Uses of Interface

Packages that use Local
soot Base Soot classes, shared by different intermediate representations. 
soot.baf Public classes for the Baf intermediate representation. 
soot.baf.internal Internal, messy, implementation-specific classes for the Baf intermediate representation. 
soot.coffi Contains classes from the Coffi tool, by Clark Verbrugge. 
soot.grimp Public classes for the Grimp intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple Public classes for the Jimple intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple.internal Internal, messy, implementation-specific classes for the Jimple intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.invoke A toolkit to deal with Jimple and invoke statements. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar A toolkit for scalar optimization of Jimple.   
soot.shimple Public classes for the SSA Shimple intermediate representation. 
soot.shimple.internal Shimple internal messy stuff. 
soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar Some analyses based on Shimple. 
soot.toolkits.scalar A number of scalar optimizations, and the flow analysis framework. 

Uses of Local in soot

Fields in soot with type parameters of type Local
protected  Chain<Local> Body.localChain
          The chain of locals for this Body.
protected  Chain<Local> Body.localChain
          The chain of locals for this Body.
protected  Map<Local,Integer> AbstractJasminClass.localToColor
protected  Map<Local,Integer> AbstractJasminClass.localToColor
protected  Map<Local,Object> AbstractJasminClass.localToGroup
protected  Map<Local,Object> AbstractJasminClass.localToGroup
protected  Map<Local,Integer> AbstractJasminClass.localToSlot
protected  Map<Local,Integer> AbstractJasminClass.localToSlot

Methods in soot that return Local
 Local Body.getParameterLocal(int i)
          Return LHS of the first identity stmt assigning from \@parameter i.
 Local Body.getParameterLocal(int i)
          Return LHS of the first identity stmt assigning from \@parameter i.
 Local Body.getThisLocal()
          Return LHS of the first identity stmt assigning from \@this.
 Local Body.getThisLocal()
          Return LHS of the first identity stmt assigning from \@this.

Methods in soot that return types with arguments of type Local
 Chain<Local> Body.getLocals()
          Returns a backed chain of the locals declared in this Body.
 Chain<Local> Body.getLocals()
          Returns a backed chain of the locals declared in this Body.

Methods in soot with parameters of type Local
 void AbstractUnitPrinter.local(Local l)
 void UnitPrinter.local(Local l)
 void UnitPrinter.local(Local l)
 void AbstractUnitPrinter.local(Local l)
 PointsToSet PointsToAnalysis.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by variable l in context c.
 PointsToSet PointsToAnalysis.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by variable l in context c.
 PointsToSet PointsToAnalysis.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l, SootField f)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by instance field f of the objects pointed to by l in context c.
 PointsToSet PointsToAnalysis.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l, SootField f)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by instance field f of the objects pointed to by l in context c.
 PointsToSet PointsToAnalysis.reachingObjects(Local l)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by variable l.
 PointsToSet PointsToAnalysis.reachingObjects(Local l)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by variable l.
 PointsToSet PointsToAnalysis.reachingObjects(Local l, SootField f)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by instance field f of the objects pointed to by l.
 PointsToSet PointsToAnalysis.reachingObjects(Local l, SootField f)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by instance field f of the objects pointed to by l.

Uses of Local in soot.baf

Methods in soot.baf that return Local
 Local IncInst.getLocal()
 Local LoadInst.getLocal()
 Local StoreInst.getLocal()
 Local StoreInst.getLocal()
 Local LoadInst.getLocal()
 Local IncInst.getLocal()
 Local Baf.newLocal(String name, Type t)
          Constructs a Local with the given name and type.
 Local Baf.newLocal(String name, Type t)
          Constructs a Local with the given name and type.

Methods in soot.baf with parameters of type Local
 IncInst Baf.newIncInst(Local aLocal, Constant aConstant)
 IncInst Baf.newIncInst(Local aLocal, Constant aConstant)
 LoadInst Baf.newLoadInst(Type opType, Local l)
 LoadInst Baf.newLoadInst(Type opType, Local l)
 StoreInst Baf.newStoreInst(Type opType, Local l)
 StoreInst Baf.newStoreInst(Type opType, Local l)
 void IncInst.setLocal(Local l)
 void LoadInst.setLocal(Local l)
 void StoreInst.setLocal(Local l)
 void StoreInst.setLocal(Local l)
 void LoadInst.setLocal(Local l)
 void IncInst.setLocal(Local l)

Uses of Local in soot.baf.internal

Classes in soot.baf.internal that implement Local
 class BafLocal

Methods in soot.baf.internal that return Local
 Local BIncInst.getLocal()
 Local BLoadInst.getLocal()
 Local BStoreInst.getLocal()
 Local BStoreInst.getLocal()
 Local BLoadInst.getLocal()
 Local BIncInst.getLocal()

Methods in soot.baf.internal with parameters of type Local
 void BIncInst.setLocal(Local l)
 void BLoadInst.setLocal(Local l)
 void BStoreInst.setLocal(Local l)
 void BStoreInst.setLocal(Local l)
 void BLoadInst.setLocal(Local l)
 void BIncInst.setLocal(Local l)

Constructors in soot.baf.internal with parameters of type Local
BIncInst(Local local, Constant constant)
BIncInst(Local local, Constant constant)
BLoadInst(Type opType, Local local)
BLoadInst(Type opType, Local local)
BStoreInst(Type opType, Local local)
BStoreInst(Type opType, Local local)

Uses of Local in soot.coffi

Methods in soot.coffi that return Local
 Local Util.getLocal(Body b, String name)
 Local Util.getLocal(Body b, String name)

Uses of Local in soot.dava

Methods in soot.dava that return Local
 Local DavaBody.get_ControlLocal()
 Local DavaBody.get_ControlLocal()
 Local Dava.newLocal(String name, Type t)
 Local Dava.newLocal(String name, Type t)

Uses of Local in soot.dava.internal.AST

Methods in soot.dava.internal.AST that return Local
 Local ASTSynchronizedBlockNode.getLocal()
 Local ASTSynchronizedBlockNode.getLocal()

Methods in soot.dava.internal.AST with parameters of type Local
 void ASTMethodNode.addToDontPrintLocalsList(Local toAdd)
 void ASTMethodNode.addToDontPrintLocalsList(Local toAdd)
 void ASTMethodNode.removeDeclaredLocal(Local local)
 void ASTMethodNode.removeDeclaredLocal(Local local)
 void ASTSynchronizedBlockNode.setLocal(Local local)
 void ASTSynchronizedBlockNode.setLocal(Local local)

Method parameters in soot.dava.internal.AST with type arguments of type Local
 void ASTMethodNode.setDontPrintLocals(List<Local> list)
 void ASTMethodNode.setDontPrintLocals(List<Local> list)

Uses of Local in soot.dava.internal.javaRep

Methods in soot.dava.internal.javaRep with parameters of type Local
 void DVariableDeclarationStmt.addLocal(Local add)
 void DVariableDeclarationStmt.addLocal(Local add)
 void DVariableDeclarationStmt.removeLocal(Local remove)
 void DVariableDeclarationStmt.removeLocal(Local remove)

Uses of Local in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.structuredAnalysis

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.structuredAnalysis that return Local
 Local ReachingCopies.LocalPair.getLeftLocal()
 Local ReachingCopies.LocalPair.getLeftLocal()
 Local CPVariable.getLocal()
 Local CPVariable.getLocal()
 Local ReachingCopies.LocalPair.getRightLocal()
 Local ReachingCopies.LocalPair.getRightLocal()

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.structuredAnalysis with parameters of type Local
 boolean ReachingCopies.LocalPair.contains(Local local)
          Method checks whether local occurs in the left or right side of the localpair different semantics than the usual contains method which checks something in a list
 boolean ReachingCopies.LocalPair.contains(Local local)
          Method checks whether local occurs in the left or right side of the localpair different semantics than the usual contains method which checks something in a list
 void ReachingCopies.gen(DavaFlowSet in, Local left, Local right)
 void ReachingCopies.gen(DavaFlowSet in, Local left, Local right)
 List<DefinitionStmt> ReachingDefs.getReachingDefs(Local local, Object node)
 List<DefinitionStmt> ReachingDefs.getReachingDefs(Local local, Object node)
 void ReachingCopies.kill(DavaFlowSet in, Local redefined)
 void ReachingDefs.kill(DavaFlowSet in, Local redefined)
 void ReachingDefs.kill(DavaFlowSet in, Local redefined)
 void ReachingCopies.kill(DavaFlowSet in, Local redefined)
 Object CP.killButGetValueForUse(Local left, CPFlowSet toReturn)
 Object CP.killButGetValueForUse(Local left, CPFlowSet toReturn)
 Object CP.processSynchronizedLocal(Local local, Object input)
 Object MustMayInitialize.processSynchronizedLocal(Local local, Object input)
 Object ReachingCopies.processSynchronizedLocal(Local local, Object input)
 Object ReachingDefs.processSynchronizedLocal(Local local, Object input)
abstract  Object StructuredAnalysis.processSynchronizedLocal(Local local, Object input)
          To deal with the local used for synch blocks
 Object UnreachableCodeFinder.processSynchronizedLocal(Local local, Object input)
 Object UnreachableCodeFinder.processSynchronizedLocal(Local local, Object input)
abstract  Object StructuredAnalysis.processSynchronizedLocal(Local local, Object input)
          To deal with the local used for synch blocks
 Object ReachingDefs.processSynchronizedLocal(Local local, Object input)
 Object ReachingCopies.processSynchronizedLocal(Local local, Object input)
 Object MustMayInitialize.processSynchronizedLocal(Local local, Object input)
 Object CP.processSynchronizedLocal(Local local, Object input)

Constructors in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.structuredAnalysis with parameters of type Local
CPVariable(Local local)
CPVariable(Local local)
ReachingCopies.LocalPair(Local left, Local right)
ReachingCopies.LocalPair(Local left, Local right)

Uses of Local in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.transformations

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.transformations with parameters of type Local
 AugmentedStmt SuperFirstStmtHandler.createStmtAccordingToType(Type tempType, Value tempVal, Local newLocal, SootMethodRef getMethodRef)
 AugmentedStmt SuperFirstStmtHandler.createStmtAccordingToType(Type tempType, Value tempVal, Local newLocal, SootMethodRef getMethodRef)
 List<DefinitionStmt> LocalVariableCleaner.getDefs(Local var)
 List<DefinitionStmt> LocalVariableCleaner.getDefs(Local var)

Uses of Local in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.traversals

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.traversals with parameters of type Local
 void ASTUsesAndDefs.createUDDUChain(Local local, Object useNodeOrStatement)
 void ASTUsesAndDefs.createUDDUChain(Local local, Object useNodeOrStatement)
 List AllVariableUses.getUsesForLocal(Local local)
 List AllVariableUses.getUsesForLocal(Local local)
 void CopyPropagation.modifyUseBoxes(Local from, Local to, List useBoxes)
 void CopyPropagation.modifyUseBoxes(Local from, Local to, List useBoxes)
 void CopyPropagation.modifyUses(Local from, Local to, ASTCondition cond)
 void CopyPropagation.modifyUses(Local from, Local to, ASTCondition cond)
 void CopyPropagation.replace(Local from, Local to, Object use)
 void CopyPropagation.replace(Local from, Local to, Object use)

Uses of Local in soot.dava.toolkits.base.renamer

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.renamer that return types with arguments of type Local
 Iterator<Local> heuristicSet.getLocalsIterator()
 Iterator<Local> heuristicSet.getLocalsIterator()

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.renamer with parameters of type Local
 void heuristicSet.add(Local var, int bits)
 void heuristicSet.add(Local var, int bits)
 void heuristicSet.addCastString(Local var, String castString)
 void heuristicSet.addCastString(Local var, String castString)
 boolean heuristicSet.contains(Local var)
 boolean heuristicSet.contains(Local var)
 List<String> heuristicSet.getCastStrings(Local var)
 List<String> heuristicSet.getCastStrings(Local var)
 List<String> heuristicSet.getFieldName(Local var)
 List<String> heuristicSet.getFieldName(Local var)
 boolean heuristicSet.getHeuristic(Local var, int bitIndex)
 boolean heuristicSet.getHeuristic(Local var, int bitIndex)
 List<String> heuristicSet.getMethodName(Local var)
 List<String> heuristicSet.getMethodName(Local var)
 List<String> heuristicSet.getObjectClassName(Local var)
 List<String> heuristicSet.getObjectClassName(Local var)
 boolean heuristicSet.isAnyHeuristicSet(Local var)
 boolean heuristicSet.isAnyHeuristicSet(Local var)
 void heuristicSet.setFieldName(Local var, String fieldName)
 void heuristicSet.setFieldName(Local var, String fieldName)
 void heuristicSet.setHeuristic(Local var, int bitIndex)
 void heuristicSet.setHeuristic(Local var, int bitIndex)
 void heuristicSet.setMethodName(Local var, String methodName)
 void heuristicSet.setMethodName(Local var, String methodName)
 void heuristicSet.setObjectClassName(Local var, String objectClassName)
 void heuristicSet.setObjectClassName(Local var, String objectClassName)

Uses of Local in soot.grimp

Methods in soot.grimp that return Local
 Local Grimp.newLocal(String name, Type t)
          Constructs a Local with the given name and type.
 Local Grimp.newLocal(String name, Type t)
          Constructs a Local with the given name and type.

Methods in soot.grimp with parameters of type Local
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Grimp.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a InterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Expr) grammar chunk.
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Grimp.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a InterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Expr) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Grimp.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a SpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Expr) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Grimp.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a SpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Expr) grammar chunk.
 VirtualInvokeExpr Grimp.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a VirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Expr) grammar chunk.
 VirtualInvokeExpr Grimp.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a VirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Expr) grammar chunk.

Uses of Local in soot.javaToJimple

Fields in soot.javaToJimple declared as Local
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.outerClassParamLocal
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.outerClassParamLocal
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.specialThisLocal
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.specialThisLocal

Fields in soot.javaToJimple with type parameters of type Local
protected  HashMap<polyglot.util.IdentityKey,Local> JimpleBodyBuilder.localsMap
protected  HashMap<polyglot.util.IdentityKey,Local> JimpleBodyBuilder.localsMap

Methods in soot.javaToJimple that return Local
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.generateLocal(Type sootType)
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.generateLocal(polyglot.types.Type polyglotType)
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.generateLocal(polyglot.types.Type polyglotType)
          Extra Local Variables Generation
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.generateLocal(Type sootType)
 Local LocalGenerator.generateLocal(Type type)
          generates a new soot local given the type
 Local LocalGenerator.generateLocal(Type type)
          generates a new soot local given the type
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.generateLocal(polyglot.types.Type polyglotType)
          Extra Local Variables Generation
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.generateLocal(Type sootType)
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.generateLocal(Type sootType)
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.generateLocal(polyglot.types.Type polyglotType)
 Local PolyglotMethodSource.getOuterClassThisInit()
 Local PolyglotMethodSource.getOuterClassThisInit()
static Local Util.getPrivateAccessFieldInvoke(SootMethodRef toInvoke, ArrayList params, Body body, LocalGenerator lg)
static Local Util.getPrivateAccessFieldInvoke(SootMethodRef toInvoke, ArrayList params, Body body, LocalGenerator lg)
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.getThis(Type sootType)
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.getThis(Type sootType)
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.getThis(Type sootType)
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.getThis(Type sootType)
static Local Util.getThis(Type sootType, Body body, HashMap getThisMap, LocalGenerator lg)
static Local Util.getThis(Type sootType, Body body, HashMap getThisMap, LocalGenerator lg)
static Local Util.getThisGivenOuter(Type sootType, HashMap getThisMap, Body body, LocalGenerator lg, Local t2)
static Local Util.getThisGivenOuter(Type sootType, HashMap getThisMap, Body body, LocalGenerator lg, Local t2)
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldAssignSet(polyglot.ast.Assign assign)
protected  Local AccessFieldJBB.handlePrivateFieldAssignSet(polyglot.ast.Assign assign)
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldAssignSet(polyglot.ast.Assign assign)
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldAssignSet(polyglot.ast.Assign assign)
protected  Local AccessFieldJBB.handlePrivateFieldAssignSet(polyglot.ast.Assign assign)
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldAssignSet(polyglot.ast.Assign assign)
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldSet(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, Value right, Value base)
protected  Local AccessFieldJBB.handlePrivateFieldSet(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, Value right, Value baseLocal)
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldSet(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, Value right, Value base)
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldSet(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, Value right, Value base)
protected  Local AccessFieldJBB.handlePrivateFieldSet(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, Value right, Value baseLocal)
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldSet(polyglot.ast.Expr expr, Value right, Value base)
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldUnarySet(polyglot.ast.Unary unary)
protected  Local AccessFieldJBB.handlePrivateFieldUnarySet(polyglot.ast.Unary unary)
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldUnarySet(polyglot.ast.Unary unary)
protected  Local JimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldUnarySet(polyglot.ast.Unary unary)
protected  Local AccessFieldJBB.handlePrivateFieldUnarySet(polyglot.ast.Unary unary)
protected  Local AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.handlePrivateFieldUnarySet(polyglot.ast.Unary unary)

Methods in soot.javaToJimple with parameters of type Local
protected  Value AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.getAssignRightLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign, Local leftLocal)
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.getAssignRightLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign, Local leftLocal)
protected  Value JimpleBodyBuilder.getAssignRightLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign, Local leftLocal)
protected  Value AbstractJimpleBodyBuilder.getAssignRightLocal(polyglot.ast.Assign assign, Local leftLocal)
static Local Util.getThisGivenOuter(Type sootType, HashMap getThisMap, Body body, LocalGenerator lg, Local t2)
static Local Util.getThisGivenOuter(Type sootType, HashMap getThisMap, Body body, LocalGenerator lg, Local t2)
 void PolyglotMethodSource.setOuterClassThisInit(Local l)
 void PolyglotMethodSource.setOuterClassThisInit(Local l)

Uses of Local in soot.jbco

Fields in soot.jbco with type parameters of type Local
static HashMap<SootMethod,HashMap<Local,Local>> Main.methods2Baf2JLocals
static HashMap<SootMethod,HashMap<Local,Local>> Main.methods2Baf2JLocals
static HashMap<SootMethod,HashMap<Local,Local>> Main.methods2Baf2JLocals
static HashMap<SootMethod,HashMap<Local,Local>> Main.methods2Baf2JLocals

Uses of Local in soot.jbco.bafTransformations

Methods in soot.jbco.bafTransformations with parameters of type Local
static PushInst FixUndefinedLocals.getPushInitializer(Local l, Type t)
static PushInst FixUndefinedLocals.getPushInitializer(Local l, Type t)

Uses of Local in soot.jbco.util

Methods in soot.jbco.util that return Local
static Local BodyBuilder.buildThisLocal(PatchingChain units, ThisRef tr, Chain locals)
static Local BodyBuilder.buildThisLocal(PatchingChain units, ThisRef tr, Chain locals)

Uses of Local in soot.jimple

Methods in soot.jimple that return Local
 Local JimpleToBafContext.getBafLocalOfJimpleLocal(Local jimpleLocal)
 Local JimpleToBafContext.getBafLocalOfJimpleLocal(Local jimpleLocal)
 Local Jimple.newLocal(String name, Type t)
          Constructs a Local with the given name and type.
 Local Jimple.newLocal(String name, Type t)
          Constructs a Local with the given name and type.

Methods in soot.jimple with parameters of type Local
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseAnyNewStmt(Local dest, Expr e)
          Any type of new statement (NewStmt, NewArrayStmt, NewMultiArrayStmt)
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseAnyNewStmt(Local dest, Expr e)
          Any type of new statement (NewStmt, NewArrayStmt, NewMultiArrayStmt)
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseArrayLoadStmt(Local dest, ArrayRef src)
          A statement of the form l1 = l2[i];
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseArrayLoadStmt(Local dest, ArrayRef src)
          A statement of the form l1 = l2[i];
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseArrayStoreStmt(ArrayRef dest, Local src)
          A statement of the form l1[i] = l2;
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseArrayStoreStmt(ArrayRef dest, Local src)
          A statement of the form l1[i] = l2;
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseCastStmt(Local dest, Local src, CastExpr c)
          A statement of the form l = (cl) v;
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseCastStmt(Local dest, Local src, CastExpr c)
          A statement of the form l = (cl) v;
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseCatchStmt(Local dest, CaughtExceptionRef cer)
          A catch statement
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseCatchStmt(Local dest, CaughtExceptionRef cer)
          A catch statement
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseCopyStmt(Local dest, Local src)
          A statement of the form l = v;
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseCopyStmt(Local dest, Local src)
          A statement of the form l = v;
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseGlobalLoadStmt(Local dest, StaticFieldRef src)
          A statement of the form l = cl.f;
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseGlobalLoadStmt(Local dest, StaticFieldRef src)
          A statement of the form l = cl.f;
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseGlobalStoreStmt(StaticFieldRef dest, Local src)
          A statement of the form cl.f = l;
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseGlobalStoreStmt(StaticFieldRef dest, Local src)
          A statement of the form cl.f = l;
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseIdentityStmt(Local dest, IdentityRef src)
          An identity statement assigning a parameter to a local.
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseIdentityStmt(Local dest, IdentityRef src)
          An identity statement assigning a parameter to a local.
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseInvokeStmt(Local dest, InvokeExpr e)
          A method invocation.
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseInvokeStmt(Local dest, InvokeExpr e)
          A method invocation.
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseLoadStmt(Local dest, InstanceFieldRef src)
          A statement of the form l1 = l2.f;
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseLoadStmt(Local dest, InstanceFieldRef src)
          A statement of the form l1 = l2.f;
 void AbstractJimpleValueSwitch.caseLocal(Local v)
 void JimpleValueSwitch.caseLocal(Local l)
 void JimpleValueSwitch.caseLocal(Local l)
 void AbstractJimpleValueSwitch.caseLocal(Local v)
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseNewArrayStmt(Local dest, NewArrayExpr e)
          A newarray statement
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseNewArrayStmt(Local dest, NewArrayExpr e)
          A newarray statement
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseNewMultiArrayStmt(Local dest, NewMultiArrayExpr e)
          A anewarray statement
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseNewMultiArrayStmt(Local dest, NewMultiArrayExpr e)
          A anewarray statement
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseNewStmt(Local dest, NewExpr e)
          A new statement
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseNewStmt(Local dest, NewExpr e)
          A new statement
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseReturnStmt(Local val)
          A return statement.
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseReturnStmt(Local val)
          A return statement.
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseStoreStmt(InstanceFieldRef dest, Local src)
          A statement of the form l1.f = l2;
protected abstract  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseStoreStmt(InstanceFieldRef dest, Local src)
          A statement of the form l1.f = l2;
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseThrowStmt(Local thrownException)
          A throw statement
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseThrowStmt(Local thrownException)
          A throw statement
 Local JimpleToBafContext.getBafLocalOfJimpleLocal(Local jimpleLocal)
 Local JimpleToBafContext.getBafLocalOfJimpleLocal(Local jimpleLocal)
 boolean EqualLocals.isLocalEqualToAt(Local l1, Local l2, Stmt s)
 boolean EqualLocals.isLocalEqualToAt(Local l1, Local l2, Stmt s)
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Jimple.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method)
          Constructs a NewInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Jimple.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method)
          Constructs a NewInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Jimple.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a NewInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Jimple.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a NewInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Jimple.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg)
          Constructs a NewInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Jimple.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg)
          Constructs a NewInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Jimple.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 InterfaceInvokeExpr Jimple.newInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Jimple.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method)
          Constructs a NewSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Jimple.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method)
          Constructs a NewSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Jimple.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a NewSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Jimple.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a NewSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Jimple.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg)
          Constructs a NewSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Jimple.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg)
          Constructs a NewSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Jimple.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 SpecialInvokeExpr Jimple.newSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 VirtualInvokeExpr Jimple.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method)
          Constructs a NewVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 VirtualInvokeExpr Jimple.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method)
          Constructs a NewVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 VirtualInvokeExpr Jimple.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a NewVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 VirtualInvokeExpr Jimple.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a NewVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 VirtualInvokeExpr Jimple.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg)
          Constructs a NewVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 VirtualInvokeExpr Jimple.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg)
          Constructs a NewVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 VirtualInvokeExpr Jimple.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 VirtualInvokeExpr Jimple.newVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, Value arg1, Value arg2)
          Constructs a NewVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk.
 void JimpleToBafContext.setBafLocalOfJimpleLocal(Local jimpleLocal, Local bafLocal)
 void JimpleToBafContext.setBafLocalOfJimpleLocal(Local jimpleLocal, Local bafLocal)
 void ArrayRef.setBase(Local base)
 void ArrayRef.setBase(Local base)

Constructors in soot.jimple with parameters of type Local
LocalStmtPair(Local local, Stmt stmt)
LocalStmtPair(Local local, Stmt stmt)

Uses of Local in soot.jimple.internal

Classes in soot.jimple.internal that implement Local
 class JimpleLocal

Methods in soot.jimple.internal with parameters of type Local
 void JArrayRef.setBase(Local base)
 void JArrayRef.setBase(Local base)

Constructors in soot.jimple.internal with parameters of type Local
JSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
JSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)

Uses of Local in soot.jimple.spark.builder

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.builder with parameters of type Local
 void MethodNodeFactory.caseLocal(Local l)
 void MethodNodeFactory.caseLocal(Local l)

Uses of Local in soot.jimple.spark.geom.geomPA

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.geom.geomPA with parameters of type Local
 PointsToSet GeomPointsTo.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l)
 PointsToSet GeomPointsTo.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l)
 PointsToSet GeomPointsTo.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l, SootField f)
 PointsToSet GeomPointsTo.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l, SootField f)
 PointsToSet GeomPointsTo.reachingObjects(Local l)
 PointsToSet GeomPointsTo.reachingObjects(Local l)
 PointsToSet GeomPointsTo.reachingObjects(Local l, SootField f)
 PointsToSet GeomPointsTo.reachingObjects(Local l, SootField f)

Uses of Local in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand

Fields in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand with type parameters of type Local
protected  Map<Local,PointsToSet> DemandCSPointsTo.reachingObjectsCache
protected  Map<Local,PointsToSet> DemandCSPointsTo.reachingObjectsCache
protected  Map<Local,PointsToSet> DemandCSPointsTo.reachingObjectsCacheNoCGRefinement
protected  Map<Local,PointsToSet> DemandCSPointsTo.reachingObjectsCacheNoCGRefinement

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand with parameters of type Local
protected  PointsToSet DemandCSPointsTo.computeReachingObjects(Local l)
          Computes the possibly refined set of reaching objects for l.
protected  PointsToSet DemandCSPointsTo.computeReachingObjects(Local l)
          Computes the possibly refined set of reaching objects for l.
 PointsToSet DemandCSPointsTo.doReachingObjects(Local l)
 PointsToSet DemandCSPointsTo.doReachingObjects(Local l)
 PointsToSet DemandCSPointsTo.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l)
          Currently not implemented.
 PointsToSet DemandCSPointsTo.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l)
          Currently not implemented.
 PointsToSet DemandCSPointsTo.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l, SootField f)
          Currently not implemented.
 PointsToSet DemandCSPointsTo.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l, SootField f)
          Currently not implemented.
 PointsToSet DemandCSPointsTo.reachingObjects(Local l)
 PointsToSet DemandCSPointsTo.reachingObjects(Local l)
 PointsToSet DemandCSPointsTo.reachingObjects(Local l, SootField f)
          Currently not implemented.
 PointsToSet DemandCSPointsTo.reachingObjects(Local l, SootField f)
          Currently not implemented.

Constructors in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand with parameters of type Local
LazyContextSensitivePointsToSet(Local l, EqualsSupportingPointsToSet contextInsensitiveSet, DemandCSPointsTo demandCSPointsTo)
LazyContextSensitivePointsToSet(Local l, EqualsSupportingPointsToSet contextInsensitiveSet, DemandCSPointsTo demandCSPointsTo)

Uses of Local in soot.jimple.spark.pag

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.pag with parameters of type Local
 PointsToSet PAG.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by variable l in context c.
 PointsToSet PAG.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by variable l in context c.
 PointsToSet PAG.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l, SootField f)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by instance field f of the objects pointed to by l in context c.
 PointsToSet PAG.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l, SootField f)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by instance field f of the objects pointed to by l in context c.
 PointsToSet PAG.reachingObjects(Local l)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by variable l.
 PointsToSet PAG.reachingObjects(Local l)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by variable l.
 PointsToSet PAG.reachingObjects(Local l, SootField f)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by instance field f of the objects pointed to by l.
 PointsToSet PAG.reachingObjects(Local l, SootField f)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by instance field f of the objects pointed to by l.

Uses of Local in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.purity

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.purity with parameters of type Local
protected  boolean PurityGraph.localsPut(Local local, PurityNode node)
protected  boolean PurityGraph.localsPut(Local local, PurityNode node)
protected  boolean PurityGraph.localsPutAll(Local local, Set nodes)
protected  boolean PurityGraph.localsPutAll(Local local, Set nodes)
protected  boolean PurityGraph.localsRemove(Local local)
protected  boolean PurityGraph.localsRemove(Local local)

Uses of Local in soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph with parameters of type Local
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.addStringConstant(Local l, Context srcContext, String constant)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.addStringConstant(Local l, Context srcContext, String constant)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.addType(Local receiver, Context srcContext, Type type, Context typeContext)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.addType(Local receiver, Context srcContext, Type type, Context typeContext)
 boolean OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.wantStringConstants(Local stringConst)
 boolean OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.wantStringConstants(Local stringConst)
 boolean OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.wantTypes(Local receiver)
 boolean OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.wantTypes(Local receiver)

Uses of Local in soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow

Classes in soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow that implement Local
 class FakeJimpleLocal

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow that return Local
 Local FakeJimpleLocal.getRealLocal()
 Local FakeJimpleLocal.getRealLocal()

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow with parameters of type Local
static EquivalentValue InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForFieldRef(SootMethod sm, SootField sf, Local realLocal)
static EquivalentValue InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForFieldRef(SootMethod sm, SootField sf, Local realLocal)

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow with parameters of type Local
FakeJimpleLocal(String name, Type t, Local realLocal)
          Constructs a FakeJimpleLocal of the given name and type.
FakeJimpleLocal(String name, Type t, Local realLocal)
          Constructs a FakeJimpleLocal of the given name and type.
FakeJimpleLocal(String name, Type t, Local realLocal, Object info)
FakeJimpleLocal(String name, Type t, Local realLocal, Object info)

Uses of Local in soot.jimple.toolkits.invoke

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.invoke that return Local
 Local SynchronizerManager.addStmtsToFetchClassBefore(JimpleBody jb, Stmt target)
          Adds code to fetch the static Class object to the given JimpleBody before the target Stmt.
 Local SynchronizerManager.addStmtsToFetchClassBefore(JimpleBody jb, Stmt target)
          Adds code to fetch the static Class object to the given JimpleBody before the target Stmt.

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.invoke with parameters of type Local
 void SynchronizerManager.synchronizeStmtOn(Stmt stmt, JimpleBody b, Local lock)
          Wraps stmt around a monitor associated with local lock.
 void SynchronizerManager.synchronizeStmtOn(Stmt stmt, JimpleBody b, Local lock)
          Wraps stmt around a monitor associated with local lock.

Uses of Local in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer

Fields in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer declared as Local
protected  Local InstanceKey.assignedLocal
protected  Local InstanceKey.assignedLocal

Fields in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer with type parameters of type Local
protected  Set<Local> LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis.locals
protected  Set<Local> LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis.locals

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer that return Local
 Local InstanceKey.getLocal()
 Local InstanceKey.getLocal()

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer with parameters of type Local
 boolean LocalMustAliasAnalysis.hasInfoOn(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns true if this analysis has any information about local l at statement s (i.e.
 boolean LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis.hasInfoOn(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns true if this analysis has any information about local l at statement s (i.e.
 boolean LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis.hasInfoOn(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns true if this analysis has any information about local l at statement s (i.e.
 boolean LocalMustAliasAnalysis.hasInfoOn(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns true if this analysis has any information about local l at statement s (i.e.
 String LocalMustAliasAnalysis.instanceKeyString(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns a string (natural number) representation of the instance key associated with l at statement s or null if there is no such key associated or UNKNOWN if the value of l at s is LocalMustAliasAnalysis.UNKNOWN.
 String StrongLocalMustAliasAnalysis.instanceKeyString(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns a string (natural number) representation of the instance key associated with l at statement s or null if there is no such key associated or UNKNOWN if the value of l at s is LocalMustAliasAnalysis.UNKNOWN.
 String StrongLocalMustAliasAnalysis.instanceKeyString(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns a string (natural number) representation of the instance key associated with l at statement s or null if there is no such key associated or UNKNOWN if the value of l at s is LocalMustAliasAnalysis.UNKNOWN.
 String LocalMustAliasAnalysis.instanceKeyString(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns a string (natural number) representation of the instance key associated with l at statement s or null if there is no such key associated or UNKNOWN if the value of l at s is LocalMustAliasAnalysis.UNKNOWN.
 boolean LocalMustAliasAnalysis.mustAlias(Local l1, Stmt s1, Local l2, Stmt s2)
 boolean StrongLocalMustAliasAnalysis.mustAlias(Local l1, Stmt s1, Local l2, Stmt s2)
 boolean StrongLocalMustAliasAnalysis.mustAlias(Local l1, Stmt s1, Local l2, Stmt s2)
 boolean LocalMustAliasAnalysis.mustAlias(Local l1, Stmt s1, Local l2, Stmt s2)
 boolean LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis.notMayAlias(Local l1, Stmt s1, Local l2, Stmt s2)
 boolean LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis.notMayAlias(Local l1, Stmt s1, Local l2, Stmt s2)
 PointsToSet DumbPointerAnalysis.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by variable l in context c.
 PointsToSet DumbPointerAnalysis.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by variable l in context c.
 PointsToSet DumbPointerAnalysis.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l, SootField f)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by instance field f of the objects pointed to by l in context c.
 PointsToSet DumbPointerAnalysis.reachingObjects(Context c, Local l, SootField f)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by instance field f of the objects pointed to by l in context c.
 PointsToSet DumbPointerAnalysis.reachingObjects(Local l)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by variable l.
protected  PointsToSet PASideEffectTester.reachingObjects(Local l)
protected  PointsToSet PASideEffectTester.reachingObjects(Local l)
 PointsToSet DumbPointerAnalysis.reachingObjects(Local l)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by variable l.
 PointsToSet DumbPointerAnalysis.reachingObjects(Local l, SootField f)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by instance field f of the objects pointed to by l.
 PointsToSet DumbPointerAnalysis.reachingObjects(Local l, SootField f)
          Returns the set of objects pointed to by instance field f of the objects pointed to by l.

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer with parameters of type Local
InstanceKey(Local local, Stmt stmt, SootMethod owner, LocalMustAliasAnalysis lmaa, LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis lmna)
          Creates a new instance key representing the value stored in local, just before stmt.
InstanceKey(Local local, Stmt stmt, SootMethod owner, LocalMustAliasAnalysis lmaa, LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis lmna)
          Creates a new instance key representing the value stored in local, just before stmt.

Uses of Local in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar that return Local
 Local LocalCreation.newLocal(String prefix, Type type)
          returns a new local with the given prefix and the given type.
the returned local will automaticly added to the locals-chain.
 Local LocalCreation.newLocal(String prefix, Type type)
          returns a new local with the given prefix and the given type.
the returned local will automaticly added to the locals-chain.
 Local LocalCreation.newLocal(Type type)
          returns a new local with the prefix given to the constructor (or the default-prefix if none has been given) and the given type.
The returned local will automaticly added to the locals-chain.
The local will be of the form: prefixX (where the last X is a number, so the localname is unique).
 Local LocalCreation.newLocal(Type type)
          returns a new local with the prefix given to the constructor (or the default-prefix if none has been given) and the given type.
The returned local will automaticly added to the locals-chain.
The local will be of the form: prefixX (where the last X is a number, so the localname is unique).

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Local
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Stmt firstStmt, Local firstLocal, Stmt secondStmt, Local secondLocal)
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Stmt firstStmt, Local firstLocal, Stmt secondStmt, Local secondLocal)
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Stmt firstStmt, Local firstLocal, Stmt secondStmt, Local secondLocal, List boundaryStmts)
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Stmt firstStmt, Local firstLocal, Stmt secondStmt, Local secondLocal, List boundaryStmts)
 List EqualLocalsAnalysis.getCopiesOfAt(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns a list of EquivalentValue wrapped Locals and Refs that must always be equal to l at s
 List EqualLocalsAnalysis.getCopiesOfAt(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns a list of EquivalentValue wrapped Locals and Refs that must always be equal to l at s

Method parameters in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar with type arguments of type Local
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Map<Stmt,Local> stmtToLocal)
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Map<Stmt,Local> stmtToLocal)
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Map<Stmt,Local> stmtToLocal, List boundaryStmts)
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Map<Stmt,Local> stmtToLocal, List boundaryStmts)

Uses of Local in

Methods in with parameters of type Local
 Type Typing.get(Local v)
 Type Typing.get(Local v)
 Type Typing.set(Local v, Type t)
 Type Typing.set(Local v, Type t)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Local
Typing(Collection<Local> vs)
Typing(Collection<Local> vs)

Uses of Local in soot.shimple

Methods in soot.shimple that return Local
static Local Shimple.getLhsLocal(Unit unit)
          Returns the corresponding left Local if the unit is a Shimple node, null otherwise.
static Local Shimple.getLhsLocal(Unit unit)
          Returns the corresponding left Local if the unit is a Shimple node, null otherwise.

Methods in soot.shimple with parameters of type Local
 PhiExpr Shimple.newPhiExpr(Local leftLocal, List preds)
          Create a trivial PhiExpr, where preds are an ordered list of the control predecessor Blocks of the Phi expression.
 PhiExpr Shimple.newPhiExpr(Local leftLocal, List preds)
          Create a trivial PhiExpr, where preds are an ordered list of the control predecessor Blocks of the Phi expression.
 PiExpr Shimple.newPiExpr(Local local, Unit predicate, Object targetKey)
 PiExpr Shimple.newPiExpr(Local local, Unit predicate, Object targetKey)

Uses of Local in soot.shimple.internal

Fields in soot.shimple.internal with type parameters of type Local
protected  Map<String,Local> ShimpleBodyBuilder.newLocals
          Maps new name Strings to Locals.
protected  Map<String,Local> ShimpleBodyBuilder.newLocals
          Maps new name Strings to Locals.
protected  Map<Local,Local> ShimpleBodyBuilder.newLocalsToOldLocal
          Maps renamed Locals to original Locals.
protected  Map<Local,Local> ShimpleBodyBuilder.newLocalsToOldLocal
          Maps renamed Locals to original Locals.
protected  Map<Local,Local> ShimpleBodyBuilder.newLocalsToOldLocal
          Maps renamed Locals to original Locals.
protected  Map<Local,Local> ShimpleBodyBuilder.newLocalsToOldLocal
          Maps renamed Locals to original Locals.
protected  List<Local> ShimpleBodyBuilder.origLocals
          A fixed list of all original Locals.
protected  List<Local> ShimpleBodyBuilder.origLocals
          A fixed list of all original Locals.

Methods in soot.shimple.internal that return Local
protected  Local ShimpleBodyBuilder.fetchNewLocal(Local local, Integer subscript)
          Clever convenience function to fetch or create new Local's given a Local and the desired subscript.
protected  Local ShimpleBodyBuilder.fetchNewLocal(Local local, Integer subscript)
          Clever convenience function to fetch or create new Local's given a Local and the desired subscript.

Methods in soot.shimple.internal with parameters of type Local
protected  Local ShimpleBodyBuilder.fetchNewLocal(Local local, Integer subscript)
          Clever convenience function to fetch or create new Local's given a Local and the desired subscript.
protected  Local ShimpleBodyBuilder.fetchNewLocal(Local local, Integer subscript)
          Clever convenience function to fetch or create new Local's given a Local and the desired subscript.
 void PiNodeManager.insertPiNodes(Local local, Block frontierBlock)
 void PiNodeManager.insertPiNodes(Local local, Block frontierBlock)
protected  boolean PhiNodeManager.needsPhiNode(Local local, Block block)
          Function that allows us to weed out special cases where we do not require Phi nodes.
protected  boolean PhiNodeManager.needsPhiNode(Local local, Block block)
          Function that allows us to weed out special cases where we do not require Phi nodes.
 void PiNodeManager.piHandleIfStmt(Local local, IfStmt u)
 void PiNodeManager.piHandleIfStmt(Local local, IfStmt u)
 void PiNodeManager.piHandleSwitchStmt(Local local, Unit u)
 void PiNodeManager.piHandleSwitchStmt(Local local, Unit u)
 void PhiNodeManager.prependTrivialPhiNode(Local local, Block frontierBlock)
          Inserts a trivial Phi node with the appropriate number of arguments.
 void PhiNodeManager.prependTrivialPhiNode(Local local, Block frontierBlock)
          Inserts a trivial Phi node with the appropriate number of arguments.

Constructors in soot.shimple.internal with parameters of type Local
SPhiExpr(Local leftLocal, List preds)
          Create a trivial Phi expression for leftLocal.
SPhiExpr(Local leftLocal, List preds)
          Create a trivial Phi expression for leftLocal.

Uses of Local in soot.shimple.toolkits.graph

Methods in soot.shimple.toolkits.graph that return Local
 Local ValueGraph.getLocal(ValueGraph.Node node)
 Local ValueGraph.getLocal(ValueGraph.Node node)

Methods in soot.shimple.toolkits.graph with parameters of type Local
 boolean GlobalValueNumberer.areEqual(Local local1, Local local2)
 boolean SimpleGlobalValueNumberer.areEqual(Local local1, Local local2)
 boolean SimpleGlobalValueNumberer.areEqual(Local local1, Local local2)
 boolean GlobalValueNumberer.areEqual(Local local1, Local local2)
 int GlobalValueNumberer.getGlobalValueNumber(Local local)
 int SimpleGlobalValueNumberer.getGlobalValueNumber(Local local)
 int SimpleGlobalValueNumberer.getGlobalValueNumber(Local local)
 int GlobalValueNumberer.getGlobalValueNumber(Local local)

Uses of Local in soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar

Fields in soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar with type parameters of type Local
protected  Map<Local,ArrayList> ShimpleLocalUses.localToUses
protected  Map<Local,ArrayList> ShimpleLocalUses.localToUses

Methods in soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Local
 List<Unit> ShimpleLocalDefs.getDefsOf(Local l)
          Unconditionally returns the definition site of a local (as a singleton list).
 List<Unit> ShimpleLocalDefs.getDefsOf(Local l)
          Unconditionally returns the definition site of a local (as a singleton list).
 List<Unit> ShimpleLocalDefs.getDefsOfAt(Local l, Unit s)
          Returns the definition site for a Local at a certain point (Unit) in a method as a singleton list.
 List<Unit> ShimpleLocalDefs.getDefsOfAt(Local l, Unit s)
          Returns the definition site for a Local at a certain point (Unit) in a method as a singleton list.
 List ShimpleLocalUses.getUsesOf(Local local)
          Returns all the uses of the given Local as a list of UnitValueBoxPairs, each containing a Unit that uses the local and the corresponding ValueBox containing the Local.
 List ShimpleLocalUses.getUsesOf(Local local)
          Returns all the uses of the given Local as a list of UnitValueBoxPairs, each containing a Unit that uses the local and the corresponding ValueBox containing the Local.

Method parameters in soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar with type arguments of type Local
static Constant SEvaluator.getFuzzyConstantValueOf(Value v, Map<Local,Constant> localToConstant)
          Get the constant value of the expression given the assumptions in the localToConstant map (may contain Top and Bottom).
static Constant SEvaluator.getFuzzyConstantValueOf(Value v, Map<Local,Constant> localToConstant)
          Get the constant value of the expression given the assumptions in the localToConstant map (may contain Top and Bottom).
protected  void SConstantPropagatorAndFolder.propagateResults(Map<Local,Constant> localToConstant)
          Propagates constants to the definition and uses of the relevant locals given a mapping.
protected  void SConstantPropagatorAndFolder.propagateResults(Map<Local,Constant> localToConstant)
          Propagates constants to the definition and uses of the relevant locals given a mapping.

Uses of Local in soot.sootify

Methods in soot.sootify with parameters of type Local
 void ValueTemplatePrinter.caseLocal(Local l)
 void ValueTemplatePrinter.caseLocal(Local l)

Uses of Local in soot.toolkits.exceptions

Methods in soot.toolkits.exceptions with parameters of type Local
 void UnitThrowAnalysis.ValueSwitch.caseLocal(Local l)
 void UnitThrowAnalysis.ValueSwitch.caseLocal(Local l)

Uses of Local in soot.toolkits.scalar

Methods in soot.toolkits.scalar that return Local
 Local LocalUnitPair.getLocal()
 Local LocalUnitPair.getLocal()

Methods in soot.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Local
 List<Unit> CombinedDUAnalysis.getDefsOfAt(Local l, Unit s)
 List<Unit> LocalDefs.getDefsOfAt(Local l, Unit s)
          Returns the definition sites for a Local at a certain point (Unit) in a method.
 List<Unit> SimpleLocalDefs.getDefsOfAt(Local l, Unit s)
 List<Unit> SmartLocalDefs.getDefsOfAt(Local l, Unit s)
 List<Unit> SmartLocalDefs.getDefsOfAt(Local l, Unit s)
 List<Unit> SimpleLocalDefs.getDefsOfAt(Local l, Unit s)
 List<Unit> LocalDefs.getDefsOfAt(Local l, Unit s)
          Returns the definition sites for a Local at a certain point (Unit) in a method.
 List<Unit> CombinedDUAnalysis.getDefsOfAt(Local l, Unit s)
 boolean SimpleLocalDefs.hasDefsAt(Local l, Unit s)
 boolean SimpleLocalDefs.hasDefsAt(Local l, Unit s)
 boolean FastColorer.UnitInterferenceGraph.localsInterfere(Local l1, Local l2)
 boolean FastColorer.UnitInterferenceGraph.localsInterfere(Local l1, Local l2)
 void FastColorer.UnitInterferenceGraph.setInterference(Local l1, Local l2)
 void FastColorer.UnitInterferenceGraph.setInterference(Local l1, Local l2)

Method parameters in soot.toolkits.scalar with type arguments of type Local
static void FastColorer.assignColorsToLocals(Body unitBody, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, Map<Local,Integer> localToColor, Map<Object,Integer> groupToColorCount)
          Provides an economical coloring for the locals of unitBody.
static void FastColorer.assignColorsToLocals(Body unitBody, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, Map<Local,Integer> localToColor, Map<Object,Integer> groupToColorCount)
          Provides an economical coloring for the locals of unitBody.
static void FastColorer.assignColorsToLocals(Body unitBody, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, Map<Local,Integer> localToColor, Map<Object,Integer> groupToColorCount)
          Provides an economical coloring for the locals of unitBody.
static void FastColorer.assignColorsToLocals(Body unitBody, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, Map<Local,Integer> localToColor, Map<Object,Integer> groupToColorCount)
          Provides an economical coloring for the locals of unitBody.
static void FastColorer.unsplitAssignColorsToLocals(Body unitBody, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, Map<Local,Integer> localToColor, Map<Object,Integer> groupToColorCount)
          Provides a coloring for the locals of unitBody, attempting to not split locals assigned the same name in the original Jimple.
static void FastColorer.unsplitAssignColorsToLocals(Body unitBody, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, Map<Local,Integer> localToColor, Map<Object,Integer> groupToColorCount)
          Provides a coloring for the locals of unitBody, attempting to not split locals assigned the same name in the original Jimple.
static void FastColorer.unsplitAssignColorsToLocals(Body unitBody, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, Map<Local,Integer> localToColor, Map<Object,Integer> groupToColorCount)
          Provides a coloring for the locals of unitBody, attempting to not split locals assigned the same name in the original Jimple.
static void FastColorer.unsplitAssignColorsToLocals(Body unitBody, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, Map<Local,Integer> localToColor, Map<Object,Integer> groupToColorCount)
          Provides a coloring for the locals of unitBody, attempting to not split locals assigned the same name in the original Jimple.

Constructors in soot.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Local
LocalUnitPair(Local local, Unit unit)
          Constructs a LocalUnitPair from a Unit object and a Local object.
LocalUnitPair(Local local, Unit unit)
          Constructs a LocalUnitPair from a Unit object and a Local object.

Constructor parameters in soot.toolkits.scalar with type arguments of type Local
FastColorer.UnitInterferenceGraph(Body body, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, LiveLocals liveLocals)
FastColorer.UnitInterferenceGraph(Body body, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, LiveLocals liveLocals)