Uses of Interface

Packages that use Stmt
soot.grimp.internal Internal, messy, implementation-specific classes for the Grimp intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple Public classes for the Jimple intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple.internal Internal, messy, implementation-specific classes for the Jimple intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.arraycheck Classes that carry out an analysis to determine whether or not array bounds checks are necessary. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.base A toolkit to optimize the Jimple IR. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.invoke A toolkit to deal with Jimple and invoke statements. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar A toolkit for scalar optimization of Jimple. 
soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar Some analyses based on Shimple. 
soot.toolkits.graph Toolkit to produce and manipulate various types of control flow graphs. 
soot.toolkits.scalar A number of scalar optimizations, and the flow analysis framework. 

Uses of Stmt in soot.dava.internal.asg

Methods in soot.dava.internal.asg that return Stmt
 Stmt AugmentedStmt.get_Stmt()
 Stmt AugmentedStmt.get_Stmt()

Methods in soot.dava.internal.asg with parameters of type Stmt
 void AugmentedStmtGraph.add_StmtBinding(Stmt s, AugmentedStmt as)
 void AugmentedStmtGraph.add_StmtBinding(Stmt s, AugmentedStmt as)
 AugmentedStmt AugmentedStmtGraph.get_AugStmt(Stmt s)
 AugmentedStmt AugmentedStmtGraph.get_AugStmt(Stmt s)
 void AugmentedStmt.set_Stmt(Stmt s)
 void AugmentedStmt.set_Stmt(Stmt s)

Constructors in soot.dava.internal.asg with parameters of type Stmt
AugmentedStmt(Stmt s)
AugmentedStmt(Stmt s)

Uses of Stmt in soot.dava.internal.javaRep

Classes in soot.dava.internal.javaRep that implement Stmt
 class DAbruptStmt
 class DAssignStmt
 class DDecrementStmt
 class DIdentityStmt
 class DIncrementStmt
 class DShortcutAssignStmt
 class DVariableDeclarationStmt

Uses of Stmt in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST with parameters of type Stmt
 void ASTAnalysis.analyseStmt(Stmt s)
 void ASTAnalysis.analyseStmt(Stmt s)
 void ASTWalker.walk_stmt(ASTAnalysis a, Stmt s)
 void ASTWalker.walk_stmt(ASTAnalysis a, Stmt s)

Uses of Stmt in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.analysis

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.analysis with parameters of type Stmt
 void Analysis.caseStmt(Stmt s)
 void AnalysisAdapter.caseStmt(Stmt s)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.caseStmt(Stmt s)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.caseStmt(Stmt s)
 void AnalysisAdapter.caseStmt(Stmt s)
 void Analysis.caseStmt(Stmt s)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.inStmt(Stmt s)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.inStmt(Stmt s)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.outStmt(Stmt s)
 void DepthFirstAdapter.outStmt(Stmt s)

Uses of Stmt in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.structuredAnalysis

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.structuredAnalysis with parameters of type Stmt
 Object StructuredAnalysis.processAbruptStatements(Stmt s, DavaFlowSet input)
          Whenever a statement has to be processed the first step is to invoke this method.
 Object UnreachableCodeFinder.processAbruptStatements(Stmt s, DavaFlowSet input)
 Object UnreachableCodeFinder.processAbruptStatements(Stmt s, DavaFlowSet input)
 Object StructuredAnalysis.processAbruptStatements(Stmt s, DavaFlowSet input)
          Whenever a statement has to be processed the first step is to invoke this method.
 Object CP.processStatement(Stmt s, Object input)
 Object MustMayInitialize.processStatement(Stmt s, Object input)
 Object ReachingCopies.processStatement(Stmt s, Object input)
 Object ReachingDefs.processStatement(Stmt s, Object input)
abstract  Object StructuredAnalysis.processStatement(Stmt s, Object input)
          Specific stmts within AST Constructs are processed through this method.
 Object UnreachableCodeFinder.processStatement(Stmt s, Object input)
 Object UnreachableCodeFinder.processStatement(Stmt s, Object input)
abstract  Object StructuredAnalysis.processStatement(Stmt s, Object input)
          Specific stmts within AST Constructs are processed through this method.
 Object ReachingDefs.processStatement(Stmt s, Object input)
 Object ReachingCopies.processStatement(Stmt s, Object input)
 Object MustMayInitialize.processStatement(Stmt s, Object input)
 Object CP.processStatement(Stmt s, Object input)

Uses of Stmt in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.transformations

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.transformations that return Stmt
 Stmt IfElseSplitter.getLastStmt(List<Object> body)
 Stmt IfElseSplitter.getLastStmt(List<Object> body)

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.transformations with parameters of type Stmt
 boolean ShortcutArrayInit.isInSequenceAssignment(Stmt s, Value leftOp, int index)
 boolean ShortcutArrayInit.isInSequenceAssignment(Stmt s, Value leftOp, int index)
 boolean ShortcutArrayInit.isInSequenceAssignmentPatternTwo(Stmt one, Stmt two, Value leftOp, int index)
 boolean ShortcutArrayInit.isInSequenceAssignmentPatternTwo(Stmt one, Stmt two, Value leftOp, int index)
 boolean LocalVariableCleaner.removeStmt(Stmt stmt)
 boolean LocalVariableCleaner.removeStmt(Stmt stmt)

Uses of Stmt in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.traversals

Methods in soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.traversals with parameters of type Stmt
 void ASTUsesAndDefs.checkStatementUses(Stmt s, Object useNodeOrStatement)
 void AllVariableUses.checkStatementUses(Stmt s, Object useNodeOrStatement)
 void ASTUsesAndDefs.checkStatementUses(Stmt s, Object useNodeOrStatement)
 void AllVariableUses.checkStatementUses(Stmt s, Object useNodeOrStatement)
 void ASTParentNodeFinder.inStmt(Stmt s)
 void ClosestAbruptTargetFinder.inStmt(Stmt s)
 void ClosestAbruptTargetFinder.inStmt(Stmt s)
 void ASTParentNodeFinder.inStmt(Stmt s)
 boolean CopyPropagation.isCopyStmt(Stmt s)
 boolean CopyPropagation.isCopyStmt(Stmt s)
 void CopyPropagation.removeStmt(Stmt stmt)
 void CopyPropagation.removeStmt(Stmt stmt)

Uses of Stmt in soot.grimp.internal

Classes in soot.grimp.internal that implement Stmt
 class GAssignStmt
 class GEnterMonitorStmt
 class GExitMonitorStmt
 class GIdentityStmt
 class GIfStmt
 class GInvokeStmt
 class GLookupSwitchStmt
 class GReturnStmt
 class GTableSwitchStmt
 class GThrowStmt

Uses of Stmt in soot.javaToJimple

Fields in soot.javaToJimple with type parameters of type Stmt
protected  List<List<Stmt>> JimpleBodyBuilder.afterReturn
protected  List<List<Stmt>> JimpleBodyBuilder.afterReturn
protected  List<List<Stmt>> JimpleBodyBuilder.beforeReturn
protected  List<List<Stmt>> JimpleBodyBuilder.beforeReturn
protected  Stack<Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.condControlNoop
protected  Stack<Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.condControlNoop
protected  Stack<Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.endControlNoop
protected  Stack<Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.endControlNoop
protected  Stack<Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.falseNoop
protected  Stack<Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.falseNoop
protected  HashMap<String,Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.labelBreakMap
protected  HashMap<String,Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.labelBreakMap
protected  HashMap<String,Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.labelContinueMap
protected  HashMap<String,Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.labelContinueMap
protected  HashMap<polyglot.ast.Stmt,Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.labelMap
protected  HashMap<polyglot.ast.Stmt,Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.labelMap
protected  Stack<Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.trueNoop
protected  Stack<Stmt> JimpleBodyBuilder.trueNoop

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple

Subinterfaces of Stmt in soot.jimple
 interface AssignStmt
 interface BreakpointStmt
 interface DefinitionStmt
 interface EnterMonitorStmt
 interface ExitMonitorStmt
 interface GotoStmt
 interface IdentityStmt
 interface IfStmt
 interface InvokeStmt
 interface LookupSwitchStmt
 interface MonitorStmt
 interface NopStmt
 interface RetStmt
 interface ReturnStmt
 interface ReturnVoidStmt
 interface TableSwitchStmt
 interface ThrowStmt

Classes in soot.jimple that implement Stmt
 class PlaceholderStmt

Methods in soot.jimple that return Stmt
 Stmt JimpleBody.getFirstNonIdentityStmt()
          Returns the first non-identity stmt in this body.
 Stmt JimpleBody.getFirstNonIdentityStmt()
          Returns the first non-identity stmt in this body.
 Stmt IfStmt.getTarget()
 Stmt IfStmt.getTarget()

Methods in soot.jimple with parameters of type Stmt
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseUninterestingStmt(Stmt s)
          Any other statement
protected  void PointerStmtSwitch.caseUninterestingStmt(Stmt s)
          Any other statement
 List EqualLocals.getCopiesAt(Stmt s)
 List EqualLocals.getCopiesAt(Stmt s)
 boolean EqualLocals.isLocalEqualToAt(Local l1, Local l2, Stmt s)
 boolean EqualLocals.isLocalEqualToAt(Local l1, Local l2, Stmt s)

Constructors in soot.jimple with parameters of type Stmt
LocalStmtPair(Local local, Stmt stmt)
LocalStmtPair(Local local, Stmt stmt)

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.internal

Classes in soot.jimple.internal that implement Stmt
 class AbstractDefinitionStmt
 class AbstractStmt
 class JAssignStmt
 class JBreakpointStmt
 class JEnterMonitorStmt
 class JExitMonitorStmt
 class JGotoStmt
 class JIdentityStmt
 class JIfStmt
 class JInvokeStmt
 class JLookupSwitchStmt
 class JNopStmt
 class JRetStmt
 class JReturnStmt
 class JReturnVoidStmt
 class JTableSwitchStmt
 class JThrowStmt

Methods in soot.jimple.internal that return Stmt
 Stmt JIfStmt.getTarget()
 Stmt JIfStmt.getTarget()

Constructors in soot.jimple.internal with parameters of type Stmt
StmtBox(Stmt s)
StmtBox(Stmt s)

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.spark.builder

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.builder with parameters of type Stmt
 void MethodNodeFactory.handleStmt(Stmt s)
          Adds the edges required for this statement to the graph.
 void MethodNodeFactory.handleStmt(Stmt s)
          Adds the edges required for this statement to the graph.

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.spark.geom.geomPA

Fields in soot.jimple.spark.geom.geomPA with type parameters of type Stmt
 Set<Stmt> GeomPointsTo.thread_run_callsites
 Set<Stmt> GeomPointsTo.thread_run_callsites

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.spark.pag

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.pag with parameters of type Stmt
 void PAG.addCallTarget(MethodPAG srcmpag, MethodPAG tgtmpag, Stmt s, Context srcContext, Context tgtContext, Edge e)
          Adds method target as a possible target of the invoke expression in s.
 void PAG.addCallTarget(MethodPAG srcmpag, MethodPAG tgtmpag, Stmt s, Context srcContext, Context tgtContext, Edge e)
          Adds method target as a possible target of the invoke expression in s.

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.arraycheck

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.arraycheck with parameters of type Stmt
protected  int ArrayBoundsChecker.interpretGraph(soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.arraycheck.WeightedDirectedSparseGraph vgraph, ArrayRef aref, Stmt stmt, soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.arraycheck.IntContainer zero)
protected  int ArrayBoundsChecker.interpretGraph(soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.arraycheck.WeightedDirectedSparseGraph vgraph, ArrayRef aref, Stmt stmt, soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.arraycheck.IntContainer zero)

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.logic

Fields in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.logic declared as Stmt
protected  Stmt Loop.backJump
protected  Stmt Loop.backJump
protected  Stmt Loop.header
protected  Stmt Loop.header

Fields in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.logic with type parameters of type Stmt
protected  Collection<Stmt> Loop.loopExists
protected  Collection<Stmt> Loop.loopExists
protected  List<Stmt> Loop.loopStatements
protected  List<Stmt> Loop.loopStatements

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.logic that return Stmt
 Stmt Loop.getBackJumpStmt()
          Returns the statement that jumps back to the head, thereby constituing the loop.
 Stmt Loop.getBackJumpStmt()
          Returns the statement that jumps back to the head, thereby constituing the loop.
 Stmt Loop.getHead()
 Stmt Loop.getHead()

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.logic that return types with arguments of type Stmt
 Collection<Stmt> Loop.getLoopExits()
          Returns all loop exists.
 Collection<Stmt> Loop.getLoopExits()
          Returns all loop exists.
 List<Stmt> Loop.getLoopStatements()
 List<Stmt> Loop.getLoopStatements()
 Collection<Stmt> Loop.targetsOfLoopExit(Stmt loopExit)
          Computes all targets of the given loop exit, i.e.
 Collection<Stmt> Loop.targetsOfLoopExit(Stmt loopExit)
          Computes all targets of the given loop exit, i.e.

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.logic with parameters of type Stmt
 Collection<Stmt> Loop.targetsOfLoopExit(Stmt loopExit)
          Computes all targets of the given loop exit, i.e.
 Collection<Stmt> Loop.targetsOfLoopExit(Stmt loopExit)
          Computes all targets of the given loop exit, i.e.

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.purity

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.purity with parameters of type Stmt
protected  void AbstractInterproceduralAnalysis.analyseCall(Object src, Stmt callStmt, Object dst)
          Analyse the call callStmt in the context src, and put the resul into dst.
protected  void AbstractInterproceduralAnalysis.analyseCall(Object src, Stmt callStmt, Object dst)
          Analyse the call callStmt in the context src, and put the resul into dst.
protected abstract  void AbstractInterproceduralAnalysis.applySummary(Object src, Stmt callStmt, Object summary, Object dst)
          Interprocedural analysis will call applySummary repeatidly as a consequence to analyseCall.
protected  void PurityInterproceduralAnalysis.applySummary(Object src, Stmt stmt, Object summary, Object dst)
protected  void PurityInterproceduralAnalysis.applySummary(Object src, Stmt stmt, Object summary, Object dst)
protected abstract  void AbstractInterproceduralAnalysis.applySummary(Object src, Stmt callStmt, Object summary, Object dst)
          Interprocedural analysis will call applySummary repeatidly as a consequence to analyseCall.

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.toolkits.base

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.base that return Stmt
 Stmt ExceptionCheckerError.throwing()
 Stmt ExceptionCheckerError.throwing()

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.base with parameters of type Stmt
protected  void ExceptionChecker.checkInvokeExpr(Body b, InvokeExpr ie, Stmt s)
protected  void ExceptionChecker.checkInvokeExpr(Body b, InvokeExpr ie, Stmt s)
protected  boolean ExceptionChecker.isExceptionCaught(Body b, Stmt s, RefType throwType)
protected  boolean ExceptionChecker.isExceptionCaught(Body b, Stmt s, RefType throwType)
protected  boolean ExceptionChecker.isThrowInStmtRange(Body b, Stmt begin, Stmt end, Stmt s)
protected  boolean ExceptionChecker.isThrowInStmtRange(Body b, Stmt begin, Stmt end, Stmt s)
 void ExceptionCheckerError.throwing(Stmt s)
 void ExceptionCheckerError.throwing(Stmt s)

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.base with parameters of type Stmt
ExceptionCheckerError(SootMethod m, SootClass sc, Stmt s, SourceLnPosTag pos)
ExceptionCheckerError(SootMethod m, SootClass sc, Stmt s, SourceLnPosTag pos)

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph that return Stmt
 Stmt ContextSensitiveEdge.srcStmt()
 Stmt Edge.srcStmt()
 Stmt Edge.srcStmt()
 Stmt ContextSensitiveEdge.srcStmt()
 Stmt VirtualCallSite.stmt()
 Stmt VirtualCallSite.stmt()

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph with parameters of type Stmt
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.DefaultReflectionModel.classForName(SootMethod source, Stmt s)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.TraceBasedReflectionModel.classForName(SootMethod container, Stmt forNameInvokeStmt)
          Adds an edge to all class initializers of all possible receivers of Class.forName() calls within source.
 void ReflectionModel.classForName(SootMethod source, Stmt s)
 void ReflectionModel.classForName(SootMethod source, Stmt s)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.DefaultReflectionModel.classForName(SootMethod source, Stmt s)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.TraceBasedReflectionModel.classForName(SootMethod container, Stmt forNameInvokeStmt)
          Adds an edge to all class initializers of all possible receivers of Class.forName() calls within source.
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.DefaultReflectionModel.classNewInstance(SootMethod source, Stmt s)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.TraceBasedReflectionModel.classNewInstance(SootMethod container, Stmt newInstanceInvokeStmt)
          Adds an edge to the constructor of the target class from this call to Class.newInstance().
 void ReflectionModel.classNewInstance(SootMethod source, Stmt s)
 void ReflectionModel.classNewInstance(SootMethod source, Stmt s)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.DefaultReflectionModel.classNewInstance(SootMethod source, Stmt s)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.TraceBasedReflectionModel.classNewInstance(SootMethod container, Stmt newInstanceInvokeStmt)
          Adds an edge to the constructor of the target class from this call to Class.newInstance().
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.DefaultReflectionModel.contructorNewInstance(SootMethod source, Stmt s)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.TraceBasedReflectionModel.contructorNewInstance(SootMethod container, Stmt newInstanceInvokeStmt)
          Adds a special edge of kind Kind.REFL_CONSTR_NEWINSTANCE to all possible target constructors of this call to Constructor.newInstance(Object...).
 void ReflectionModel.contructorNewInstance(SootMethod source, Stmt s)
 void ReflectionModel.contructorNewInstance(SootMethod source, Stmt s)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.DefaultReflectionModel.contructorNewInstance(SootMethod source, Stmt s)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.TraceBasedReflectionModel.contructorNewInstance(SootMethod container, Stmt newInstanceInvokeStmt)
          Adds a special edge of kind Kind.REFL_CONSTR_NEWINSTANCE to all possible target constructors of this call to Constructor.newInstance(Object...).
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.DefaultReflectionModel.methodInvoke(SootMethod container, Stmt invokeStmt)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.TraceBasedReflectionModel.methodInvoke(SootMethod container, Stmt invokeStmt)
          Adds a special edge of kind Kind.REFL_INVOKE to all possible target methods of this call to Method.invoke(Object, Object...).
 void ReflectionModel.methodInvoke(SootMethod container, Stmt invokeStmt)
 void ReflectionModel.methodInvoke(SootMethod container, Stmt invokeStmt)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.DefaultReflectionModel.methodInvoke(SootMethod container, Stmt invokeStmt)
 void OnFlyCallGraphBuilder.TraceBasedReflectionModel.methodInvoke(SootMethod container, Stmt invokeStmt)
          Adds a special edge of kind Kind.REFL_INVOKE to all possible target methods of this call to Method.invoke(Object, Object...).

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph with parameters of type Stmt
Edge(MethodOrMethodContext src, Stmt srcUnit, MethodOrMethodContext tgt)
Edge(MethodOrMethodContext src, Stmt srcUnit, MethodOrMethodContext tgt)
VirtualCallSite(Stmt stmt, SootMethod container, InstanceInvokeExpr iie, NumberedString subSig, Kind kind)
VirtualCallSite(Stmt stmt, SootMethod container, InstanceInvokeExpr iie, NumberedString subSig, Kind kind)

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow with parameters of type Stmt
protected  void SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.addFlowToCdfg(Stmt stmt)
protected  void SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.addFlowToCdfg(Stmt stmt)
protected  HashMutableDirectedGraph InfoFlowAnalysis.getInvokeInfoFlowSummary(InvokeExpr ie, Stmt is, SootMethod context)
protected  HashMutableDirectedGraph InfoFlowAnalysis.getInvokeInfoFlowSummary(InvokeExpr ie, Stmt is, SootMethod context)
protected  List SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleInvokeExpr(InvokeExpr ie, Stmt is)
protected  List SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleInvokeExpr(InvokeExpr ie, Stmt is)
protected  List SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleInvokeExpr(InvokeExpr ie, Stmt is, FlowSet fs)
protected  List SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis.handleInvokeExpr(InvokeExpr ie, Stmt is, FlowSet fs)

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.toolkits.invoke

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.invoke that return Stmt
static Stmt ThrowManager.getNullPointerExceptionThrower(JimpleBody b)
          Iterate through the statements in b (starting at the end), returning the last instance of the following pattern: r928 = new java.lang.NullPointerException; specialinvoke r928.""(); throw r928; Creates if necessary.
static Stmt ThrowManager.getNullPointerExceptionThrower(JimpleBody b)
          Iterate through the statements in b (starting at the end), returning the last instance of the following pattern: r928 = new java.lang.NullPointerException; specialinvoke r928.""(); throw r928; Creates if necessary.

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.invoke with parameters of type Stmt
 Local SynchronizerManager.addStmtsToFetchClassBefore(JimpleBody jb, Stmt target)
          Adds code to fetch the static Class object to the given JimpleBody before the target Stmt.
 Local SynchronizerManager.addStmtsToFetchClassBefore(JimpleBody jb, Stmt target)
          Adds code to fetch the static Class object to the given JimpleBody before the target Stmt.
static void AccessManager.createAccessorMethod(SootMethod container, Stmt stmt)
          Turns a field access or method call into a call to an accessor method.
static void AccessManager.createAccessorMethod(SootMethod container, Stmt stmt)
          Turns a field access or method call into a call to an accessor method.
static void AccessManager.createAccessorMethods(Body body, Stmt before, Stmt after)
          Resolves illegal accesses in the interval ]before,after[ by creating accessor methods.
static void AccessManager.createAccessorMethods(Body body, Stmt before, Stmt after)
          Resolves illegal accesses in the interval ]before,after[ by creating accessor methods.
static boolean InlinerSafetyManager.ensureInlinability(SootMethod target, Stmt toInline, SootMethod container, String modifierOptions)
          Returns true if this method can be inlined at the given site.
static boolean InlinerSafetyManager.ensureInlinability(SootMethod target, Stmt toInline, SootMethod container, String modifierOptions)
          Returns true if this method can be inlined at the given site.
static void SiteInliner.inlineSite(SootMethod inlinee, Stmt toInline, SootMethod container)
          Inlines the method inlinee into the container at the point toInline.
static void SiteInliner.inlineSite(SootMethod inlinee, Stmt toInline, SootMethod container)
          Inlines the method inlinee into the container at the point toInline.
static List SiteInliner.inlineSite(SootMethod inlinee, Stmt toInline, SootMethod container, Map options)
          Inlines the given site.
static List SiteInliner.inlineSite(SootMethod inlinee, Stmt toInline, SootMethod container, Map options)
          Inlines the given site.
static boolean AccessManager.isAccessLegal(SootMethod container, Stmt stmt)
          Returns true if the statement stmt contains an illegal access to a field or method, assuming the statement is in method container
static boolean AccessManager.isAccessLegal(SootMethod container, Stmt stmt)
          Returns true if the statement stmt contains an illegal access to a field or method, assuming the statement is in method container
 void SynchronizerManager.synchronizeStmtOn(Stmt stmt, JimpleBody b, Local lock)
          Wraps stmt around a monitor associated with local lock.
 void SynchronizerManager.synchronizeStmtOn(Stmt stmt, JimpleBody b, Local lock)
          Wraps stmt around a monitor associated with local lock.

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer

Fields in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer declared as Stmt
protected  Stmt InstanceKey.stmtAfterAssignStmt
protected  Stmt InstanceKey.stmtAfterAssignStmt

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer that return Stmt
 Stmt InstanceKey.getStmt()
 Stmt InstanceKey.getStmt()

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer with parameters of type Stmt
protected  RWSet SideEffectAnalysis.addValue(Value v, SootMethod m, Stmt s)
protected  RWSet SideEffectAnalysis.addValue(Value v, SootMethod m, Stmt s)
 boolean LocalMustAliasAnalysis.hasInfoOn(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns true if this analysis has any information about local l at statement s (i.e.
 boolean LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis.hasInfoOn(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns true if this analysis has any information about local l at statement s (i.e.
 boolean LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis.hasInfoOn(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns true if this analysis has any information about local l at statement s (i.e.
 boolean LocalMustAliasAnalysis.hasInfoOn(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns true if this analysis has any information about local l at statement s (i.e.
 String LocalMustAliasAnalysis.instanceKeyString(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns a string (natural number) representation of the instance key associated with l at statement s or null if there is no such key associated or UNKNOWN if the value of l at s is LocalMustAliasAnalysis.UNKNOWN.
 String StrongLocalMustAliasAnalysis.instanceKeyString(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns a string (natural number) representation of the instance key associated with l at statement s or null if there is no such key associated or UNKNOWN if the value of l at s is LocalMustAliasAnalysis.UNKNOWN.
 String StrongLocalMustAliasAnalysis.instanceKeyString(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns a string (natural number) representation of the instance key associated with l at statement s or null if there is no such key associated or UNKNOWN if the value of l at s is LocalMustAliasAnalysis.UNKNOWN.
 String LocalMustAliasAnalysis.instanceKeyString(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns a string (natural number) representation of the instance key associated with l at statement s or null if there is no such key associated or UNKNOWN if the value of l at s is LocalMustAliasAnalysis.UNKNOWN.
protected  Object FieldRWTagger.keyFor(Stmt s)
protected  Object SideEffectTagger.keyFor(Stmt s)
protected  Object SideEffectTagger.keyFor(Stmt s)
protected  Object FieldRWTagger.keyFor(Stmt s)
 boolean LocalMustAliasAnalysis.mustAlias(Local l1, Stmt s1, Local l2, Stmt s2)
 boolean StrongLocalMustAliasAnalysis.mustAlias(Local l1, Stmt s1, Local l2, Stmt s2)
 boolean StrongLocalMustAliasAnalysis.mustAlias(Local l1, Stmt s1, Local l2, Stmt s2)
 boolean LocalMustAliasAnalysis.mustAlias(Local l1, Stmt s1, Local l2, Stmt s2)
 boolean LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis.notMayAlias(Local l1, Stmt s1, Local l2, Stmt s2)
 boolean LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis.notMayAlias(Local l1, Stmt s1, Local l2, Stmt s2)
 RWSet SideEffectAnalysis.readSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt)
 RWSet SideEffectAnalysis.readSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt)
 RWSet SideEffectAnalysis.writeSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt)
 RWSet SideEffectAnalysis.writeSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt)

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer with parameters of type Stmt
InstanceKey(Local local, Stmt stmt, SootMethod owner, LocalMustAliasAnalysis lmaa, LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis lmna)
          Creates a new instance key representing the value stored in local, just before stmt.
InstanceKey(Local local, Stmt stmt, SootMethod owner, LocalMustAliasAnalysis lmaa, LocalMustNotAliasAnalysis lmna)
          Creates a new instance key representing the value stored in local, just before stmt.

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar that return types with arguments of type Stmt
 Map<Stmt,List> EqualUsesAnalysis.getFirstUseToAliasSet()
 Map<Stmt,List> EqualUsesAnalysis.getFirstUseToAliasSet()

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Stmt
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Stmt firstStmt, Local firstLocal, Stmt secondStmt, Local secondLocal)
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Stmt firstStmt, Local firstLocal, Stmt secondStmt, Local secondLocal)
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Stmt firstStmt, Local firstLocal, Stmt secondStmt, Local secondLocal, List boundaryStmts)
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Stmt firstStmt, Local firstLocal, Stmt secondStmt, Local secondLocal, List boundaryStmts)
 List CommonPrecedingEqualValueAnalysis.getCommonAncestorValuesOf(Map unitToAliasSet, Stmt s)
          Returns a list of EquivalentLocals that must always be equal to l at s
 List CommonPrecedingEqualValueAnalysis.getCommonAncestorValuesOf(Map unitToAliasSet, Stmt s)
          Returns a list of EquivalentLocals that must always be equal to l at s
 List EqualLocalsAnalysis.getCopiesOfAt(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns a list of EquivalentValue wrapped Locals and Refs that must always be equal to l at s
 List EqualLocalsAnalysis.getCopiesOfAt(Local l, Stmt s)
          Returns a list of EquivalentValue wrapped Locals and Refs that must always be equal to l at s

Method parameters in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar with type arguments of type Stmt
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Map<Stmt,Local> stmtToLocal)
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Map<Stmt,Local> stmtToLocal)
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Map<Stmt,Local> stmtToLocal, List boundaryStmts)
 boolean EqualUsesAnalysis.areEqualUses(Map<Stmt,Local> stmtToLocal, List boundaryStmts)

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread with parameters of type Stmt
 void AbstractRuntimeThread.setJoinStmt(Stmt joinStmt)
 void AbstractRuntimeThread.setJoinStmt(Stmt joinStmt)
 void AbstractRuntimeThread.setStartStmt(Stmt startStmt)
 void AbstractRuntimeThread.setStartStmt(Stmt startStmt)

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp that return types with arguments of type Stmt
 Set<Stmt> StartJoinAnalysis.getJoinStatements()
 Set<Stmt> StartJoinFinder.getJoinStatements()
 Set<Stmt> StartJoinFinder.getJoinStatements()
 Set<Stmt> StartJoinAnalysis.getJoinStatements()
 Set<Stmt> StartJoinAnalysis.getStartStatements()
 Set<Stmt> StartJoinFinder.getStartStatements()
 Set<Stmt> StartJoinFinder.getStartStatements()
 Set<Stmt> StartJoinAnalysis.getStartStatements()
 Map<Stmt,List<AllocNode>> StartJoinAnalysis.getStartToAllocNodes()
 Map<Stmt,List<AllocNode>> StartJoinFinder.getStartToAllocNodes()
 Map<Stmt,List<AllocNode>> StartJoinFinder.getStartToAllocNodes()
 Map<Stmt,List<AllocNode>> StartJoinAnalysis.getStartToAllocNodes()
 Map<Stmt,SootMethod> StartJoinFinder.getStartToContainingMethod()
 Map<Stmt,SootMethod> StartJoinFinder.getStartToContainingMethod()
 Map<Stmt,Stmt> StartJoinAnalysis.getStartToJoin()
 Map<Stmt,Stmt> StartJoinAnalysis.getStartToJoin()
 Map<Stmt,Stmt> StartJoinFinder.getStartToJoin()
 Map<Stmt,Stmt> StartJoinFinder.getStartToJoin()
 Map<Stmt,Stmt> StartJoinFinder.getStartToJoin()
 Map<Stmt,Stmt> StartJoinFinder.getStartToJoin()
 Map<Stmt,Stmt> StartJoinAnalysis.getStartToJoin()
 Map<Stmt,Stmt> StartJoinAnalysis.getStartToJoin()
 Map<Stmt,List<SootMethod>> StartJoinAnalysis.getStartToRunMethods()
 Map<Stmt,List<SootMethod>> StartJoinFinder.getStartToRunMethods()
 Map<Stmt,List<SootMethod>> StartJoinFinder.getStartToRunMethods()
 Map<Stmt,List<SootMethod>> StartJoinAnalysis.getStartToRunMethods()

Uses of Stmt in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization

Fields in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization declared as Stmt
 Stmt SynchronizedRegion.after
 Stmt SynchronizedRegion.after
 Stmt SynchronizedRegion.beginning
 Stmt SynchronizedRegion.beginning
 Stmt SynchronizedRegion.entermonitor
 Stmt SynchronizedRegion.entermonitor
 Stmt SynchronizedRegion.last
 Stmt SynchronizedRegion.last
 Stmt SynchronizedRegion.prepStmt
 Stmt SynchronizedRegion.prepStmt

Fields in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization with type parameters of type Stmt
 List<Pair<Stmt,Stmt>> SynchronizedRegion.earlyEnds
 List<Pair<Stmt,Stmt>> SynchronizedRegion.earlyEnds
 List<Pair<Stmt,Stmt>> SynchronizedRegion.earlyEnds
 List<Pair<Stmt,Stmt>> SynchronizedRegion.earlyEnds
 Pair<Stmt,Stmt> SynchronizedRegion.end
 Pair<Stmt,Stmt> SynchronizedRegion.end
 Pair<Stmt,Stmt> SynchronizedRegion.end
 Pair<Stmt,Stmt> SynchronizedRegion.end
 Pair<Stmt,Stmt> SynchronizedRegion.exceptionalEnd
 Pair<Stmt,Stmt> SynchronizedRegion.exceptionalEnd
 Pair<Stmt,Stmt> SynchronizedRegion.exceptionalEnd
 Pair<Stmt,Stmt> SynchronizedRegion.exceptionalEnd

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization with parameters of type Stmt
 Integer LockableReferenceAnalysis.addFromSubanalysis(soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.LocksetFlowInfo outInfo, LockableReferenceAnalysis la, Stmt stmt, Value lock)
 Integer LockableReferenceAnalysis.addFromSubanalysis(soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.LocksetFlowInfo outInfo, LockableReferenceAnalysis la, Stmt stmt, Value lock)
protected  RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.addValue(Value v, SootMethod m, Stmt s)
protected  RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.addValue(Value v, SootMethod m, Stmt s)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.approximatedReadSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt, Value specialRead, boolean allFields)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.approximatedReadSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt, Value specialRead, boolean allFields)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.approximatedWriteSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt, Value v, boolean allFields)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.approximatedWriteSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt, Value v, boolean allFields)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.readSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt, soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSection tn, HashSet uses)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.readSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt, soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSection tn, HashSet uses)
 InstanceFieldRef LockAllocationBodyTransformer.reconstruct(Body b, PatchingChain<Unit> units, InstanceFieldRef lock, Stmt insertBefore, boolean redirect)
 InstanceFieldRef LockAllocationBodyTransformer.reconstruct(Body b, PatchingChain<Unit> units, InstanceFieldRef lock, Stmt insertBefore, boolean redirect)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.valueRWSet(Value v, SootMethod m, Stmt s, soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSection tn)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.valueRWSet(Value v, SootMethod m, Stmt s, soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSection tn)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.writeSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt, soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSection tn, Set uses)
 RWSet CriticalSectionAwareSideEffectAnalysis.writeSet(SootMethod method, Stmt stmt, soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSection tn, Set uses)

Uses of Stmt in

Methods in with parameters of type Stmt
 void UseChecker.defaultCase(Stmt stmt)
 void UseChecker.defaultCase(Stmt stmt)
static Type AugEvalFunction.eval_(Typing tg, Value expr, Stmt stmt, JimpleBody jb)
static Type AugEvalFunction.eval_(Typing tg, Value expr, Stmt stmt, JimpleBody jb)
 Collection<Type> AugEvalFunction.eval(Typing tg, Value expr, Stmt stmt)
 Collection<Type> IEvalFunction.eval(Typing tg, Value expr, Stmt stmt)
 Collection<Type> IEvalFunction.eval(Typing tg, Value expr, Stmt stmt)
 Collection<Type> AugEvalFunction.eval(Typing tg, Value expr, Stmt stmt)
 Value IUseVisitor.visit(Value op, Type useType, Stmt stmt)
 Value IUseVisitor.visit(Value op, Type useType, Stmt stmt)

Uses of Stmt in soot.shimple.toolkits.graph

Methods in soot.shimple.toolkits.graph with parameters of type Stmt
protected  void ValueGraph.handleStmt(Stmt stmt)
protected  void ValueGraph.handleStmt(Stmt stmt)

Uses of Stmt in soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar

Method parameters in soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar with type arguments of type Stmt
protected  void SConstantPropagatorAndFolder.replaceStmts(Map<Stmt,GotoStmt> stmtsToReplace)
          Replaces conditional branches by unconditional branches as given by the mapping.
protected  void SConstantPropagatorAndFolder.replaceStmts(Map<Stmt,GotoStmt> stmtsToReplace)
          Replaces conditional branches by unconditional branches as given by the mapping.

Uses of Stmt in soot.toolkits.graph

Methods in soot.toolkits.graph with parameters of type Stmt
 boolean DominatorAnalysis.dominates(Stmt s, Stmt t)
          Deprecated. Returns true if s post-dominates t.
 boolean DominatorAnalysis.dominates(Stmt s, Stmt t)
          Deprecated. Returns true if s post-dominates t.
 boolean PostDominatorAnalysis.postDominates(Stmt s, Stmt t)
          Deprecated. Returns true if s post-dominates t.
 boolean PostDominatorAnalysis.postDominates(Stmt s, Stmt t)
          Deprecated. Returns true if s post-dominates t.

Uses of Stmt in soot.toolkits.scalar

Fields in soot.toolkits.scalar with type parameters of type Stmt
protected  Map<Stmt,A> AbstractFlowAnalysis.filterUnitToBeforeFlow
          Filtered: Maps graph nodes to IN sets.
protected  Map<Stmt,A> AbstractFlowAnalysis.filterUnitToBeforeFlow
          Filtered: Maps graph nodes to IN sets.