Uses of Class

Packages that use PAG

Uses of PAG in soot.jimple.spark

Methods in soot.jimple.spark with parameters of type PAG
protected  void SparkTransformer.addTags(PAG pag)
protected  void SparkTransformer.addTags(PAG pag)
protected  void SparkTransformer.findSetMass(PAG pag)
protected  void SparkTransformer.findSetMass(PAG pag)

Uses of PAG in soot.jimple.spark.builder

Fields in soot.jimple.spark.builder declared as PAG
protected  PAG GlobalNodeFactory.pag
protected  PAG MethodNodeFactory.pag
protected  PAG MethodNodeFactory.pag
protected  PAG GlobalNodeFactory.pag

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.builder that return PAG
 PAG ContextInsensitiveBuilder.setup(SparkOptions opts)
          Creates an empty pointer assignment graph.
 PAG ContextInsensitiveBuilder.setup(SparkOptions opts)
          Creates an empty pointer assignment graph.

Constructors in soot.jimple.spark.builder with parameters of type PAG
GlobalNodeFactory(PAG pag)
GlobalNodeFactory(PAG pag)
MethodNodeFactory(PAG pag, MethodPAG mpag)
MethodNodeFactory(PAG pag, MethodPAG mpag)

Uses of PAG in soot.jimple.spark.geom.geomPA

Subclasses of PAG in soot.jimple.spark.geom.geomPA
 class GeomPointsTo
          The main interface for the points-to analysis with geometric encodings.

Uses of PAG in soot.jimple.spark.internal

Fields in soot.jimple.spark.internal declared as PAG
protected  PAG SparkNativeHelper.pag
protected  PAG TypeManager.pag
protected  PAG TypeManager.pag
protected  PAG SparkNativeHelper.pag

Constructors in soot.jimple.spark.internal with parameters of type PAG
SparkNativeHelper(PAG pag)
SparkNativeHelper(PAG pag)
TypeManager(PAG pag)
TypeManager(PAG pag)

Uses of PAG in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand

Fields in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand declared as PAG
protected  PAG DemandCSPointsTo.pag
protected  PAG DemandCSPointsTo.pag

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand that return PAG
 PAG DemandCSPointsTo.getPAG()
 PAG DemandCSPointsTo.getPAG()

Constructors in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand with parameters of type PAG
DemandCSPointsTo(ContextSensitiveInfo csInfo, PAG pag)
DemandCSPointsTo(ContextSensitiveInfo csInfo, PAG pag)
DemandCSPointsTo(ContextSensitiveInfo csInfo, PAG pag, int maxTraversal, int maxPasses, boolean lazy)
DemandCSPointsTo(ContextSensitiveInfo csInfo, PAG pag, int maxTraversal, int maxPasses, boolean lazy)

Uses of PAG in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.pautil

Fields in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.pautil declared as PAG
 PAG AllocationSiteHandler.VirtualCallHandler.pag
 PAG AllocationSiteHandler.VirtualCallHandler.pag

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.pautil with parameters of type PAG
static SootUtil.FieldAccessMap SootUtil.buildStoreMap(PAG pag)
static SootUtil.FieldAccessMap SootUtil.buildStoreMap(PAG pag)
static PointsToSetInternal SootUtil.constructIntersection(PointsToSetInternal set1, PointsToSetInternal set2, PAG pag)
static PointsToSetInternal SootUtil.constructIntersection(PointsToSetInternal set1, PointsToSetInternal set2, PAG pag)
static void SootUtil.dumpVarNodeInfo(PAG pag)
static void SootUtil.dumpVarNodeInfo(PAG pag)
static SootUtil.FieldToEdgesMap SootUtil.loadsOnField(PAG pag)
static SootUtil.FieldToEdgesMap SootUtil.loadsOnField(PAG pag)
static void SootUtil.printNodeNumberMapping(String fileName, PAG pag)
static void SootUtil.printNodeNumberMapping(String fileName, PAG pag)
static SootUtil.FieldToEdgesMap SootUtil.storesOnField(PAG pag)
static SootUtil.FieldToEdgesMap SootUtil.storesOnField(PAG pag)

Constructors in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.pautil with parameters of type PAG
AllocationSiteHandler.VirtualCallHandler(PAG pag, Type receiverType, NumberedString methodStr)
AllocationSiteHandler.VirtualCallHandler(PAG pag, Type receiverType, NumberedString methodStr)
ContextSensitiveInfo(PAG pag)
ContextSensitiveInfo(PAG pag)
ValidMatches(PAG pag, SootUtil.FieldToEdgesMap fieldToStores)
ValidMatches(PAG pag, SootUtil.FieldToEdgesMap fieldToStores)

Uses of PAG in soot.jimple.spark.pag

Fields in soot.jimple.spark.pag declared as PAG
protected  PAG Node.pag
protected  PAG PAG2HTML.pag
protected  PAG PAGDumper.pag
protected  PAG PAGDumper.pag
protected  PAG PAG2HTML.pag
protected  PAG Node.pag

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.pag that return PAG
 PAG Node.getPag()
          Returns the pointer assignment graph that this node is a part of.
 PAG Node.getPag()
          Returns the pointer assignment graph that this node is a part of.
 PAG MethodPAG.pag()
 PAG MethodPAG.pag()

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.pag with parameters of type PAG
static MethodPAG MethodPAG.v(PAG pag, SootMethod m)
static MethodPAG MethodPAG.v(PAG pag, SootMethod m)

Constructors in soot.jimple.spark.pag with parameters of type PAG
MethodPAG(PAG pag, SootMethod m)
MethodPAG(PAG pag, SootMethod m)
PAG2HTML(PAG pag, String output_dir)
PAG2HTML(PAG pag, String output_dir)
PAGDumper(PAG pag, String output_dir)
PAGDumper(PAG pag, String output_dir)
PagToDotDumper(PAG pag)
PagToDotDumper(PAG pag)
ValNode(PAG pag, Type t)
ValNode(PAG pag, Type t)

Uses of PAG in soot.jimple.spark.sets

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.sets with parameters of type PAG
protected  BitVector PointsToSetInternal.getBitMask(PointsToSetInternal other, PAG pag)
protected  BitVector PointsToSetInternal.getBitMask(PointsToSetInternal other, PAG pag)
static HybridPointsToSet HybridPointsToSet.intersection(HybridPointsToSet set1, HybridPointsToSet set2, PAG pag)
static HybridPointsToSet HybridPointsToSet.intersection(HybridPointsToSet set1, HybridPointsToSet set2, PAG pag)
abstract  PointsToSetInternal P2SetFactory.newSet(Type type, PAG pag)
          Returns a newly-created set.
abstract  PointsToSetInternal P2SetFactory.newSet(Type type, PAG pag)
          Returns a newly-created set.

Constructors in soot.jimple.spark.sets with parameters of type PAG
BitPointsToSet(Type type, PAG pag)
BitPointsToSet(Type type, PAG pag)
DoublePointsToSet(Type type, PAG pag)
DoublePointsToSet(Type type, PAG pag)
HashPointsToSet(Type type, PAG pag)
HashPointsToSet(Type type, PAG pag)
HybridPointsToSet(Type type, PAG pag)
HybridPointsToSet(Type type, PAG pag)
SharedHybridSet(Type type, PAG pag)
SharedHybridSet(Type type, PAG pag)
SharedListSet(Type type, PAG pag)
SharedListSet(Type type, PAG pag)
SortedArraySet(Type type, PAG pag)
SortedArraySet(Type type, PAG pag)

Uses of PAG in soot.jimple.spark.solver

Fields in soot.jimple.spark.solver declared as PAG
protected  PAG Checker.pag
protected  PAG EBBCollapser.pag
protected  PAG MergeChecker.pag
protected  PAG PropAlias.pag
protected  PAG PropIter.pag
protected  PAG PropMerge.pag
protected  PAG PropWorklist.pag
protected  PAG SCCCollapser.pag
protected  PAG TopoSorter.pag
protected  PAG TopoSorter.pag
protected  PAG SCCCollapser.pag
protected  PAG PropWorklist.pag
protected  PAG PropMerge.pag
protected  PAG PropIter.pag
protected  PAG PropAlias.pag
protected  PAG MergeChecker.pag
protected  PAG EBBCollapser.pag
protected  PAG Checker.pag

Constructors in soot.jimple.spark.solver with parameters of type PAG
Checker(PAG pag)
Checker(PAG pag)
EBBCollapser(PAG pag)
EBBCollapser(PAG pag)
MergeChecker(PAG pag)
MergeChecker(PAG pag)
OnFlyCallGraph(PAG pag)
OnFlyCallGraph(PAG pag)
PropAlias(PAG pag)
PropAlias(PAG pag)
PropCycle(PAG pag)
PropCycle(PAG pag)
PropIter(PAG pag)
PropIter(PAG pag)
PropMerge(PAG pag)
PropMerge(PAG pag)
PropWorklist(PAG pag)
PropWorklist(PAG pag)
SCCCollapser(PAG pag, boolean ignoreTypes)
SCCCollapser(PAG pag, boolean ignoreTypes)
TopoSorter(PAG pag, boolean ignoreTypes)
TopoSorter(PAG pag, boolean ignoreTypes)

Uses of PAG in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp with parameters of type PAG
PegGraph(CallGraph callGraph, Hierarchy hierarchy, PAG pag, Set<Object> methodsNeedingInlining, Set<AllocNode> allocNodes, List inlineSites, Map synchObj, Set<AllocNode> multiRunAllocNodes, Map allocNodeToObj, Body unitBody, SootMethod sm, boolean addExceptionEdges, boolean dontAddEdgeFromStmtBeforeAreaOfProtectionToCatchBlock)
          Constructs a graph for the units found in the provided Body instance.
PegGraph(CallGraph callGraph, Hierarchy hierarchy, PAG pag, Set<Object> methodsNeedingInlining, Set<AllocNode> allocNodes, List inlineSites, Map synchObj, Set<AllocNode> multiRunAllocNodes, Map allocNodeToObj, Body unitBody, SootMethod sm, boolean addExceptionEdges, boolean dontAddEdgeFromStmtBeforeAreaOfProtectionToCatchBlock)
          Constructs a graph for the units found in the provided Body instance.
PegGraph(CallGraph callGraph, Hierarchy hierarchy, PAG pag, Set methodsNeedingInlining, Set allocNodes, List<List> inlineSites, Map<SootMethod,String> synchObj, Set multiRunAllocNodes, Map<AllocNode,String> allocNodeToObj, Body unitBody, String threadName, SootMethod sm, boolean addExceEdge, boolean dontAddEdgeFromStmtBeforeAreaOfProtectionToCatchBlock)
          Constructs a graph for the units found in the provided Body instance.
PegGraph(CallGraph callGraph, Hierarchy hierarchy, PAG pag, Set methodsNeedingInlining, Set allocNodes, List<List> inlineSites, Map<SootMethod,String> synchObj, Set multiRunAllocNodes, Map<AllocNode,String> allocNodeToObj, Body unitBody, String threadName, SootMethod sm, boolean addExceEdge, boolean dontAddEdgeFromStmtBeforeAreaOfProtectionToCatchBlock)
          Constructs a graph for the units found in the provided Body instance.
StartJoinAnalysis(UnitGraph g, SootMethod sm, CallGraph callGraph, PAG pag)
StartJoinAnalysis(UnitGraph g, SootMethod sm, CallGraph callGraph, PAG pag)
StartJoinFinder(CallGraph callGraph, PAG pag)
StartJoinFinder(CallGraph callGraph, PAG pag)

Uses of PAG in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp.findobject

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp.findobject with parameters of type PAG
AllocNodesFinder(PegCallGraph pcg, CallGraph cg, PAG pag)
AllocNodesFinder(PegCallGraph pcg, CallGraph cg, PAG pag)