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
          Constructs a new DynamicInvokeExpr grammar chunk.
 DynamicInvokeExpr Grimp.newDynamicInvokeExpr(SootMethodRef bootstrapMethodRef, List<Value> bootstrapArgs, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
          Constructs a new DynamicInvokeExpr grammar chunk.

Uses of Value in soot.grimp.internal

Classes in soot.grimp.internal that implement Value
 class AbstractGrimpFloatBinopExpr
 class AbstractGrimpIntBinopExpr
 class AbstractGrimpIntLongBinopExpr
 class GAddExpr
 class GAndExpr
 class GArrayRef
 class GCastExpr
 class GCmpExpr
 class GCmpgExpr
 class GCmplExpr
 class GDivExpr
 class GDynamicInvokeExpr
 class GEqExpr
 class GGeExpr
 class GGtExpr
 class GInstanceFieldRef
 class GInstanceOfExpr
 class GInterfaceInvokeExpr
 class GLeExpr
 class GLengthExpr
 class GLtExpr
 class GMulExpr
 class GNeExpr
 class GNegExpr
 class GNewArrayExpr
 class GNewInvokeExpr
 class GNewMultiArrayExpr
 class GOrExpr
 class GRemExpr
 class GShlExpr
 class GShrExpr
 class GSpecialInvokeExpr
 class GStaticInvokeExpr
 class GSubExpr
 class GUshrExpr
 class GVirtualInvokeExpr
 class GXorExpr

Methods in soot.grimp.internal that return types with arguments of type Value
 List<Value> GDynamicInvokeExpr.getBootstrapArgs()
 List<Value> GDynamicInvokeExpr.getBootstrapArgs()

Methods in soot.grimp.internal with parameters of type Value
 boolean ExprBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean GRValueBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean ObjExprBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean ObjExprBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean GRValueBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean ExprBox.canContainValue(Value value)

Constructors in soot.grimp.internal with parameters of type Value
AbstractGrimpIntBinopExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
AbstractGrimpIntBinopExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
ExprBox(Value value)
ExprBox(Value value)
GAddExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GAddExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GAndExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GAndExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GArrayRef(Value base, Value index)
GArrayRef(Value base, Value index)
GAssignStmt(Value variable, Value rvalue)
GAssignStmt(Value variable, Value rvalue)
GCastExpr(Value op, Type type)
GCastExpr(Value op, Type type)
GCmpExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GCmpExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GCmpgExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GCmpgExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GCmplExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GCmplExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GDivExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GDivExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GEnterMonitorStmt(Value op)
GEnterMonitorStmt(Value op)
GEqExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GEqExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GExitMonitorStmt(Value op)
GExitMonitorStmt(Value op)
GGeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GGeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GGtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GGtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GIdentityStmt(Value local, Value identityValue)
GIdentityStmt(Value local, Value identityValue)
GIfStmt(Value condition, Unit target)
GIfStmt(Value condition, Unit target)
GInstanceFieldRef(Value base, SootFieldRef fieldRef)
GInstanceFieldRef(Value base, SootFieldRef fieldRef)
GInstanceOfExpr(Value op, Type checkType)
GInstanceOfExpr(Value op, Type checkType)
GInterfaceInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
GInterfaceInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
GInvokeStmt(Value c)
GInvokeStmt(Value c)
GLeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GLeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GLengthExpr(Value op)
GLengthExpr(Value op)
GLookupSwitchStmt(Value key, List lookupValues, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
GLookupSwitchStmt(Value key, List lookupValues, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
GLtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GLtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GMulExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GMulExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GNeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GNeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GNegExpr(Value op)
GNegExpr(Value op)
GNewArrayExpr(Type type, Value size)
GNewArrayExpr(Type type, Value size)
GOrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GOrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GRemExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GRemExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GReturnStmt(Value returnValue)
GReturnStmt(Value returnValue)
GRValueBox(Value value)
GRValueBox(Value value)
GShlExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GShlExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GShrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GShrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GSpecialInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
GSpecialInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
GSubExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GSubExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GTableSwitchStmt(Value key, int lowIndex, int highIndex, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
GTableSwitchStmt(Value key, int lowIndex, int highIndex, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
GThrowStmt(Value op)
GThrowStmt(Value op)
GUshrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GUshrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GVirtualInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
GVirtualInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
GXorExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
GXorExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
ObjExprBox(Value value)
ObjExprBox(Value value)

Constructor parameters in soot.grimp.internal with type arguments of type Value
GDynamicInvokeExpr(SootMethodRef bootStrapMethodRef, List<Value> bootstrapArgs, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
GDynamicInvokeExpr(SootMethodRef bootStrapMethodRef, List<Value> bootstrapArgs, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)

Uses of Value in soot.javaToJimple

Fields in soot.javaToJimple with type parameters of type Value
protected  Stack<Value> JimpleBodyBuilder.monitorStack
protected  Stack<Value> JimpleBodyBuilder.monitorStack

Methods in soot.javaToJimple that return Value
protected  Value AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.createAggressiveExpr(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, boolean reduceAggressively, boolean reverseCondIfNec)
protected  Value AccessFieldJBB.createAggressiveExpr(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, boolean redAgg, boolean revIfNec)
protected  Value CommaJBB.createAggressiveExpr(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, boolean redAggr, boolean revIfNec)
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.createAggressiveExpr(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, boolean reduceAggressively, boolean reverseCondIfNec)
          Aggressive Expression Creation make reduceAggressively true to not reduce all the way to a local
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.createAggressiveExpr(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, boolean reduceAggressively, boolean reverseCondIfNec)
          Aggressive Expression Creation make reduceAggressively true to not reduce all the way to a local
protected  Value CommaJBB.createAggressiveExpr(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, boolean redAggr, boolean revIfNec)
protected  Value AccessFieldJBB.createAggressiveExpr(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, boolean redAgg, boolean revIfNec)
protected  Value AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.createAggressiveExpr(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, boolean reduceAggressively, boolean reverseCondIfNec)
protected  Value AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.createLHS(polyglot.ast.Expr expr)
protected  Value AccessFieldJBB.createLHS(polyglot.ast.Expr expr)
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.createLHS(polyglot.ast.Expr expr)
          create LHS expressions
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.createLHS(polyglot.ast.Expr expr)
          create LHS expressions
protected  Value AccessFieldJBB.createLHS(polyglot.ast.Expr expr)
protected  Value AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.createLHS(polyglot.ast.Expr expr)
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.getAssignLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign)
          Assign Expression Creation
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.getAssignLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign)
          Assign Expression Creation
protected  Value AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.getAssignRightLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign, Local leftLocal)
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.getAssignRightLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign, Local leftLocal)
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.getAssignRightLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign, Local leftLocal)
protected  Value AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.getAssignRightLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign, Local leftLocal)
protected  Value AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.getBaseLocal(polyglot.ast.Receiver receiver)
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.getBaseLocal(polyglot.ast.Receiver receiver)
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.getBaseLocal(polyglot.ast.Receiver receiver)
protected  Value AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.getBaseLocal(polyglot.ast.Receiver receiver)
protected  Value AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.getSimpleAssignRightLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign)
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.getSimpleAssignRightLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign)
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.getSimpleAssignRightLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign)
protected  Value AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.getSimpleAssignRightLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign)

Methods in soot.javaToJimple with parameters of type Value
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldSet(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, Value right, Value base)
protected  Local AccessFieldJBB.handlePrivateFieldSet(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, Value right, Value baseLocal)
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldSet(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, Value right, Value base)
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldSet(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, Value right, Value base)
protected  Local AccessFieldJBB.handlePrivateFieldSet(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, Value right, Value baseLocal)
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldSet(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, Value right, Value base)

Uses of Value in soot.jimple

Subinterfaces of Value in soot.jimple
 interface AddExpr
 interface AndExpr
 interface AnyNewExpr
          Any expression that allocates objects.
 interface ArrayRef
 interface BinopExpr
 interface CastExpr
 interface CaughtExceptionRef
 interface CmpExpr
 interface CmpgExpr
 interface CmplExpr
 interface ConcreteRef
 interface ConditionExpr
 interface DivExpr
 interface DynamicInvokeExpr
 interface EqExpr
 interface Expr
 interface FieldRef
 interface GeExpr
 interface GtExpr
 interface IdentityRef
 interface InstanceFieldRef
 interface InstanceInvokeExpr
 interface InstanceOfExpr
 interface InterfaceInvokeExpr
 interface InvokeExpr
 interface LeExpr
 interface LengthExpr
 interface LtExpr
 interface MulExpr
 interface NeExpr
 interface NegExpr
 interface NewArrayExpr
 interface NewExpr
 interface NewMultiArrayExpr
 interface OrExpr
 interface Ref
 interface RemExpr
 interface ShlExpr
 interface ShrExpr
 interface SpecialInvokeExpr
 interface StaticInvokeExpr
 interface SubExpr
 interface UnopExpr
 interface UshrExpr
 interface VirtualInvokeExpr
 interface XorExpr

Classes in soot.jimple that implement Value
 class ArithmeticConstant
 class ClassConstant
 class Constant
 class DoubleConstant
 class FloatConstant
 class IntConstant
 class LongConstant
 class NullConstant
 class NumericConstant
 class ParameterRef
          ParameterRef objects are used by Body objects to refer to the parameter slots on method entry.
 class RealConstant
 class StaticFieldRef
 class StringConstant
 class ThisRef

Methods in soot.jimple that return Value
static Value Jimple.cloneIfNecessary(Value val)
static Value Jimple.cloneIfNecessary(Value val)
 Value InvokeExpr.getArg(int index)
 Value InvokeExpr.getArg(int index)
 Value ArrayRef.getBase()
 Value InstanceFieldRef.getBase()
 Value InstanceInvokeExpr.getBase()
 Value InstanceInvokeExpr.getBase()
 Value InstanceFieldRef.getBase()
 Value ArrayRef.getBase()
 Value IfStmt.getCondition()
 Value IfStmt.getCondition()
 Value ArrayRef.getIndex()
 Value ArrayRef.getIndex()
 Value LookupSwitchStmt.getKey()
 Value TableSwitchStmt.getKey()
 Value TableSwitchStmt.getKey()
 Value LookupSwitchStmt.getKey()
 Value DefinitionStmt.getLeftOp()
 Value DefinitionStmt.getLeftOp()
 Value CastExpr.getOp()
 Value EnterMonitorStmt.getOp()
 Value ExitMonitorStmt.getOp()
 Value InstanceOfExpr.getOp()
 Value MonitorStmt.getOp()
 Value ReturnStmt.getOp()
 Value ThrowStmt.getOp()
 Value UnopExpr.getOp()
 Value UnopExpr.getOp()
 Value ThrowStmt.getOp()
 Value ReturnStmt.getOp()
 Value MonitorStmt.getOp()
 Value InstanceOfExpr.getOp()
 Value ExitMonitorStmt.getOp()
 Value EnterMonitorStmt.getOp()
 Value CastExpr.getOp()
 Value BinopExpr.getOp1()
 Value BinopExpr.getOp1()
 Value BinopExpr.getOp2()
 Value BinopExpr.getOp2()
 Value DefinitionStmt.getRightOp()
 Value DefinitionStmt.getRightOp()
 Value NewArrayExpr.getSize()
 Value NewArrayExpr.getSize()
 Value NewMultiArrayExpr.getSize(int index)
 Value NewMultiArrayExpr.getSize(int index)
 Value RetStmt.getStmtAddress()
 Value RetStmt.getStmtAddress()

Methods in soot.jimple that return types with arguments of type Value
 List<Value> InvokeExpr.getArgs()
 List<Value> InvokeExpr.getArgs()
 List<Value> DynamicInvokeExpr.getBootstrapArgs()
 List<Value> DynamicInvokeExpr.getBootstrapArgs()

Methods in soot.jimple with parameters of type Value
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseAssignConstStmt(Value dest, Constant c)
          A statement of the form l = constant;
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseAssignConstStmt(Value dest, Constant c)
          A statement of the form l = constant;
static Value Jimple.cloneIfNecessary(Value val)
static Value Jimple.cloneIfNecessary(Value val)
 AddExpr Jimple.newAddExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a AddExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 AddExpr Jimple.newAddExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a AddExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 AndExpr Jimple.newAndExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a AndExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 AndExpr Jimple.newAndExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a AndExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Jimple.newArgBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Jimple.newArgBox(Value value)
 ArrayRef Jimple.newArrayRef(Value base, Value index)
          Constructs a ArrayRef(Local, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ArrayRef Jimple.newArrayRef(Value base, Value index)
          Constructs a ArrayRef(Local, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 AssignStmt Jimple.newAssignStmt(Value variable, Value rvalue)
          Constructs a AssignStmt(Variable, RValue) grammar chunk.
 AssignStmt Jimple.newAssignStmt(Value variable, Value rvalue)
          Constructs a AssignStmt(Variable, RValue) grammar chunk.
 CastExpr Jimple.newCastExpr(Value op1, Type t)
          Constructs a CastExpr(Immediate, Type) grammar chunk.
 CastExpr Jimple.newCastExpr(Value op1, Type t)
          Constructs a CastExpr(Immediate, Type) grammar chunk.
 CmpExpr Jimple.newCmpExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a CmpExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 CmpExpr Jimple.newCmpExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a CmpExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 CmpgExpr Jimple.newCmpgExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a CmpgExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 CmpgExpr Jimple.newCmpgExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a CmpgExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 CmplExpr Jimple.newCmplExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a CmplExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 CmplExpr Jimple.newCmplExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a CmplExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Jimple.newConditionExprBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Jimple.newConditionExprBox(Value value)
 DivExpr Jimple.newDivExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a DivExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 DivExpr Jimple.newDivExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a DivExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 EnterMonitorStmt Jimple.newEnterMonitorStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a EnterMonitorStmt(Immediate) grammar chunk.
 EnterMonitorStmt Jimple.newEnterMonitorStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a EnterMonitorStmt(Immediate) grammar chunk.
 EqExpr Jimple.newEqExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a EqExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 EqExpr Jimple.newEqExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a EqExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ExitMonitorStmt Jimple.newExitMonitorStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a ExitMonitorStmt(Immediate) grammar chunk
 ExitMonitorStmt Jimple.newExitMonitorStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a ExitMonitorStmt(Immediate) grammar chunk
 GeExpr Jimple.newGeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a GeExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 GeExpr Jimple.newGeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a GeExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 GtExpr Jimple.newGtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a GtExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 GtExpr Jimple.newGtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a GtExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Jimple.newIdentityRefBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Jimple.newIdentityRefBox(Value value)
 IdentityStmt Jimple.newIdentityStmt(Value local, Value identityRef)
          Constructs a IdentityStmt(Local, IdentityRef) grammar chunk.
 IdentityStmt Jimple.newIdentityStmt(Value local, Value identityRef)
          Constructs a IdentityStmt(Local, IdentityRef) grammar chunk.
 IfStmt Jimple.newIfStmt(Value condition, Unit target)
          Constructs a IfStmt(Condition, Stmt) grammar chunk.
 IfStmt Jimple.newIfStmt(Value condition, Unit target)
          Constructs a IfStmt(Condition, Stmt) grammar chunk.
 IfStmt Jimple.newIfStmt(Value condition, UnitBox target)
 IfStmt Jimple.newIfStmt(Value condition, UnitBox target)
 ValueBox Jimple.newImmediateBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Jimple.newImmediateBox(Value value)
 InstanceFieldRef Jimple.newInstanceFieldRef(Value base, SootFieldRef f)
          Constructs a InstanceFieldRef(Local, SootFieldRef) grammar chunk.
 InstanceFieldRef Jimple.newInstanceFieldRef(Value base, SootFieldRef f)
          Constructs a InstanceFieldRef(Local, SootFieldRef) grammar chunk.
 InstanceOfExpr Jimple.newInstanceOfExpr(Value op1, Type t)
          Constructs a InstanceOfExpr(Immediate, Type) grammar chunk.
 InstanceOfExpr Jimple.newInstanceOfExpr(Value op1, Type t)
          Constructs a InstanceOfExpr(Immediate, Type) grammar chunk.
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Jimple.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg)
          Constructs a NewInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Jimple.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg)
          Constructs a NewInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Jimple.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Jimple.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Jimple.newInvokeExprBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Jimple.newInvokeExprBox(Value value)
 InvokeStmt Jimple.newInvokeStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a InvokeStmt(InvokeExpr) grammar chunk.
 InvokeStmt Jimple.newInvokeStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a InvokeStmt(InvokeExpr) grammar chunk.
 LeExpr Jimple.newLeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a LeExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 LeExpr Jimple.newLeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a LeExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 LengthExpr Jimple.newLengthExpr(Value op)
          Constructs a LengthExpr(Immediate) grammar chunk.
 LengthExpr Jimple.newLengthExpr(Value op)
          Constructs a LengthExpr(Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Jimple.newLocalBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Jimple.newLocalBox(Value value)
 LookupSwitchStmt Jimple.newLookupSwitchStmt(Value key, List<Object> lookupValues, List<Object> targets, UnitBox defaultTarget)
 LookupSwitchStmt Jimple.newLookupSwitchStmt(Value key, List<Object> lookupValues, List<Object> targets, UnitBox defaultTarget)
 LookupSwitchStmt Jimple.newLookupSwitchStmt(Value key, List lookupValues, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
          Constructs a LookupSwitchStmt(Immediate, List of Immediate, List of Unit, Stmt) grammar chunk.
 LookupSwitchStmt Jimple.newLookupSwitchStmt(Value key, List lookupValues, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
          Constructs a LookupSwitchStmt(Immediate, List of Immediate, List of Unit, Stmt) grammar chunk.
 LtExpr Jimple.newLtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a LtExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 LtExpr Jimple.newLtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a LtExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 MulExpr Jimple.newMulExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a MulExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 MulExpr Jimple.newMulExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a MulExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 NeExpr Jimple.newNeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a NeExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 NeExpr Jimple.newNeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a NeExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 NegExpr Jimple.newNegExpr(Value op)
          Constructs a NegExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 NegExpr Jimple.newNegExpr(Value op)
          Constructs a NegExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 NewArrayExpr Jimple.newNewArrayExpr(Type type, Value size)
          Constructs a NewArrayExpr(Type, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 NewArrayExpr Jimple.newNewArrayExpr(Type type, Value size)
          Constructs a NewArrayExpr(Type, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 OrExpr Jimple.newOrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a OrExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 OrExpr Jimple.newOrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a OrExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 RemExpr Jimple.newRemExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a RemExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 RemExpr Jimple.newRemExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a RemExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 RetStmt Jimple.newRetStmt(Value stmtAddress)
          Constructs a RetStmt(Local) grammar chunk.
 RetStmt Jimple.newRetStmt(Value stmtAddress)
          Constructs a RetStmt(Local) grammar chunk.
 ReturnStmt Jimple.newReturnStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a ReturnStmt(Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ReturnStmt Jimple.newReturnStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a ReturnStmt(Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Jimple.newRValueBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Jimple.newRValueBox(Value value)
 ShlExpr Jimple.newShlExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a ShlExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ShlExpr Jimple.newShlExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a ShlExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ShrExpr Jimple.newShrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a ShrExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ShrExpr Jimple.newShrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a ShrExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Jimple.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg)
          Constructs a NewSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Jimple.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg)
          Constructs a NewSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Jimple.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Jimple.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 StaticInvokeExpr Jimple.newStaticInvokeExpr(SootMethodRef method, Value... args)
          Constructs a NewStaticInvokeExpr(ArrayType, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 StaticInvokeExpr Jimple.newStaticInvokeExpr(SootMethodRef method, Value... args)
          Constructs a NewStaticInvokeExpr(ArrayType, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 StaticInvokeExpr Jimple.newStaticInvokeExpr(SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewStaticInvokeExpr(ArrayType, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 StaticInvokeExpr Jimple.newStaticInvokeExpr(SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewStaticInvokeExpr(ArrayType, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SubExpr Jimple.newSubExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a SubExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SubExpr Jimple.newSubExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a SubExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 TableSwitchStmt Jimple.newTableSwitchStmt(Value key, int lowIndex, int highIndex, List<Object> targets, UnitBox defaultTarget)
 TableSwitchStmt Jimple.newTableSwitchStmt(Value key, int lowIndex, int highIndex, List<Object> targets, UnitBox defaultTarget)
 TableSwitchStmt Jimple.newTableSwitchStmt(Value key, int lowIndex, int highIndex, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
          Constructs a TableSwitchStmt(Immediate, int, int, List of Unit, Stmt) grammar chunk.
 TableSwitchStmt Jimple.newTableSwitchStmt(Value key, int lowIndex, int highIndex, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
          Constructs a TableSwitchStmt(Immediate, int, int, List of Unit, Stmt) grammar chunk.
 ThrowStmt Jimple.newThrowStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a ThrowStmt(Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ThrowStmt Jimple.newThrowStmt(Value op)
          Constructs a ThrowStmt(Immediate) grammar chunk.
 UshrExpr Jimple.newUshrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a UshrExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 UshrExpr Jimple.newUshrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a UshrExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 ValueBox Jimple.newVariableBox(Value value)
 ValueBox Jimple.newVariableBox(Value value)
 VirtualInvokeExpr Jimple.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg)
          Constructs a NewVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 VirtualInvokeExpr Jimple.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg)
          Constructs a NewVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 VirtualInvokeExpr Jimple.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 VirtualInvokeExpr Jimple.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 XorExpr Jimple.newXorExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a XorExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 XorExpr Jimple.newXorExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
          Constructs a XorExpr(Immediate, Immediate) grammar chunk.
 void InvokeExpr.setArg(int index, Value arg)
 void InvokeExpr.setArg(int index, Value arg)
 void InstanceFieldRef.setBase(Value base)
 void InstanceInvokeExpr.setBase(Value base)
 void InstanceInvokeExpr.setBase(Value base)
 void InstanceFieldRef.setBase(Value base)
 void IfStmt.setCondition(Value condition)
          condition must be soot.jimple.ConditionExpr
 void IfStmt.setCondition(Value condition)
          condition must be soot.jimple.ConditionExpr
 void ArrayRef.setIndex(Value index)
 void ArrayRef.setIndex(Value index)
 void InvokeStmt.setInvokeExpr(Value invokeExpr)
 void InvokeStmt.setInvokeExpr(Value invokeExpr)
 void LookupSwitchStmt.setKey(Value key)
 void TableSwitchStmt.setKey(Value key)
 void TableSwitchStmt.setKey(Value key)
 void LookupSwitchStmt.setKey(Value key)
 void AssignStmt.setLeftOp(Value variable)
 void AssignStmt.setLeftOp(Value variable)
 void CastExpr.setOp(Value op)
 void EnterMonitorStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void ExitMonitorStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void InstanceOfExpr.setOp(Value op)
 void MonitorStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void ReturnStmt.setOp(Value returnValue)
 void ThrowStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void UnopExpr.setOp(Value op)
 void UnopExpr.setOp(Value op)
 void ThrowStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void ReturnStmt.setOp(Value returnValue)
 void MonitorStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void InstanceOfExpr.setOp(Value op)
 void ExitMonitorStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void EnterMonitorStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void CastExpr.setOp(Value op)
 void BinopExpr.setOp1(Value op1)
 void BinopExpr.setOp1(Value op1)
 void BinopExpr.setOp2(Value op2)
 void BinopExpr.setOp2(Value op2)
 void AssignStmt.setRightOp(Value rvalue)
 void AssignStmt.setRightOp(Value rvalue)
 void NewMultiArrayExpr.setSize(int index, Value size)
 void NewMultiArrayExpr.setSize(int index, Value size)
 void NewArrayExpr.setSize(Value size)
 void NewArrayExpr.setSize(Value size)
 void RetStmt.setStmtAddress(Value stmtAddress)
 void RetStmt.setStmtAddress(Value stmtAddress)
 boolean NaiveSideEffectTester.unitCanReadFrom(Unit u, Value v)
          Returns true if the unit can read from v.
 boolean NaiveSideEffectTester.unitCanReadFrom(Unit u, Value v)
          Returns true if the unit can read from v.
 boolean NaiveSideEffectTester.unitCanWriteTo(Unit u, Value v)
 boolean NaiveSideEffectTester.unitCanWriteTo(Unit u, Value v)

Uses of Value in soot.jimple.internal

Classes in soot.jimple.internal that implement Value
 class AbstractBinopExpr
 class AbstractCastExpr
 class AbstractFloatBinopExpr
 class AbstractInstanceFieldRef
 class AbstractInstanceInvokeExpr
 class AbstractInstanceOfExpr
 class AbstractIntBinopExpr
 class AbstractInterfaceInvokeExpr
 class AbstractIntLongBinopExpr
 class AbstractInvokeExpr
 class AbstractJimpleBinopExpr
 class AbstractJimpleFloatBinopExpr
 class AbstractJimpleIntBinopExpr
 class AbstractJimpleIntLongBinopExpr
 class AbstractLengthExpr
 class AbstractNegExpr
 class AbstractNewArrayExpr
 class AbstractNewExpr
 class AbstractNewMultiArrayExpr
 class AbstractSpecialInvokeExpr
 class AbstractStaticInvokeExpr
 class AbstractUnopExpr
 class AbstractVirtualInvokeExpr
 class JAddExpr
 class JAndExpr
 class JArrayRef
 class JCastExpr
 class JCaughtExceptionRef
 class JCmpExpr
 class JCmpgExpr
 class JCmplExpr
 class JDivExpr
 class JDynamicInvokeExpr
 class JEqExpr
 class JGeExpr
 class JGtExpr
 class JimpleLocal
 class JInstanceFieldRef
 class JInstanceOfExpr
 class JInterfaceInvokeExpr
 class JLeExpr
 class JLengthExpr
 class JLtExpr
 class JMulExpr
 class JNeExpr
 class JNegExpr
 class JNewArrayExpr
 class JNewExpr
 class JNewMultiArrayExpr
 class JOrExpr
 class JRemExpr
 class JShlExpr
 class JShrExpr
 class JSpecialInvokeExpr
 class JStaticInvokeExpr
 class JSubExpr
 class JUshrExpr
 class JVirtualInvokeExpr
 class JXorExpr

Methods in soot.jimple.internal that return Value
 Value AbstractInvokeExpr.getArg(int index)
 Value AbstractInvokeExpr.getArg(int index)
 Value AbstractInstanceFieldRef.getBase()
 Value AbstractInstanceInvokeExpr.getBase()
 Value JArrayRef.getBase()
 Value JArrayRef.getBase()
 Value AbstractInstanceInvokeExpr.getBase()
 Value AbstractInstanceFieldRef.getBase()
 Value JDynamicInvokeExpr.getBootstrapArg(int index)
 Value JDynamicInvokeExpr.getBootstrapArg(int index)
 Value JIfStmt.getCondition()
 Value JIfStmt.getCondition()
 Value JArrayRef.getIndex()
 Value JArrayRef.getIndex()
 Value JLookupSwitchStmt.getKey()
 Value JTableSwitchStmt.getKey()
 Value JTableSwitchStmt.getKey()
 Value JLookupSwitchStmt.getKey()
 Value AbstractDefinitionStmt.getLeftOp()
 Value AbstractDefinitionStmt.getLeftOp()
 Value AbstractCastExpr.getOp()
 Value AbstractInstanceOfExpr.getOp()
 Value AbstractUnopExpr.getOp()
 Value JEnterMonitorStmt.getOp()
 Value JExitMonitorStmt.getOp()
 Value JReturnStmt.getOp()
 Value JThrowStmt.getOp()
 Value JThrowStmt.getOp()
 Value JReturnStmt.getOp()
 Value JExitMonitorStmt.getOp()
 Value JEnterMonitorStmt.getOp()
 Value AbstractUnopExpr.getOp()
 Value AbstractInstanceOfExpr.getOp()
 Value AbstractCastExpr.getOp()
 Value AbstractBinopExpr.getOp1()
 Value AbstractBinopExpr.getOp1()
 Value AbstractBinopExpr.getOp2()
 Value AbstractBinopExpr.getOp2()
 Value AbstractDefinitionStmt.getRightOp()
 Value AbstractDefinitionStmt.getRightOp()
 Value AbstractNewArrayExpr.getSize()
 Value AbstractNewArrayExpr.getSize()
 Value AbstractNewMultiArrayExpr.getSize(int index)
 Value AbstractNewMultiArrayExpr.getSize(int index)
 Value JRetStmt.getStmtAddress()
 Value JRetStmt.getStmtAddress()

Methods in soot.jimple.internal with parameters of type Value
 boolean ConditionExprBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean IdentityRefBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean ImmediateBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean InvokeExprBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean JimpleLocalBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean RValueBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean VariableBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean VariableBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean RValueBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean JimpleLocalBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean InvokeExprBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean ImmediateBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean IdentityRefBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean ConditionExprBox.canContainValue(Value value)
 void AbstractInvokeExpr.setArg(int index, Value arg)
 void AbstractInvokeExpr.setArg(int index, Value arg)
 void AbstractInstanceFieldRef.setBase(Value base)
 void AbstractInstanceInvokeExpr.setBase(Value base)
 void AbstractInstanceInvokeExpr.setBase(Value base)
 void AbstractInstanceFieldRef.setBase(Value base)
 void JIfStmt.setCondition(Value condition)
 void JIfStmt.setCondition(Value condition)
 void JArrayRef.setIndex(Value index)
 void JArrayRef.setIndex(Value index)
 void JInvokeStmt.setInvokeExpr(Value invokeExpr)
 void JInvokeStmt.setInvokeExpr(Value invokeExpr)
 void JLookupSwitchStmt.setKey(Value key)
 void JTableSwitchStmt.setKey(Value key)
 void JTableSwitchStmt.setKey(Value key)
 void JLookupSwitchStmt.setKey(Value key)
 void JAssignStmt.setLeftOp(Value variable)
 void JIdentityStmt.setLeftOp(Value local)
 void JIdentityStmt.setLeftOp(Value local)
 void JAssignStmt.setLeftOp(Value variable)
 void AbstractCastExpr.setOp(Value op)
 void AbstractInstanceOfExpr.setOp(Value op)
 void AbstractUnopExpr.setOp(Value op)
 void JEnterMonitorStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void JExitMonitorStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void JReturnStmt.setOp(Value returnValue)
 void JThrowStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void JThrowStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void JReturnStmt.setOp(Value returnValue)
 void JExitMonitorStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void JEnterMonitorStmt.setOp(Value op)
 void AbstractUnopExpr.setOp(Value op)
 void AbstractInstanceOfExpr.setOp(Value op)
 void AbstractCastExpr.setOp(Value op)
 void AbstractBinopExpr.setOp1(Value op1)
 void AbstractBinopExpr.setOp1(Value op1)
 void AbstractBinopExpr.setOp2(Value op2)
 void AbstractBinopExpr.setOp2(Value op2)
 void JAssignStmt.setRightOp(Value rvalue)
 void JIdentityStmt.setRightOp(Value identityRef)
 void JIdentityStmt.setRightOp(Value identityRef)
 void JAssignStmt.setRightOp(Value rvalue)
 void AbstractNewMultiArrayExpr.setSize(int index, Value size)
 void AbstractNewMultiArrayExpr.setSize(int index, Value size)
 void AbstractNewArrayExpr.setSize(Value size)
 void AbstractNewArrayExpr.setSize(Value size)
 void JRetStmt.setStmtAddress(Value stmtAddress)
 void JRetStmt.setStmtAddress(Value stmtAddress)

Constructors in soot.jimple.internal with parameters of type Value
AbstractJimpleBinopExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
AbstractJimpleBinopExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
AbstractJimpleIntBinopExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
AbstractJimpleIntBinopExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
AbstractJimpleIntLongBinopExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
AbstractJimpleIntLongBinopExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
ConditionExprBox(Value value)
ConditionExprBox(Value value)
IdentityRefBox(Value value)
IdentityRefBox(Value value)
ImmediateBox(Value value)
ImmediateBox(Value value)
InvokeExprBox(Value value)
InvokeExprBox(Value value)
JAddExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JAddExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JAndExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JAndExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JArrayRef(Value base, Value index)
JArrayRef(Value base, Value index)
JAssignStmt(Value variable, Value rvalue)
JAssignStmt(Value variable, Value rvalue)
JCastExpr(Value op, Type type)
JCastExpr(Value op, Type type)
JCmpExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JCmpExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JCmpgExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JCmpgExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JCmplExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JCmplExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JDivExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JDivExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JEnterMonitorStmt(Value op)
JEnterMonitorStmt(Value op)
JEqExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JEqExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JExitMonitorStmt(Value op)
JExitMonitorStmt(Value op)
JGeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JGeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JGtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JGtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JIdentityStmt(Value local, Value identityValue)
JIdentityStmt(Value local, Value identityValue)
JIfStmt(Value condition, Unit target)
JIfStmt(Value condition, Unit target)
JIfStmt(Value condition, UnitBox target)
JIfStmt(Value condition, UnitBox target)
JimpleLocalBox(Value value)
JimpleLocalBox(Value value)
JInstanceFieldRef(Value base, SootFieldRef fieldRef)
JInstanceFieldRef(Value base, SootFieldRef fieldRef)
JInstanceOfExpr(Value op, Type checkType)
JInstanceOfExpr(Value op, Type checkType)
JInterfaceInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
JInterfaceInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
JInvokeStmt(Value c)
JInvokeStmt(Value c)
JLeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JLeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JLengthExpr(Value op)
JLengthExpr(Value op)
JLookupSwitchStmt(Value key, List<Object> lookupValues, List<Object> targets, UnitBox defaultTarget)
          Constructs a new JLookupSwitchStmt.
JLookupSwitchStmt(Value key, List<Object> lookupValues, List<Object> targets, UnitBox defaultTarget)
          Constructs a new JLookupSwitchStmt.
JLookupSwitchStmt(Value key, List lookupValues, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
          Constructs a new JLookupSwitchStmt.
JLookupSwitchStmt(Value key, List lookupValues, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
          Constructs a new JLookupSwitchStmt.
JLtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JLtExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JMulExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JMulExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JNeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JNeExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JNegExpr(Value op)
JNegExpr(Value op)
JNewArrayExpr(Type type, Value size)
JNewArrayExpr(Type type, Value size)
JOrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JOrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JRemExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JRemExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JRetStmt(Value stmtAddress)
JRetStmt(Value stmtAddress)
JReturnStmt(Value returnValue)
JReturnStmt(Value returnValue)
JShlExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JShlExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JShrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JShrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JSubExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JSubExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JTableSwitchStmt(Value key, int lowIndex, int highIndex, List<Object> targets, UnitBox defaultTarget)
JTableSwitchStmt(Value key, int lowIndex, int highIndex, List<Object> targets, UnitBox defaultTarget)
JTableSwitchStmt(Value key, int lowIndex, int highIndex, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
JTableSwitchStmt(Value key, int lowIndex, int highIndex, List targets, Unit defaultTarget)
JThrowStmt(Value op)
JThrowStmt(Value op)
JUshrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JUshrExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JVirtualInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
JVirtualInvokeExpr(Value base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
JXorExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
JXorExpr(Value op1, Value op2)
RValueBox(Value value)
RValueBox(Value value)
VariableBox(Value value)
VariableBox(Value value)

Constructor parameters in soot.jimple.internal with type arguments of type Value
JDynamicInvokeExpr(SootMethodRef bootstrapMethodRef, List<Value> bootstrapArgs, SootMethodRef methodRef, List<Value> methodArgs)
JDynamicInvokeExpr(SootMethodRef bootstrapMethodRef, List<Value> bootstrapArgs, SootMethodRef methodRef, List<Value> methodArgs)
JDynamicInvokeExpr(SootMethodRef bootstrapMethodRef, List<Value> bootstrapArgs, SootMethodRef methodRef, List<Value> methodArgs)
JDynamicInvokeExpr(SootMethodRef bootstrapMethodRef, List<Value> bootstrapArgs, SootMethodRef methodRef, List<Value> methodArgs)

Uses of Value in soot.jimple.spark.builder

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.builder with parameters of type Value
 Node MethodNodeFactory.getNode(Value v)
 Node MethodNodeFactory.getNode(Value v)

Uses of Value in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.nullcheck

Fields in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.nullcheck with type parameters of type Value
protected  Map<Unit,HashSet<Value>> BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.unitToAnalyzedChecksSet
protected  Map<Unit,HashSet<Value>> BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.unitToAnalyzedChecksSet
protected  Map<Unit,HashSet<Value>> BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.unitToArrayRefChecksSet
protected  Map<Unit,HashSet<Value>> BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.unitToArrayRefChecksSet
protected  Map<Unit,HashSet<Value>> BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.unitToInstanceFieldRefChecksSet
protected  Map<Unit,HashSet<Value>> BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.unitToInstanceFieldRefChecksSet
protected  Map<Unit,HashSet<Value>> BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.unitToInstanceInvokeExprChecksSet
protected  Map<Unit,HashSet<Value>> BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.unitToInstanceInvokeExprChecksSet
protected  Map<Unit,HashSet<Value>> BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.unitToLengthExprChecksSet
protected  Map<Unit,HashSet<Value>> BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.unitToLengthExprChecksSet
protected  HashMap<Value,Integer> NullnessAnalysis.valueToIndex
protected  HashMap<Value,Integer> NullnessAnalysis.valueToIndex

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.nullcheck with parameters of type Value
 int BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.anyRefInfo(Value r, FlowSet f)
 int BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.anyRefInfo(Value r, FlowSet f)
 int NullnessAnalysis.AnalysisInfo.get(Value key)
 int NullnessAnalysis.AnalysisInfo.get(Value key)
 EquivalentValue BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.getEquivalentValue(Value v)
 EquivalentValue BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.getEquivalentValue(Value v)
protected  boolean BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.isAlwaysNonNull(Value ro)
protected  boolean NullnessAnalysis.isAlwaysNonNull(Value v)
          This can be overwritten by sublasses to mark a certain value as constantly non-null.
protected  boolean NullnessAssumptionAnalysis.isAlwaysNonNull(Value v)
          This can be overridden by sublasses to mark a certain value as constantly non-null.
protected  boolean NullnessAssumptionAnalysis.isAlwaysNonNull(Value v)
          This can be overridden by sublasses to mark a certain value as constantly non-null.
protected  boolean NullnessAnalysis.isAlwaysNonNull(Value v)
          This can be overwritten by sublasses to mark a certain value as constantly non-null.
protected  boolean BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.isAlwaysNonNull(Value ro)
 void NullnessAnalysis.AnalysisInfo.put(Value key, int val)
 void NullnessAnalysis.AnalysisInfo.put(Value key, int val)
protected  int BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.refInfo(Value r, FlowSet fs)
protected  int BranchedRefVarsAnalysis.refInfo(Value r, FlowSet fs)

Uses of Value in soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow

Classes in soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow that implement Value
 class AbstractDataSource
 class CachedEquivalentValue
          An EquivalentValue with cached hash code and equals-relation.
 class FakeJimpleLocal

Fields in soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow with type parameters of type Value
protected  WeakHashMap<Value,Boolean> CachedEquivalentValue.isEquivalent
protected  WeakHashMap<Value,Boolean> CachedEquivalentValue.isEquivalent

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow that return Value
 Value SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.getThisLocal()
 Value SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.getThisLocal()
 Value SmartMethodLocalObjectsAnalysis.getThisLocal()
 Value SmartMethodLocalObjectsAnalysis.getThisLocal()
 Value SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.getThisLocal()
 Value SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.getThisLocal()

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow with parameters of type Value
 void SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.addToEntryInitialFlow(Value source, Value sink)
 void SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.addToEntryInitialFlow(Value source, Value sink)
 void SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.addToNewInitialFlow(Value source, Value sink)
 void SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.addToNewInitialFlow(Value source, Value sink)
protected  void SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleFlowsToDataStructure(Value base, Value source)
protected  void SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleFlowsToDataStructure(Value base, Value source)
protected  void SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleFlowsToDataStructure(Value base, Value initialSource, FlowSet fs)
protected  void SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleFlowsToDataStructure(Value base, Value initialSource, FlowSet fs)
protected  void SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleFlowsToValue(Value sink, Value source)
protected  void SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleFlowsToValue(Value sink, Value source)
protected  void SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleFlowsToValue(Value sink, Value initialSource, FlowSet fs)
protected  void SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleFlowsToValue(Value sink, Value initialSource, FlowSet fs)
protected  void SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleInnerField(Value innerFieldRef)
protected  void SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleInnerField(Value innerFieldRef)
 boolean SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.isInterestingSink(Value sink)
 boolean SimpleMethodLocalObjectsAnalysis.isInterestingSink(Value sink)
 boolean SimpleMethodLocalObjectsAnalysis.isInterestingSink(Value sink)
 boolean SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.isInterestingSink(Value sink)
 boolean SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.isInterestingSource(Value source)
 boolean SimpleMethodLocalObjectsAnalysis.isInterestingSource(Value source)
 boolean SimpleMethodLocalObjectsAnalysis.isInterestingSource(Value source)
 boolean SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.isInterestingSource(Value source)
static boolean SmartMethodLocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectLocal(InfoFlowAnalysis dfa, SootMethod method, CallLocalityContext context, Value local)
static boolean SmartMethodLocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectLocal(InfoFlowAnalysis dfa, SootMethod method, CallLocalityContext context, Value local)
 boolean SimpleMethodLocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectLocal(Value local)
 boolean SimpleMethodLocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectLocal(Value local)
 boolean SmartMethodLocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectLocal(Value local, CallLocalityContext context)
 boolean SmartMethodLocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectLocal(Value local, CallLocalityContext context)
 boolean ClassLocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectLocal(Value localOrRef, SootMethod sm)
 boolean ClassLocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectLocal(Value localOrRef, SootMethod sm)
 boolean LocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectLocalToContext(Value localOrRef, SootMethod sm, SootMethod context)
 boolean LocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectLocalToContext(Value localOrRef, SootMethod sm, SootMethod context)
 boolean LocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectLocalToParent(Value localOrRef, SootMethod sm)
 boolean LocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectLocalToParent(Value localOrRef, SootMethod sm)
 boolean SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.isTrackableSink(Value sink)
 boolean SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.isTrackableSink(Value sink)
 boolean SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.isTrackableSource(Value source)
 boolean SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.isTrackableSource(Value source)

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow with parameters of type Value
CachedEquivalentValue(Value e)
CachedEquivalentValue(Value e)

Uses of Value in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer

Fields in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer with type parameters of type Value
protected  Set<Value> LocalMustAliasAnalysis.localsAndFieldRefs
          The set of all local variables and field references that we track.
protected  Set<Value> LocalMustAliasAnalysis.localsAndFieldRefs
          The set of all local variables and field references that we track.
protected  Map<Unit,Map<Value,Integer>> LocalMustAliasAnalysis.mergePointToValueToNumber
          maps from a merge point (a unit) and a value to the unique value number of that value at this point
protected  Map<Unit,Map<Value,Integer>> LocalMustAliasAnalysis.mergePointToValueToNumber
          maps from a merge point (a unit) and a value to the unique value number of that value at this point
protected  Map<Value,Integer> LocalMustAliasAnalysis.rhsToNumber
          maps from right-hand side expressions (non-locals) to value numbers
protected  Map<Value,Integer> LocalMustAliasAnalysis.rhsToNumber
          maps from right-hand side expressions (non-locals) to value numbers

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer that return types with arguments of type Value
protected  HashMap<Value,Object> LocalMustAliasAnalysis.entryInitialFlow()
          Initial most conservative value: has to be UNKNOWN (top).
protected  HashMap<Value,Object> LocalMustAliasAnalysis.entryInitialFlow()
          Initial most conservative value: has to be UNKNOWN (top).
protected  HashMap<Value,Object> LocalMustAliasAnalysis.newInitialFlow()
          Initial bottom value: objects have no definitions.
protected  HashMap<Value,Object> LocalMustAliasAnalysis.newInitialFlow()
          Initial bottom value: objects have no definitions.

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer with parameters of type Value
protected  RWSet SideEffectAnalysis.addValue(Value v, SootMethod m, Stmt s)
protected  RWSet SideEffectAnalysis.addValue(Value v, SootMethod m, Stmt s)
 boolean PASideEffectTester.unitCanReadFrom(Unit u, Value v)
          Returns true if the unit can read from v.
 boolean PASideEffectTester.unitCanReadFrom(Unit u, Value v)
          Returns true if the unit can read from v.
 boolean PASideEffectTester.unitCanWriteTo(Unit u, Value v)
          Returns true if the unit can read from v.
 boolean PASideEffectTester.unitCanWriteTo(Unit u, Value v)
          Returns true if the unit can read from v.
protected  boolean PASideEffectTester.valueTouchesRWSet(RWSet s, Value v, List boxes)
protected  boolean PASideEffectTester.valueTouchesRWSet(RWSet s, Value v, List boxes)

Method parameters in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer with type arguments of type Value
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.copy(HashMap<Value,Object> sourceMap, HashMap<Value,Object> destMap)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.copy(HashMap<Value,Object> sourceMap, HashMap<Value,Object> destMap)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.copy(HashMap<Value,Object> sourceMap, HashMap<Value,Object> destMap)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.copy(HashMap<Value,Object> sourceMap, HashMap<Value,Object> destMap)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.flowThrough(HashMap<Value,Object> in, Unit u, HashMap<Value,Object> out)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.flowThrough(HashMap<Value,Object> in, Unit u, HashMap<Value,Object> out)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.flowThrough(HashMap<Value,Object> in, Unit u, HashMap<Value,Object> out)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.flowThrough(HashMap<Value,Object> in, Unit u, HashMap<Value,Object> out)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.merge(HashMap<Value,Object> in1, HashMap<Value,Object> in2, HashMap<Value,Object> out)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.merge(HashMap<Value,Object> in1, HashMap<Value,Object> in2, HashMap<Value,Object> out)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.merge(HashMap<Value,Object> in1, HashMap<Value,Object> in2, HashMap<Value,Object> out)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.merge(HashMap<Value,Object> in1, HashMap<Value,Object> in2, HashMap<Value,Object> out)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.merge(HashMap<Value,Object> in1, HashMap<Value,Object> in2, HashMap<Value,Object> out)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.merge(HashMap<Value,Object> in1, HashMap<Value,Object> in2, HashMap<Value,Object> out)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.merge(Unit succUnit, HashMap<Value,Object> inMap1, HashMap<Value,Object> inMap2, HashMap<Value,Object> outMap)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.merge(Unit succUnit, HashMap<Value,Object> inMap1, HashMap<Value,Object> inMap2, HashMap<Value,Object> outMap)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.merge(Unit succUnit, HashMap<Value,Object> inMap1, HashMap<Value,Object> inMap2, HashMap<Value,Object> outMap)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.merge(Unit succUnit, HashMap<Value,Object> inMap1, HashMap<Value,Object> inMap2, HashMap<Value,Object> outMap)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.merge(Unit succUnit, HashMap<Value,Object> inMap1, HashMap<Value,Object> inMap2, HashMap<Value,Object> outMap)
protected  void LocalMustAliasAnalysis.merge(Unit succUnit, HashMap<Value,Object> inMap1, HashMap<Value,Object> inMap2, HashMap<Value,Object> outMap)

Uses of Value in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar that return Value
static Value Evaluator.getConstantValueOf(Value op)
          Returns the constant value of op if it is easy to find the constant value; else returns null.
static Value Evaluator.getConstantValueOf(Value op)
          Returns the constant value of op if it is easy to find the constant value; else returns null.

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Value
static Value Evaluator.getConstantValueOf(Value op)
          Returns the constant value of op if it is easy to find the constant value; else returns null.
static Value Evaluator.getConstantValueOf(Value op)
          Returns the constant value of op if it is easy to find the constant value; else returns null.
static boolean Evaluator.isValueConstantValued(Value op)
static boolean Evaluator.isValueConstantValued(Value op)

Uses of Value in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre that return Value
static Value SootFilter.binop(Value val)
          only lets binary expression through.
static Value SootFilter.binop(Value val)
          only lets binary expression through.
static Value SootFilter.binopRhs(Unit unit)
          only lets binary RHS through.
static Value SootFilter.binopRhs(Unit unit)
          only lets binary RHS through.
static Value SootFilter.concreteRef(Value val)
          only lets concrete references through.
static Value SootFilter.concreteRef(Value val)
          only lets concrete references through.
static Value SootFilter.getEquivalentValueRoot(Value val)
          returns the Value of an EquivalentValue.
static Value SootFilter.getEquivalentValueRoot(Value val)
          returns the Value of an EquivalentValue.
static Value SootFilter.local(Value val)
          filters out Locals.
returns null if val is null.
static Value SootFilter.local(Value val)
          filters out Locals.
returns null if val is null.
static Value SootFilter.noExceptionThrowing(Value val)
          filters out Exception-throwing Values.
static Value SootFilter.noExceptionThrowing(Value val)
          filters out Exception-throwing Values.
static Value SootFilter.noExceptionThrowingRhs(Unit unit)
          filters out RHS that don't throw any exception.
static Value SootFilter.noExceptionThrowingRhs(Unit unit)
          filters out RHS that don't throw any exception.
static Value SootFilter.noInvoke(Value val)
          filters out Invokes.
returns null if val is null.
static Value SootFilter.noInvoke(Value val)
          filters out Invokes.
returns null if val is null.
static Value SootFilter.noInvokeRhs(Unit unit)
          filters out RHS that aren't invokes.
static Value SootFilter.noInvokeRhs(Unit unit)
          filters out RHS that aren't invokes.
static Value SootFilter.noLocal(Value val)
          only lets non-Locals through.
returns null if val is null.
static Value SootFilter.noLocal(Value val)
          only lets non-Locals through.
returns null if val is null.
static Value SootFilter.rhs(Unit unit)
          filters out the RHS of an assignmentStmt.
static Value SootFilter.rhs(Unit unit)
          filters out the RHS of an assignmentStmt.

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre with parameters of type Value
static Value SootFilter.binop(Value val)
          only lets binary expression through.
static Value SootFilter.binop(Value val)
          only lets binary expression through.
static Value SootFilter.concreteRef(Value val)
          only lets concrete references through.
static Value SootFilter.concreteRef(Value val)
          only lets concrete references through.
static EquivalentValue SootFilter.equiVal(Value val)
          wraps a value into a EquivalentValue.
static EquivalentValue SootFilter.equiVal(Value val)
          wraps a value into a EquivalentValue.
static Value SootFilter.getEquivalentValueRoot(Value val)
          returns the Value of an EquivalentValue.
static Value SootFilter.getEquivalentValueRoot(Value val)
          returns the Value of an EquivalentValue.
static boolean SootFilter.isInvoke(Value val)
          returns true, if val is an invoke.
static boolean SootFilter.isInvoke(Value val)
          returns true, if val is an invoke.
static boolean SootFilter.isLocal(Value val)
          returns true, if val is a Local.
static boolean SootFilter.isLocal(Value val)
          returns true, if val is a Local.
static Value SootFilter.local(Value val)
          filters out Locals.
returns null if val is null.
static Value SootFilter.local(Value val)
          filters out Locals.
returns null if val is null.
static Value SootFilter.noExceptionThrowing(Value val)
          filters out Exception-throwing Values.
static Value SootFilter.noExceptionThrowing(Value val)
          filters out Exception-throwing Values.
static Value SootFilter.noInvoke(Value val)
          filters out Invokes.
returns null if val is null.
static Value SootFilter.noInvoke(Value val)
          filters out Invokes.
returns null if val is null.
static Value SootFilter.noLocal(Value val)
          only lets non-Locals through.
returns null if val is null.
static Value SootFilter.noLocal(Value val)
          only lets non-Locals through.
returns null if val is null.
static boolean SootFilter.throwsException(Value val)
          a (probably) conservative way of telling, if a Value throws an exception or not.
static boolean SootFilter.throwsException(Value val)
          a (probably) conservative way of telling, if a Value throws an exception or not.

Uses of Value in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread with parameters of type Value
 List ThreadLocalObjectsAnalysis.escapesThrough(Value sharedValue, SootMethod containingMethod)
          Returns a list of thread-shared sources and sinks.
 List ThreadLocalObjectsAnalysis.escapesThrough(Value sharedValue, SootMethod containingMethod)
          Returns a list of thread-shared sources and sinks.
 boolean IThreadLocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectThreadLocal(Value localOrRef, SootMethod sm)
 boolean ThreadLocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectThreadLocal(Value localOrRef, SootMethod sm)
 boolean ThreadLocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectThreadLocal(Value localOrRef, SootMethod sm)
 boolean IThreadLocalObjectsAnalysis.isObjectThreadLocal(Value localOrRef, SootMethod sm)

Uses of Value in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization

Classes in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization that implement Value
 class DeadlockAvoidanceEdge
 class NewStaticLock

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization that return Value
static Value LockAllocationBodyTransformer.getLockFor(EquivalentValue lockEqVal)
static Value LockAllocationBodyTransformer.getLockFor(EquivalentValue lockEqVal)

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization with parameters of type Value
 Integer LockableReferenceAnalysis.addFromSubanalysis(soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.LocksetFlowInfo outInfo, LockableReferenceAnalysis la, Stmt stmt, Value lock)
 Integer LockableReferenceAnalysis.addFromSubanalysis(soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.LocksetFlowInfo outInfo, LockableReferenceAnalysis la, Stmt stmt, Value lock)
protected  RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.addValue(Value v, SootMethod m, Stmt s)
protected  RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.addValue(Value v, SootMethod m, Stmt s)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.approximatedReadSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt, Value specialRead, boolean allFields)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.approximatedReadSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt, Value specialRead, boolean allFields)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.approximatedWriteSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt, Value v, boolean allFields)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.approximatedWriteSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt, Value v, boolean allFields)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.valueRWSet(Value v, SootMethod m, Stmt s, soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSection tn)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.valueRWSet(Value v, SootMethod m, Stmt s, soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSection tn)

Method parameters in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization with type arguments of type Value
 MutableEdgeLabelledDirectedGraph DeadlockDetector.detectLocksetDeadlock(Map<Value,Integer> lockToLockNum, List<PointsToSetInternal> lockPTSets)
 MutableEdgeLabelledDirectedGraph DeadlockDetector.detectLocksetDeadlock(Map<Value,Integer> lockToLockNum, List<PointsToSetInternal> lockPTSets)
protected  void LockAllocator.findLockableReferences(List<soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSection> AllTransactions, PointsToAnalysis pta, CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis tasea, Map<Value,Integer> lockToLockNum, List<PointsToSetInternal> lockPTSets)
protected  void LockAllocator.findLockableReferences(List<soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSection> AllTransactions, PointsToAnalysis pta, CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis tasea, Map<Value,Integer> lockToLockNum, List<PointsToSetInternal> lockPTSets)
static String LockAllocator.locksetToLockNumString(List<EquivalentValue> lockset, Map<Value,Integer> lockToLockNum)
static String LockAllocator.locksetToLockNumString(List<EquivalentValue> lockset, Map<Value,Integer> lockToLockNum)
 void LockAllocator.printGraph(Collection<soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSection> AllTransactions, CriticalSectionInterferenceGraph ig, Map<Value,Integer> lockToLockNum)
 void LockAllocator.printGraph(Collection<soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSection> AllTransactions, CriticalSectionInterferenceGraph ig, Map<Value,Integer> lockToLockNum)
 void DeadlockDetector.reorderLocksets(Map<Value,Integer> lockToLockNum, MutableEdgeLabelledDirectedGraph lockOrder)
 void DeadlockDetector.reorderLocksets(Map<Value,Integer> lockToLockNum, MutableEdgeLabelledDirectedGraph lockOrder)

Uses of Value in

Methods in that return Value
 Value IUseVisitor.visit(Value op, Type useType, Stmt stmt)
 Value IUseVisitor.visit(Value op, Type useType, Stmt stmt)

Methods in with parameters of type Value
static Type AugEvalFunction.eval_(Typing tg, Value expr, Stmt stmt, JimpleBody jb)
static Type AugEvalFunction.eval_(Typing tg, Value expr, Stmt stmt, JimpleBody jb)
 Collection<Type> AugEvalFunction.eval(Typing tg, Value expr, Stmt stmt)
 Collection<Type> IEvalFunction.eval(Typing tg, Value expr, Stmt stmt)
 Collection<Type> IEvalFunction.eval(Typing tg, Value expr, Stmt stmt)
 Collection<Type> AugEvalFunction.eval(Typing tg, Value expr, Stmt stmt)
 Value IUseVisitor.visit(Value op, Type useType, Stmt stmt)
 Value IUseVisitor.visit(Value op, Type useType, Stmt stmt)

Uses of Value in soot.shimple

Subinterfaces of Value in soot.shimple
 interface PhiExpr
          A fully defined PhiExpr usually consists of a list of Values for the arguments alongst with the corresponding control flow predecessor for each argument.
 interface PiExpr
 interface ShimpleExpr

Methods in soot.shimple that return Value
 Value PiExpr.getValue()
 Value PiExpr.getValue()
 Value PhiExpr.getValue(Block pred)
          Get the PhiExpr argument corresponding to the given control flow predecessor, returns null if not available.
 Value PhiExpr.getValue(Block pred)
          Get the PhiExpr argument corresponding to the given control flow predecessor, returns null if not available.
 Value PhiExpr.getValue(int index)
          Returns the value for the given index into the PhiExpr.
 Value PhiExpr.getValue(int index)
          Returns the value for the given index into the PhiExpr.
 Value PhiExpr.getValue(Unit predTailUnit)
          Get the PhiExpr argument corresponding to the given control flow predecessor, returns null if not available.
 Value PhiExpr.getValue(Unit predTailUnit)
          Get the PhiExpr argument corresponding to the given control flow predecessor, returns null if not available.

Methods in soot.shimple that return types with arguments of type Value
 List<Value> PhiExpr.getValues()
          Returns a list of the values used by this PhiExpr.
 List<Value> PhiExpr.getValues()
          Returns a list of the values used by this PhiExpr.

Methods in soot.shimple with parameters of type Value
 boolean PhiExpr.addArg(Value arg, Block pred)
          Add the given argument associated with the given CFG predecessor.
 boolean PhiExpr.addArg(Value arg, Block pred)
          Add the given argument associated with the given CFG predecessor.
 boolean PhiExpr.addArg(Value arg, Unit predTailUnit)
          Add the given argument associated with the given CFG predecessor.
 boolean PhiExpr.addArg(Value arg, Unit predTailUnit)
          Add the given argument associated with the given CFG predecessor.
static boolean Shimple.isPhiExpr(Value value)
          Returns true if the value is a Phi expression, false otherwise.
static boolean Shimple.isPhiExpr(Value value)
          Returns true if the value is a Phi expression, false otherwise.
static boolean Shimple.isPiExpr(Value value)
static boolean Shimple.isPiExpr(Value value)
 boolean PhiExpr.setArg(int index, Value arg, Block pred)
          Modify the PhiExpr argument at the given index with the given information.
 boolean PhiExpr.setArg(int index, Value arg, Block pred)
          Modify the PhiExpr argument at the given index with the given information.
 boolean PhiExpr.setArg(int index, Value arg, Unit predTailUnit)
          Modify the PhiExpr argument at the given index with the given information.
 boolean PhiExpr.setArg(int index, Value arg, Unit predTailUnit)
          Modify the PhiExpr argument at the given index with the given information.
 boolean PhiExpr.setValue(Block pred, Value arg)
          Locate the argument assocatiated with the given CFG predecessor and set the value.
 boolean PhiExpr.setValue(Block pred, Value arg)
          Locate the argument assocatiated with the given CFG predecessor and set the value.
 boolean PhiExpr.setValue(int index, Value arg)
          Set the value at the given index into the PhiExpr.
 boolean PhiExpr.setValue(int index, Value arg)
          Set the value at the given index into the PhiExpr.
 boolean PhiExpr.setValue(Unit predTailUnit, Value arg)
          Locate the argument assocatiated with the given CFG predecessor unit and set the value.
 boolean PhiExpr.setValue(Unit predTailUnit, Value arg)
          Locate the argument assocatiated with the given CFG predecessor unit and set the value.
 void PiExpr.setValue(Value v)
 void PiExpr.setValue(Value v)

Method parameters in soot.shimple with type arguments of type Value
 PhiExpr Shimple.newPhiExpr(List<Value> args, List<Unit> preds)
          Create a PhiExpr with the provided list of Values (Locals or Constants) and the corresponding control flow predecessor Blocks.
 PhiExpr Shimple.newPhiExpr(List<Value> args, List<Unit> preds)
          Create a PhiExpr with the provided list of Values (Locals or Constants) and the corresponding control flow predecessor Blocks.

Uses of Value in soot.shimple.internal

Classes in soot.shimple.internal that implement Value
 class SPhiExpr
          Internal implementation of Phi nodes.
 class SPiExpr

Methods in soot.shimple.internal that return Value
 Value SPiExpr.getValue()
 Value SPiExpr.getValue()
 Value SPhiExpr.getValue(Block pred)
 Value SPhiExpr.getValue(Block pred)
 Value SPhiExpr.getValue(int index)
 Value SPhiExpr.getValue(int index)
 Value SPhiExpr.getValue(Unit predTailUnit)
 Value SPhiExpr.getValue(Unit predTailUnit)

Methods in soot.shimple.internal that return types with arguments of type Value
 List<Value> SPhiExpr.getValues()
 List<Value> SPhiExpr.getValues()

Methods in soot.shimple.internal with parameters of type Value
 boolean SPhiExpr.addArg(Value arg, Block pred)
 boolean SPhiExpr.addArg(Value arg, Block pred)
 boolean SPhiExpr.addArg(Value arg, Unit predTailUnit)
 boolean SPhiExpr.addArg(Value arg, Unit predTailUnit)
protected  int ShimpleBodyBuilder.indexOfLocal(Value local)
          Convenient function that maps new Locals to the originating Local, and finds the appropriate array index into the naming structures.
protected  int ShimpleBodyBuilder.indexOfLocal(Value local)
          Convenient function that maps new Locals to the originating Local, and finds the appropriate array index into the naming structures.
 boolean SPhiExpr.setArg(int index, Value arg, Block pred)
 boolean SPhiExpr.setArg(int index, Value arg, Block pred)
 boolean SPhiExpr.setArg(int index, Value arg, Unit predTailUnit)
 boolean SPhiExpr.setArg(int index, Value arg, Unit predTailUnit)
 boolean SPhiExpr.setValue(Block pred, Value arg)
 boolean SPhiExpr.setValue(Block pred, Value arg)
 boolean SPhiExpr.setValue(int index, Value arg)
 boolean SPhiExpr.setValue(int index, Value arg)
 boolean SPhiExpr.setValue(Unit predTailUnit, Value arg)
 boolean SPhiExpr.setValue(Unit predTailUnit, Value arg)
 void SPiExpr.setValue(Value value)
 void SPiExpr.setValue(Value value)

Constructors in soot.shimple.internal with parameters of type Value
SPiExpr(Value v, Unit u, Object o)
SPiExpr(Value v, Unit u, Object o)
SValueUnitPair(Value value, Unit unit)
SValueUnitPair(Value value, Unit unit)

Constructor parameters in soot.shimple.internal with type arguments of type Value
SPhiExpr(List<Value> args, List<Unit> preds)
          Create a Phi expression from the given list of Values and Blocks.
SPhiExpr(List<Value> args, List<Unit> preds)
          Create a Phi expression from the given list of Values and Blocks.

Uses of Value in soot.shimple.toolkits.graph

Classes in soot.shimple.toolkits.graph that implement Value
protected static class ValueGraph.TypeValueWrapper

Fields in soot.shimple.toolkits.graph declared as Value
protected  Value ValueGraph.Node.node
protected  Value ValueGraph.Node.node

Fields in soot.shimple.toolkits.graph with type parameters of type Value
protected  Map<Value,ValueGraph.Node> ValueGraph.localToNode
protected  Map<Value,ValueGraph.Node> ValueGraph.localToNode
protected  Map<ValueGraph.Node,Value> ValueGraph.nodeToLocal
protected  Map<ValueGraph.Node,Value> ValueGraph.nodeToLocal

Methods in soot.shimple.toolkits.graph with parameters of type Value
protected  ValueGraph.Node ValueGraph.fetchGraph(Value value)
protected  ValueGraph.Node ValueGraph.fetchGraph(Value value)
protected  ValueGraph.Node ValueGraph.fetchNode(Value value)
protected  ValueGraph.Node ValueGraph.fetchNode(Value value)
 ValueGraph.Node ValueGraph.getNode(Value local)
 ValueGraph.Node ValueGraph.getNode(Value local)
protected  void ValueGraph.Node.setNode(Value node)
protected  void ValueGraph.Node.setNode(Value node)

Constructors in soot.shimple.toolkits.graph with parameters of type Value
ValueGraph.Node(Value node)
ValueGraph.Node(Value node)
ValueGraph.Node(Value local, boolean ignored)
ValueGraph.Node(Value local, boolean ignored)
ValueGraph.Node(Value node, boolean ordered, List<ValueGraph.Node> children)
ValueGraph.Node(Value node, boolean ordered, List<ValueGraph.Node> children)

Uses of Value in soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar

Classes in soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar that implement Value
static class SEvaluator.BottomConstant
          Bottom i.e.
static class SEvaluator.MetaConstant
          Head of a new hierarchy of constants -- Top and Bottom.
static class SEvaluator.TopConstant
          Top i.e.

Fields in soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar with type parameters of type Value
protected  Map<Value,SingletonList> ShimpleLocalDefs.localToDefs
protected  Map<Value,SingletonList> ShimpleLocalDefs.localToDefs

Methods in soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar that return Value
static Value SEvaluator.getConstantValueOf(Value op)
          Returns the constant value of op if it is easy to find the constant value; else returns null.
static Value SEvaluator.getConstantValueOf(Value op)
          Returns the constant value of op if it is easy to find the constant value; else returns null.

Methods in soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Value
static Value SEvaluator.getConstantValueOf(Value op)
          Returns the constant value of op if it is easy to find the constant value; else returns null.
static Value SEvaluator.getConstantValueOf(Value op)
          Returns the constant value of op if it is easy to find the constant value; else returns null.
static Constant SEvaluator.getFuzzyConstantValueOf(Value v)
          If a normal expression contains Bottom, always return Bottom.
static Constant SEvaluator.getFuzzyConstantValueOf(Value v)
          If a normal expression contains Bottom, always return Bottom.
static Constant SEvaluator.getFuzzyConstantValueOf(Value v, Map<Local,Constant> localToConstant)
          Get the constant value of the expression given the assumptions in the localToConstant map (may contain Top and Bottom).
static Constant SEvaluator.getFuzzyConstantValueOf(Value v, Map<Local,Constant> localToConstant)
          Get the constant value of the expression given the assumptions in the localToConstant map (may contain Top and Bottom).
static boolean SEvaluator.isValueConstantValued(Value op)
          Returns true if given value is determined to be constant valued, false otherwise
static boolean SEvaluator.isValueConstantValued(Value op)
          Returns true if given value is determined to be constant valued, false otherwise

Uses of Value in soot.sootify

Methods in soot.sootify with parameters of type Value
 String ValueTemplatePrinter.printValueAssignment(Value value, String varName)
 String ValueTemplatePrinter.printValueAssignment(Value value, String varName)

Uses of Value in soot.toolkits.scalar

Methods in soot.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Value
 boolean ValueUnitPair.canContainValue(Value value)
 boolean ValueUnitPair.canContainValue(Value value)

Constructors in soot.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Value
ValueUnitPair(Value value, Unit unit)
          Constructs a ValueUnitPair from a Unit object and a Value object.
ValueUnitPair(Value value, Unit unit)
          Constructs a ValueUnitPair from a Unit object and a Value object.