Uses of Class

Packages that use RefType
soot Base Soot classes, shared by different intermediate representations. 
soot.baf Public classes for the Baf intermediate representation. 
soot.baf.internal Internal, messy, implementation-specific classes for the Baf intermediate representation. 
soot.grimp Public classes for the Grimp intermediate representation. 
soot.grimp.internal Internal, messy, implementation-specific classes for the Grimp intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple Public classes for the Jimple intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple.internal Internal, messy, implementation-specific classes for the Jimple intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.base A toolkit to optimize the Jimple IR. 

Uses of RefType in soot

Methods in soot that return RefType
 RefType BooleanType.boxedType()
 RefType ByteType.boxedType()
 RefType CharType.boxedType()
 RefType DoubleType.boxedType()
 RefType FloatType.boxedType()
 RefType IntType.boxedType()
 RefType LongType.boxedType()
abstract  RefType PrimType.boxedType()
 RefType ShortType.boxedType()
 RefType ShortType.boxedType()
abstract  RefType PrimType.boxedType()
 RefType LongType.boxedType()
 RefType IntType.boxedType()
 RefType FloatType.boxedType()
 RefType DoubleType.boxedType()
 RefType CharType.boxedType()
 RefType ByteType.boxedType()
 RefType BooleanType.boxedType()
 RefType AnySubType.getBase()
 RefType AnySubType.getBase()
 RefType Scene.getObjectType()
          Returns the RefType for Object.
 RefType Scene.getObjectType()
          Returns the RefType for Object.
 RefType Scene.getRefType(String className)
          Returns the RefType with the given className.
 RefType Scene.getRefType(String className)
          Returns the RefType with the given className.
 RefType SootClass.getType()
          Returns the RefType corresponding to this class.
 RefType SootClass.getType()
          Returns the RefType corresponding to this class.
 RefType Singletons.soot_RefType()
static RefType RefType.v()
static RefType RefType.v()
static RefType RefType.v(SootClass c)
          Create a RefType for a class.
static RefType RefType.v(SootClass c)
          Create a RefType for a class.
static RefType RefType.v(String className)
          Create a RefType for a class.
static RefType RefType.v(String className)
          Create a RefType for a class.

Methods in soot with parameters of type RefType
 void Scene.addRefType(RefType type)
          Returns the RefType with the given className.
 void Scene.addRefType(RefType type)
          Returns the RefType with the given className.
 void TypeSwitch.caseRefType(RefType t)
 void TypeSwitch.caseRefType(RefType t)
 Collection<SootMethod> FastHierarchy.resolveConcreteDispatch(Collection concreteTypes, SootMethod m, RefType declaredTypeOfBase)
 Collection<SootMethod> FastHierarchy.resolveConcreteDispatch(Collection concreteTypes, SootMethod m, RefType declaredTypeOfBase)
 Collection<SootMethod> FastHierarchy.resolveConcreteDispatchWithoutFailing(Collection concreteTypes, SootMethod m, RefType declaredTypeOfBase)
 Collection<SootMethod> FastHierarchy.resolveConcreteDispatchWithoutFailing(Collection concreteTypes, SootMethod m, RefType declaredTypeOfBase)
 void AnySubType.setBase(RefType base)
 void AnySubType.setBase(RefType base)
 void SootClass.setRefType(RefType refType)
 void SootClass.setRefType(RefType refType)
static AnySubType AnySubType.v(RefType base)
static AnySubType AnySubType.v(RefType base)

Uses of RefType in soot.baf

Methods in soot.baf that return RefType
 RefType NewInst.getBaseType()
 RefType NewInst.getBaseType()

Methods in soot.baf with parameters of type RefType
 NewInst Baf.newNewInst(RefType opType)
 NewInst Baf.newNewInst(RefType opType)
 ThisRef Baf.newThisRef(RefType t)
          Constructs a ThisRef(RefType) grammar chunk.
 ThisRef Baf.newThisRef(RefType t)
          Constructs a ThisRef(RefType) grammar chunk.
 void NewInst.setBaseType(RefType type)
 void NewInst.setBaseType(RefType type)

Uses of RefType in soot.baf.internal

Methods in soot.baf.internal that return RefType
 RefType AbstractRefTypeInst.getBaseType()
 RefType AbstractRefTypeInst.getBaseType()

Methods in soot.baf.internal with parameters of type RefType
 void AbstractRefTypeInst.setBaseType(RefType type)
 void AbstractRefTypeInst.setBaseType(RefType type)

Constructors in soot.baf.internal with parameters of type RefType
AbstractRefTypeInst(RefType opType)
AbstractRefTypeInst(RefType opType)
BNewInst(RefType opType)
BNewInst(RefType opType)

Uses of RefType in soot.dava.internal.javaRep

Constructors in soot.dava.internal.javaRep with parameters of type RefType
DNewInvokeExpr(RefType type, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
DNewInvokeExpr(RefType type, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
DThisRef(RefType thisType)
DThisRef(RefType thisType)

Uses of RefType in soot.grimp

Methods in soot.grimp that return RefType
 RefType NewInvokeExpr.getBaseType()
 RefType NewInvokeExpr.getBaseType()

Methods in soot.grimp with parameters of type RefType
 NewInvokeExpr Grimp.newNewInvokeExpr(RefType base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a NewInvokeExpr(Local base, List of Expr) grammar chunk.
 NewInvokeExpr Grimp.newNewInvokeExpr(RefType base, SootMethodRef method, List args)
          Constructs a NewInvokeExpr(Local base, List of Expr) grammar chunk.
 ThisRef Grimp.newThisRef(RefType t)
          Constructs a ThisRef(RefType) grammar chunk.
 ThisRef Grimp.newThisRef(RefType t)
          Constructs a ThisRef(RefType) grammar chunk.
 void NewInvokeExpr.setBaseType(RefType type)
 void NewInvokeExpr.setBaseType(RefType type)

Uses of RefType in soot.grimp.internal

Methods in soot.grimp.internal that return RefType
 RefType GNewInvokeExpr.getBaseType()
 RefType GNewInvokeExpr.getBaseType()

Methods in soot.grimp.internal with parameters of type RefType
 void GNewInvokeExpr.setBaseType(RefType type)
 void GNewInvokeExpr.setBaseType(RefType type)

Constructors in soot.grimp.internal with parameters of type RefType
GNewInvokeExpr(RefType type, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)
GNewInvokeExpr(RefType type, SootMethodRef methodRef, List args)

Uses of RefType in soot.jimple

Methods in soot.jimple that return RefType
 RefType NewExpr.getBaseType()
 RefType NewExpr.getBaseType()

Methods in soot.jimple with parameters of type RefType
 NewExpr Jimple.newNewExpr(RefType type)
          Constructs a NewExpr(RefType) grammar chunk.
 NewExpr Jimple.newNewExpr(RefType type)
          Constructs a NewExpr(RefType) grammar chunk.
 ThisRef Jimple.newThisRef(RefType t)
          Constructs a ThisRef(RefType) grammar chunk.
 ThisRef Jimple.newThisRef(RefType t)
          Constructs a ThisRef(RefType) grammar chunk.
 void NewExpr.setBaseType(RefType type)
 void NewExpr.setBaseType(RefType type)

Constructors in soot.jimple with parameters of type RefType
ThisRef(RefType thisType)
ThisRef(RefType thisType)

Uses of RefType in soot.jimple.internal

Methods in soot.jimple.internal that return RefType
 RefType AbstractNewExpr.getBaseType()
 RefType AbstractNewExpr.getBaseType()

Methods in soot.jimple.internal with parameters of type RefType
 void AbstractNewExpr.setBaseType(RefType type)
 void AbstractNewExpr.setBaseType(RefType type)

Constructors in soot.jimple.internal with parameters of type RefType
JNewExpr(RefType type)
JNewExpr(RefType type)

Uses of RefType in soot.jimple.spark.geom.geomPA

Fields in soot.jimple.spark.geom.geomPA declared as RefType
static RefType GeomPointsTo.exeception_type
static RefType GeomPointsTo.exeception_type

Uses of RefType in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.pautil

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.pautil with parameters of type RefType
static boolean SootUtil.inLibrary(RefType type)
static boolean SootUtil.inLibrary(RefType type)

Uses of RefType in soot.jimple.toolkits.base

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.base with parameters of type RefType
protected  boolean ExceptionChecker.isExceptionCaught(Body b, Stmt s, RefType throwType)
protected  boolean ExceptionChecker.isExceptionCaught(Body b, Stmt s, RefType throwType)

Uses of RefType in soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph

Fields in soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph declared as RefType
protected  RefType OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.clRunnable
protected  RefType OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.clRunnable

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph with parameters of type RefType
 SootMethod VirtualCalls.resolveNonSpecial(RefType t, NumberedString subSig)
 SootMethod VirtualCalls.resolveNonSpecial(RefType t, NumberedString subSig)

Uses of RefType in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer with parameters of type RefType
static FullObjectSet FullObjectSet.v(RefType t)
static FullObjectSet FullObjectSet.v(RefType t)

Uses of RefType in

Methods in that return RefType
 RefType Integer127Type.boxedType()
 RefType Integer1Type.boxedType()
 RefType Integer32767Type.boxedType()
 RefType Integer32767Type.boxedType()
 RefType Integer1Type.boxedType()
 RefType Integer127Type.boxedType()
static RefType BytecodeHierarchy.lcsc(RefType a, RefType b)
static RefType BytecodeHierarchy.lcsc(RefType a, RefType b)

Methods in with parameters of type RefType
static RefType BytecodeHierarchy.lcsc(RefType a, RefType b)
static RefType BytecodeHierarchy.lcsc(RefType a, RefType b)

Uses of RefType in soot.sootify

Methods in soot.sootify with parameters of type RefType
 void TypeTemplatePrinter.caseRefType(RefType t)
 void TypeTemplatePrinter.caseRefType(RefType t)

Uses of RefType in soot.toolkits.exceptions

Methods in soot.toolkits.exceptions with parameters of type RefType
 ThrowableSet ThrowableSet.add(RefType e)
          Returns a ThrowableSet which contains e in addition to the exceptions in this ThrowableSet.
 ThrowableSet ThrowableSet.add(RefType e)
          Returns a ThrowableSet which contains e in addition to the exceptions in this ThrowableSet.
 boolean ThrowableSet.catchableAs(RefType catcher)
          Indicates whether this ThrowableSet includes some exception that might be caught by a handler argument of the type catcher.
 boolean ThrowableSet.catchableAs(RefType catcher)
          Indicates whether this ThrowableSet includes some exception that might be caught by a handler argument of the type catcher.
 ThrowableSet.Pair ThrowableSet.whichCatchableAs(RefType catcher)
          Partitions the exceptions in this ThrowableSet into those which would be caught by a handler with the passed catch parameter type and those which would not.
 ThrowableSet.Pair ThrowableSet.whichCatchableAs(RefType catcher)
          Partitions the exceptions in this ThrowableSet into those which would be caught by a handler with the passed catch parameter type and those which would not.