Uses of Interface

Packages that use Host
soot Base Soot classes, shared by different intermediate representations. 
soot.baf Public classes for the Baf intermediate representation. 
soot.baf.internal Internal, messy, implementation-specific classes for the Baf intermediate representation. 
soot.grimp Public classes for the Grimp intermediate representation. 
soot.grimp.internal Internal, messy, implementation-specific classes for the Grimp intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple Public classes for the Jimple intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple.internal Internal, messy, implementation-specific classes for the Jimple intermediate representation. 
soot.shimple Public classes for the SSA Shimple intermediate representation. 
soot.shimple.internal Shimple internal messy stuff. 
soot.tagkit Classes supporting classfile annotation in Soot. 
soot.toolkits.scalar A number of scalar optimizations, and the flow analysis framework. 

Uses of Host in soot

Subinterfaces of Host in soot
 interface IdentityUnit
          A unit that assigns to a variable from one of {parameters, this, caughtexception}.
 interface Unit
          A code fragment (eg Stmt or Inst), used within Body classes.
 interface ValueBox
          A box which can contain values.

Classes in soot that implement Host
 class AbstractUnit
          Provides default implementations for the methods in Unit.
 class AbstractValueBox
          Reference implementation for ValueBox; just add a canContainValue method.
 class Body
          Abstract base class that models the body (code attribute) of a Java method.
 class SootClass
          Soot representation of a Java class.
 class SootField
          Soot representation of a Java field.
 class SootMethod
          Soot representation of a Java method.

Uses of Host in soot.baf

Subinterfaces of Host in soot.baf
 interface AddInst
 interface AndInst
 interface ArrayLengthInst
 interface ArrayReadInst
 interface ArrayWriteInst
 interface CmpgInst
 interface CmpInst
 interface CmplInst
 interface DivInst
 interface Dup1_x1Inst
 interface Dup1_x2Inst
 interface Dup1Inst
 interface Dup2_x1Inst
 interface Dup2_x2Inst
 interface Dup2Inst
 interface DupInst
 interface DynamicInvokeInst
 interface EnterMonitorInst
 interface ExitMonitorInst
 interface FieldArgInst
 interface FieldGetInst
 interface FieldPutInst
 interface GotoInst
 interface IdentityInst
 interface IfCmpEqInst
 interface IfCmpGeInst
 interface IfCmpGtInst
 interface IfCmpLeInst
 interface IfCmpLtInst
 interface IfCmpNeInst
 interface IfEqInst
 interface IfGeInst
 interface IfGtInst
 interface IfLeInst
 interface IfLtInst
 interface IfNeInst
 interface IfNonNullInst
 interface IfNullInst
 interface IncInst
 interface Inst
 interface InstanceCastInst
 interface InstanceOfInst
 interface InterfaceInvokeInst
 interface JSRInst
 interface LoadInst
 interface LookupSwitchInst
 interface MethodArgInst
 interface MulInst
 interface NegInst
 interface NewArrayInst
 interface NewInst
 interface NewMultiArrayInst
 interface NoArgInst
 interface NopInst
 interface OpTypeArgInst
 interface OrInst
 interface PopInst
 interface PrimitiveCastInst
 interface PushInst
 interface RemInst
 interface RetInst
 interface ReturnInst
 interface ReturnVoidInst
 interface ShlInst
 interface ShrInst
 interface SpecialInvokeInst
 interface StaticGetInst
 interface StaticInvokeInst
 interface StaticPutInst
 interface StoreInst
 interface SubInst
 interface SwapInst
 interface TableSwitchInst
 interface TargetArgInst
 interface ThrowInst
 interface UshrInst
 interface VirtualInvokeInst
 interface XorInst

Classes in soot.baf that implement Host
 class BafBody
 class PlaceholderInst

Uses of Host in soot.baf.internal

Classes in soot.baf.internal that implement Host
 class AbstractBranchInst
 class AbstractInst
 class AbstractOpTypeBranchInst
 class AbstractOpTypeInst
 class AbstractRefTypeInst
 class BAddInst
 class BafLocalBox
 class BAndInst
 class BArrayLengthInst
 class BArrayReadInst
 class BArrayWriteInst
 class BCmpgInst
 class BCmpInst
 class BCmplInst
 class BDivInst
 class BDup1_x1Inst
 class BDup1_x2Inst
 class BDup1Inst
 class BDup2_x1Inst
 class BDup2_x2Inst
 class BDup2Inst
 class BDupInst
 class BDynamicInvokeInst
 class BEnterMonitorInst
 class BExitMonitorInst
 class BFieldGetInst
 class BFieldPutInst
 class BGotoInst
 class BIdentityInst
 class BIfCmpEqInst
 class BIfCmpGeInst
 class BIfCmpGtInst
 class BIfCmpLeInst
 class BIfCmpLtInst
 class BIfCmpNeInst
 class BIfEqInst
 class BIfGeInst
 class BIfGtInst
 class BIfLeInst
 class BIfLtInst
 class BIfNeInst
 class BIfNonNullInst
 class BIfNullInst
 class BIncInst
 class BInstanceCastInst
 class BInstanceOfInst
 class BInterfaceInvokeInst
 class BJSRInst
 class BLoadInst
 class BLookupSwitchInst
 class BMulInst
 class BNegInst
 class BNewArrayInst
 class BNewInst
 class BNewMultiArrayInst
 class BNopInst
 class BOrInst
 class BPopInst
 class BPrimitiveCastInst
 class BPushInst
 class BRemInst
 class BReturnInst
 class BReturnVoidInst
 class BShlInst
 class BShrInst
 class BSpecialInvokeInst
 class BStaticGetInst
 class BStaticInvokeInst
 class BStaticPutInst
 class BStoreInst
 class BSubInst
 class BSwapInst
 class BTableSwitchInst
 class BThrowInst
 class BUshrInst
 class BVirtualInvokeInst
 class BXorInst

Uses of Host in soot.dava

Classes in soot.dava that implement Host
 class DavaBody

Uses of Host in soot.dava.internal.AST

Classes in soot.dava.internal.AST that implement Host
 class ASTControlFlowNode
 class ASTDoWhileNode
 class ASTForLoopNode
 class ASTIfElseNode
 class ASTIfNode
 class ASTLabeledBlockNode
 class ASTLabeledNode
 class ASTMethodNode
 class ASTNode
 class ASTStatementSequenceNode
 class ASTSwitchNode
 class ASTSynchronizedBlockNode
 class ASTTryNode
 class ASTUnconditionalLoopNode
 class ASTWhileNode

Uses of Host in soot.dava.internal.javaRep

Classes in soot.dava.internal.javaRep that implement Host
 class DAbruptStmt
 class DArrayInitValueBox
 class DAssignStmt
 class DDecrementStmt
 class DIdentityStmt
 class DIncrementStmt
 class DShortcutAssignStmt
 class DVariableDeclarationStmt

Uses of Host in soot.grimp

Classes in soot.grimp that implement Host
 class GrimpBody
          Implementation of the Body class for the Grimp IR.

Uses of Host in soot.grimp.internal

Classes in soot.grimp.internal that implement Host
 class ExprBox
 class GAssignStmt
 class GEnterMonitorStmt
 class GExitMonitorStmt
 class GIdentityStmt
 class GIfStmt
 class GInvokeStmt
 class GLookupSwitchStmt
 class GReturnStmt
 class GRValueBox
 class GTableSwitchStmt
 class GThrowStmt
 class ObjExprBox

Uses of Host in soot.javaToJimple

Methods in soot.javaToJimple with parameters of type Host
static void Util.addLineTag(Host host, int sLine, int eLine)
          Line Tag Adder
static void Util.addLineTag(Host host, int sLine, int eLine)
          Line Tag Adder
static void Util.addLineTag(Host host, polyglot.ast.Node node)
          Line Tag Adder
static void Util.addLineTag(Host host, polyglot.ast.Node node)
          Line Tag Adder
static void Util.addLnPosTags(Host host, int sline, int eline, int spos, int epos)
static void Util.addLnPosTags(Host host, int sline, int eline, int spos, int epos)
static void Util.addLnPosTags(Host host, polyglot.util.Position pos)
static void Util.addLnPosTags(Host host, polyglot.util.Position pos)
static void Util.addMethodLineTag(Host host, int sline, int eline)
static void Util.addMethodLineTag(Host host, int sline, int eline)
static void Util.addMethodPosTag(Host meth, int start, int end)
static void Util.addMethodPosTag(Host meth, int start, int end)
static void Util.addPosTag(Host host, int sc, int ec)
          Position Tag Adder
static void Util.addPosTag(Host host, int sc, int ec)
          Position Tag Adder
static void Util.addPosTag(Host host, polyglot.util.Position pos)
          Position Tag Adder
static void Util.addPosTag(Host host, polyglot.util.Position pos)
          Position Tag Adder

Uses of Host in soot.jimple

Subinterfaces of Host in soot.jimple
 interface AssignStmt
 interface BreakpointStmt
 interface DefinitionStmt
 interface EnterMonitorStmt
 interface ExitMonitorStmt
 interface GotoStmt
 interface IdentityStmt
 interface IfStmt
 interface InvokeStmt
 interface LookupSwitchStmt
 interface MonitorStmt
 interface NopStmt
 interface RetStmt
 interface ReturnStmt
 interface ReturnVoidStmt
 interface Stmt
 interface TableSwitchStmt
 interface ThrowStmt

Classes in soot.jimple that implement Host
 class JimpleBody
          Implementation of the Body class for the Jimple IR.
 class PlaceholderStmt
 class StmtBody
          Abstract base class for Body's on Stmts (Jimple and Grimp).

Uses of Host in soot.jimple.internal

Classes in soot.jimple.internal that implement Host
 class AbstractDefinitionStmt
 class AbstractStmt
 class ConditionExprBox
 class IdentityRefBox
 class ImmediateBox
 class InvokeExprBox
 class JAssignStmt
 class JBreakpointStmt
 class JEnterMonitorStmt
 class JExitMonitorStmt
 class JGotoStmt
 class JIdentityStmt
 class JIfStmt
 class JimpleLocalBox
 class JInvokeStmt
 class JLookupSwitchStmt
 class JNopStmt
 class JRetStmt
 class JReturnStmt
 class JReturnVoidStmt
 class JTableSwitchStmt
 class JThrowStmt
 class RValueBox
 class VariableBox

Uses of Host in soot.jimple.spark

Methods in soot.jimple.spark with parameters of type Host
protected  void SparkTransformer.addTag(Host h, Node n, Map<Node,Tag> nodeToTag, Tag unknown)
protected  void SparkTransformer.addTag(Host h, Node n, Map<Node,Tag> nodeToTag, Tag unknown)

Uses of Host in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.j5anno

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.j5anno with parameters of type Host
 void AnnotationGenerator.annotate(Host h, Class<? extends Annotation> klass, AnnotationElem... elems)
          Applies a Java 1.5-style annotation to a given Host.
 void AnnotationGenerator.annotate(Host h, Class<? extends Annotation> klass, AnnotationElem... elems)
          Applies a Java 1.5-style annotation to a given Host.
 void AnnotationGenerator.annotate(Host h, Class<? extends Annotation> klass, List<AnnotationElem> elems)
          Applies a Java 1.5-style annotation to a given Host.
 void AnnotationGenerator.annotate(Host h, Class<? extends Annotation> klass, List<AnnotationElem> elems)
          Applies a Java 1.5-style annotation to a given Host.
 void AnnotationGenerator.annotate(Host h, String annotationName, int visibility, List<AnnotationElem> elems)
          Applies a Java 1.5-style annotation to a given Host.
 void AnnotationGenerator.annotate(Host h, String annotationName, int visibility, List<AnnotationElem> elems)
          Applies a Java 1.5-style annotation to a given Host.

Uses of Host in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp.stmt

Classes in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp.stmt that implement Host
 class BeginStmt
 class JoinStmt
 class JPegStmt
 class MonitorEntryStmt
 class MonitorExitStmt
 class NotifiedEntryStmt
 class NotifyAllStmt
 class NotifyStmt
 class OtherStmt
 class StartStmt
 class WaitingStmt
 class WaitStmt

Uses of Host in soot.shimple

Classes in soot.shimple that implement Host
 class ShimpleBody
          Implementation of the Body class for the SSA Shimple IR.

Uses of Host in soot.shimple.internal

Classes in soot.shimple.internal that implement Host
 class SValueUnitPair
          Extension of ValueUnitPair that implements SUnitBox.

Uses of Host in soot.tagkit

Classes in soot.tagkit that implement Host
 class AbstractHost
          This class is the reference implementation for the Host interface, which allows arbitrary taggable data to be stored with Soot objects.

Methods in soot.tagkit that return Host
 Host LinkTag.getLink()
 Host LinkTag.getLink()

Methods in soot.tagkit with parameters of type Host
 void AbstractHost.addAllTagsOf(Host h)
          Adds all the tags from h to this host.
 void Host.addAllTagsOf(Host h)
          Adds all the tags from h to this host.
 void Host.addAllTagsOf(Host h)
          Adds all the tags from h to this host.
 void AbstractHost.addAllTagsOf(Host h)
          Adds all the tags from h to this host.

Constructors in soot.tagkit with parameters of type Host
LinkTag(String string, Host link, String className)
LinkTag(String string, Host link, String className)
LinkTag(String string, Host link, String className, String type)
LinkTag(String string, Host link, String className, String type)

Uses of Host in soot.toolkits.scalar

Classes in soot.toolkits.scalar that implement Host
 class ValueUnitPair
          Utility class used to package a Value and a Unit together.