Uses of Class

Packages that use Body
soot Base Soot classes, shared by different intermediate representations. 
soot.baf Public classes for the Baf intermediate representation. 
soot.baf.toolkits.base A toolkit to optimize the Baf IR. 
soot.coffi Contains classes from the Coffi tool, by Clark Verbrugge. 
soot.grimp Public classes for the Grimp intermediate representation. 
soot.grimp.toolkits.base A toolkit to optimize the Grimp IR. 
soot.jimple Public classes for the Jimple intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple.parser An interface to the Jimple parser. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation A toolkit to annotate classfiles with array and null bounds check information. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.arraycheck Classes that carry out an analysis to determine whether or not array bounds checks are necessary. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.nullcheck Classes that carry out an analysis to determine whether or not null pointer checks are necessary. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.base A toolkit to optimize the Jimple IR. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.graph A set of utility classes for program transformation and optimizations. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.invoke A toolkit to deal with Jimple and invoke statements. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar A toolkit for scalar optimization of Jimple. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre Particial redundency elimination. 
soot.jimple.toolkits.typing Implements a typing algorithm for Jimple. 
soot.shimple Public classes for the SSA Shimple intermediate representation. 
soot.shimple.internal Shimple internal messy stuff. 
soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar Some analyses based on Shimple. 
soot.tagkit Classes supporting classfile annotation in Soot. 
soot.toolkits.graph Toolkit to produce and manipulate various types of control flow graphs. 
soot.toolkits.scalar A number of scalar optimizations, and the flow analysis framework. Various extensions to Soot that can be executed instead of soot.Main. 
soot.util Generally useful utility classes for Soot. 

Uses of Body in soot

Methods in soot that return Body
 Body SootMethod.getActiveBody()
          Retrieves the active body for this method.
 Body SootMethod.getActiveBody()
          Retrieves the active body for this method.
 Body MethodSource.getBody(SootMethod m, String phaseName)
          Returns a filled-out body for the given SootMethod.
 Body UnknownMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod m, String phaseName)
 Body UnknownMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod m, String phaseName)
 Body MethodSource.getBody(SootMethod m, String phaseName)
          Returns a filled-out body for the given SootMethod.
 Body SootMethod.retrieveActiveBody()
          Returns the active body if present, else constructs an active body and returns that.
 Body SootMethod.retrieveActiveBody()
          Returns the active body if present, else constructs an active body and returns that.

Methods in soot with parameters of type Body
 void Pack.apply(Body b)
 void Transform.apply(Body b)
 void Transform.apply(Body b)
 void Pack.apply(Body b)
protected  void AbstractJasminClass.assignColorsToLocals(Body body)
protected  void AbstractJasminClass.assignColorsToLocals(Body body)
static List TrapManager.getExceptionTypesOf(Unit u, Body body)
          Given a body and a unit handling an exception, returns the list of exception types possibly caught by the handler.
static List TrapManager.getExceptionTypesOf(Unit u, Body body)
          Given a body and a unit handling an exception, returns the list of exception types possibly caught by the handler.
static Set TrapManager.getTrappedUnitsOf(Body b)
          Returns a set of units which lie inside the range of any trap.
static Set TrapManager.getTrappedUnitsOf(Body b)
          Returns a set of units which lie inside the range of any trap.
static List<Trap> TrapManager.getTrapsAt(Unit unit, Body b)
          Returns the list of traps caught at Unit u in Body b.
static List<Trap> TrapManager.getTrapsAt(Unit unit, Body b)
          Returns the list of traps caught at Unit u in Body b.
 Map<Object,Object> Body.importBodyContentsFrom(Body b)
          Copies the contents of the given Body into this one.
 Map<Object,Object> Body.importBodyContentsFrom(Body b)
          Copies the contents of the given Body into this one.
protected  void BodyPack.internalApply(Body b)
protected  void JavaToJimpleBodyPack.internalApply(Body b)
protected  void JimpleBodyPack.internalApply(Body b)
protected  void Pack.internalApply(Body b)
protected  void Pack.internalApply(Body b)
protected  void JimpleBodyPack.internalApply(Body b)
protected  void JavaToJimpleBodyPack.internalApply(Body b)
protected  void BodyPack.internalApply(Body b)
protected abstract  void BodyTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          This method is called to perform the transformation itself.
protected abstract  void BodyTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          This method is called to perform the transformation itself.
static boolean TrapManager.isExceptionCaughtAt(SootClass e, Unit u, Body b)
          If exception e is caught at unit u in body b, return true; otherwise, return false.
static boolean TrapManager.isExceptionCaughtAt(SootClass e, Unit u, Body b)
          If exception e is caught at unit u in body b, return true; otherwise, return false.
 void Printer.printTo(Body b, PrintWriter out)
          Prints out the method corresponding to b Body, (declaration and body), in the textual format corresponding to the IR used to encode b body.
 void Printer.printTo(Body b, PrintWriter out)
          Prints out the method corresponding to b Body, (declaration and body), in the textual format corresponding to the IR used to encode b body.
 void SootMethod.setActiveBody(Body body)
          Sets the active body for this method.
 void SootMethod.setActiveBody(Body body)
          Sets the active body for this method.
static void TrapManager.splitTrapsAgainst(Body b, Unit rangeStart, Unit rangeEnd)
          Splits all traps so that they do not cross the range rangeStart - rangeEnd.
static void TrapManager.splitTrapsAgainst(Body b, Unit rangeStart, Unit rangeEnd)
          Splits all traps so that they do not cross the range rangeStart - rangeEnd.
 void BodyTransformer.transform(Body b)
 void BodyTransformer.transform(Body b)
 void BodyTransformer.transform(Body b, String phaseName)
 void BodyTransformer.transform(Body b, String phaseName)
 void BodyTransformer.transform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          Called by clients of the transformation.
 void BodyTransformer.transform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          Called by clients of the transformation.

Constructors in soot with parameters of type Body
BriefUnitPrinter(Body body)
BriefUnitPrinter(Body body)
LabeledUnitPrinter(Body b)
LabeledUnitPrinter(Body b)
NormalUnitPrinter(Body body)
NormalUnitPrinter(Body body)

Uses of Body in soot.baf

Subclasses of Body in soot.baf
 class BafBody

Methods in soot.baf with parameters of type Body
protected  void JasminClass.assignColorsToLocals(Body body)
protected  void JasminClass.assignColorsToLocals(Body body)
 BafBody Baf.newBody(Body b)
          Returns a BafBody constructed from b.
 BafBody Baf.newBody(Body b)
          Returns a BafBody constructed from b.
 BafBody Baf.newBody(Body b, String phase)
          Returns a BafBody constructed from b.
 BafBody Baf.newBody(Body b, String phase)
          Returns a BafBody constructed from b.

Constructors in soot.baf with parameters of type Body
BafBody(Body body, Map options)
BafBody(Body body, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.baf.toolkits.base

Methods in soot.baf.toolkits.base with parameters of type Body
 boolean ExamplePeephole.apply(Body b)
 boolean Peephole.apply(Body b)
          Entry point for a peephole.
 boolean Peephole.apply(Body b)
          Entry point for a peephole.
 boolean ExamplePeephole.apply(Body b)
protected  void LoadStoreOptimizer.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
          The method that drives the optimizations.
protected  void PeepholeOptimizer.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
          The method that drives the optimizations.
protected  void PeepholeOptimizer.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
          The method that drives the optimizations.
protected  void LoadStoreOptimizer.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
          The method that drives the optimizations.

Uses of Body in soot.coffi

Methods in soot.coffi that return Body
 Body CoffiMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod m, String phaseName)
 Body CoffiMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod m, String phaseName)

Methods in soot.coffi with parameters of type Body
 boolean Util.declaresLocal(Body b, String localName)
 boolean Util.declaresLocal(Body b, String localName)
 Local Util.getLocal(Body b, String name)
 Local Util.getLocal(Body b, String name)

Uses of Body in soot.dava

Subclasses of Body in soot.dava
 class DavaBody

Methods in soot.dava with parameters of type Body
 DavaBody Dava.newBody(Body b)
          Returns a DavaBody constructed from the given body b.
 DavaBody Dava.newBody(Body b)
          Returns a DavaBody constructed from the given body b.

Uses of Body in soot.dava.internal.AST

Methods in soot.dava.internal.AST with parameters of type Body
 void ASTMethodNode.storeLocals(Body OrigBody)
 void ASTMethodNode.storeLocals(Body OrigBody)

Uses of Body in soot.grimp

Subclasses of Body in soot.grimp
 class GrimpBody
          Implementation of the Body class for the Grimp IR.

Methods in soot.grimp with parameters of type Body
 GrimpBody Grimp.newBody(Body b, String phase)
          Returns a GrimpBody constructed from b.
 GrimpBody Grimp.newBody(Body b, String phase)
          Returns a GrimpBody constructed from b.

Uses of Body in soot.grimp.toolkits.base

Methods in soot.grimp.toolkits.base with parameters of type Body
protected  void ConstructorFolder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          This method change all new Obj/(args) pairs to new Obj(args) idioms.
protected  void ConstructorFolder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          This method change all new Obj/(args) pairs to new Obj(args) idioms.

Uses of Body in soot.javaToJimple

Methods in soot.javaToJimple that return Body
 Body AnonClassInitMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sootMethod, String phaseName)
 Body AssertClassMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sootMethod, String phaseName)
 Body ClassLiteralMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sootMethod, String phaseName)
 Body PolyglotMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sm, String phaseName)
 Body PrivateFieldAccMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sootMethod, String phaseName)
 Body PrivateFieldSetMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sootMethod, String phaseName)
 Body PrivateMethodAccMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sootMethod, String phaseName)
 Body PrivateMethodAccMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sootMethod, String phaseName)
 Body PrivateFieldSetMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sootMethod, String phaseName)
 Body PrivateFieldAccMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sootMethod, String phaseName)
 Body PolyglotMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sm, String phaseName)
 Body ClassLiteralMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sootMethod, String phaseName)
 Body AssertClassMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sootMethod, String phaseName)
 Body AnonClassInitMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod sootMethod, String phaseName)

Methods in soot.javaToJimple with parameters of type Body
 void PolyglotMethodSource.addAssertInits(Body body)
 void PolyglotMethodSource.addAssertInits(Body body)
static Local Util.getPrivateAccessFieldInvoke(SootMethodRef toInvoke, ArrayList params, Body body, LocalGenerator lg)
static Local Util.getPrivateAccessFieldInvoke(SootMethodRef toInvoke, ArrayList params, Body body, LocalGenerator lg)
static Local Util.getThis(Type sootType, Body body, HashMap getThisMap, LocalGenerator lg)
static Local Util.getThis(Type sootType, Body body, HashMap getThisMap, LocalGenerator lg)
static Local Util.getThisGivenOuter(Type sootType, HashMap getThisMap, Body body, LocalGenerator lg, Local t2)
static Local Util.getThisGivenOuter(Type sootType, HashMap getThisMap, Body body, LocalGenerator lg, Local t2)

Constructors in soot.javaToJimple with parameters of type Body
LocalGenerator(Body b)
LocalGenerator(Body b)

Uses of Body in soot.javaToJimple.toolkits

Methods in soot.javaToJimple.toolkits with parameters of type Body
protected  void CondTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void CondTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.jbco.bafTransformations

Methods in soot.jbco.bafTransformations with parameters of type Body
static HashMap StackTypeHeightCalculator.calculateStackHeights(Body b)
static HashMap StackTypeHeightCalculator.calculateStackHeights(Body b)
static HashMap StackTypeHeightCalculator.calculateStackHeights(Body b, boolean jimpleLocals)
static HashMap StackTypeHeightCalculator.calculateStackHeights(Body b, boolean jimpleLocals)
static HashMap StackTypeHeightCalculator.calculateStackHeights(Body b, HashMap b2JLocs)
static HashMap StackTypeHeightCalculator.calculateStackHeights(Body b, HashMap b2JLocs)
static Stack<Type> StackTypeHeightCalculator.getAfterStack(Body b, Unit u)
static Stack<Type> StackTypeHeightCalculator.getAfterStack(Body b, Unit u)
protected  void AddJSRs.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void BAFCounter.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void BAFPrintout.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void BafLineNumberer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void ConstructorConfuser.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void Counter.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void FindDuplicateSequences.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void FixUndefinedLocals.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void IfNullToTryCatch.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void IndirectIfJumpsToCaughtGotos.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void Jimple2BafLocalBuilder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void LocalsToBitField.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void MoveLoadsAboveIfs.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void RemoveRedundantPushStores.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void TryCatchCombiner.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void UpdateConstantsToFields.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void WrapSwitchesInTrys.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void WrapSwitchesInTrys.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void UpdateConstantsToFields.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void TryCatchCombiner.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void RemoveRedundantPushStores.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void MoveLoadsAboveIfs.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void LocalsToBitField.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void Jimple2BafLocalBuilder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void IndirectIfJumpsToCaughtGotos.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void IfNullToTryCatch.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void FixUndefinedLocals.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void FindDuplicateSequences.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void Counter.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void ConstructorConfuser.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void BAFPrintout.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void BafLineNumberer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void BAFCounter.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void AddJSRs.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.jbco.jimpleTransformations

Methods in soot.jbco.jimpleTransformations with parameters of type Body
 boolean AddSwitches.checkTraps(Unit u, Body b)
 boolean AddSwitches.checkTraps(Unit u, Body b)
protected  void AddSwitches.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void ArithmeticTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void CollectJimpleLocals.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void GotoInstrumenter.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void GotoInstrumenter.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void CollectJimpleLocals.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void ArithmeticTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void AddSwitches.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.jbco.util

Methods in soot.jbco.util with parameters of type Body
static void Debugger.printBaf(Body b)
static void Debugger.printBaf(Body b)
static void Debugger.printUnits(Body b, String msg)
static void Debugger.printUnits(Body b, String msg)

Constructors in soot.jbco.util with parameters of type Body
SimpleExceptionalGraph(Body body)
SimpleExceptionalGraph(Body body)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple

Subclasses of Body in soot.jimple
 class JimpleBody
          Implementation of the Body class for the Jimple IR.
 class StmtBody
          Abstract base class for Body's on Stmts (Jimple and Grimp).

Methods in soot.jimple that return Body
 Body JimpleMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod m, String phaseName)
 Body JimpleMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod m, String phaseName)

Methods in soot.jimple with parameters of type Body
protected  void JasminClass.assignColorsToLocals(Body body)
protected  void JasminClass.assignColorsToLocals(Body body)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.parser

Methods in soot.jimple.parser that return Body
 Body JimpleAST.getBody(SootMethod m)
          Returns a body corresponding to the parsed jimple for m.
 Body JimpleAST.getBody(SootMethod m)
          Returns a body corresponding to the parsed jimple for m.

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.spark.fieldrw

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.fieldrw with parameters of type Body
protected  void FieldTagAggregator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void FieldTagger.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void FieldTagger.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void FieldTagAggregator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation with parameters of type Body
protected  void AvailExprTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map opts)
protected  void DominatorsTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map opts)
protected  void DominatorsTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map opts)
protected  void AvailExprTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map opts)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.arraycheck

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.arraycheck with parameters of type Body
protected  void ArrayBoundsChecker.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map opts)
protected  void ArrayBoundsChecker.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map opts)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.callgraph

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.callgraph with parameters of type Body
protected  void CallGraphTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void CallGraphTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.defs

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.defs with parameters of type Body
protected  void ReachingDefsTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void ReachingDefsTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.liveness

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.liveness with parameters of type Body
protected  void LiveVarsTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void LiveVarsTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.logic

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.logic with parameters of type Body
protected  void LoopFinder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void LoopInvariantFinder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          this one uses the side effect tester
protected  void LoopInvariantFinder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          this one uses the side effect tester
protected  void LoopFinder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.nullcheck

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.nullcheck with parameters of type Body
 void NullCheckEliminator.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void NullPointerChecker.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void NullPointerColorer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void NullPointerColorer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void NullPointerChecker.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
 void NullCheckEliminator.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.parity

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.parity with parameters of type Body
protected  void ParityTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void ParityTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.profiling

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.profiling with parameters of type Body
protected  void ProfilingGenerator.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map opts)
protected  void ProfilingGenerator.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map opts)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.base

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.base with parameters of type Body
protected  void ExceptionChecker.checkInvoke(Body b, InvokeStmt is)
protected  void ExceptionChecker.checkInvoke(Body b, InvokeStmt is)
protected  void ExceptionChecker.checkInvokeExpr(Body b, InvokeExpr ie, Stmt s)
protected  void ExceptionChecker.checkInvokeExpr(Body b, InvokeExpr ie, Stmt s)
protected  void ExceptionChecker.checkThrow(Body b, ThrowStmt ts)
protected  void ExceptionChecker.checkThrow(Body b, ThrowStmt ts)
protected  void Aggregator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          Traverse the statements in the given body, looking for aggregation possibilities; that is, given a def d and a use u, d has no other uses, u has no other defs, collapse d and u.
protected  void ExceptionChecker.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
 void JimpleConstructorFolder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          This method pushes all newExpr down to be the stmt directly before every invoke of the init
 void PartialConstructorFolder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          This method pushes all newExpr down to be the stmt directly before every invoke of the init only if they are in the types list
 void ThisInliner.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
 void ThisInliner.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
 void PartialConstructorFolder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          This method pushes all newExpr down to be the stmt directly before every invoke of the init only if they are in the types list
 void JimpleConstructorFolder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          This method pushes all newExpr down to be the stmt directly before every invoke of the init
protected  void ExceptionChecker.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void Aggregator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          Traverse the statements in the given body, looking for aggregation possibilities; that is, given a def d and a use u, d has no other uses, u has no other defs, collapse d and u.
protected  boolean ExceptionChecker.isExceptionCaught(Body b, Stmt s, RefType throwType)
protected  boolean ExceptionChecker.isExceptionCaught(Body b, Stmt s, RefType throwType)
protected  boolean ExceptionChecker.isThrowDeclared(Body b, SootClass throwClass)
protected  boolean ExceptionChecker.isThrowDeclared(Body b, SootClass throwClass)
protected  boolean ExceptionChecker.isThrowInStmtRange(Body b, Stmt begin, Stmt end, Stmt s)
protected  boolean ExceptionChecker.isThrowInStmtRange(Body b, Stmt begin, Stmt end, Stmt s)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph with parameters of type Body
protected  void ClinitElimTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void UnreachableMethodTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void UnreachableMethodTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void ClinitElimTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.graph

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.graph with parameters of type Body
protected  void CriticalEdgeRemover.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          performs critical edge-removing.
protected  void LoopConditionUnroller.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
          unrolls conditions.
protected  void LoopConditionUnroller.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
          unrolls conditions.
protected  void CriticalEdgeRemover.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          performs critical edge-removing.

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.invoke

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.invoke with parameters of type Body
static void AccessManager.createAccessorMethods(Body body, Stmt before, Stmt after)
          Resolves illegal accesses in the interval ]before,after[ by creating accessor methods.
static void AccessManager.createAccessorMethods(Body body, Stmt before, Stmt after)
          Resolves illegal accesses in the interval ]before,after[ by creating accessor methods.

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.pointer with parameters of type Body
protected  void CastCheckEliminatorDumper.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void FieldRWTagger.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void ParameterAliasTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void SideEffectTagger.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void SideEffectTagger.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void ParameterAliasTagger.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void FieldRWTagger.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void CastCheckEliminatorDumper.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Body
protected  void CommonSubexpressionEliminator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          Common subexpression eliminator.
protected  void ConditionalBranchFolder.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void ConstantPropagatorAndFolder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void CopyPropagator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map opts)
          Cascaded copy propagator.
protected  void DeadAssignmentEliminator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          Eliminates dead code in a linear fashion.
protected  void LocalNameStandardizer.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void NopEliminator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          Removes NopStmts from the passed body (which must be a JimpleBody).
protected  void UnconditionalBranchFolder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void UnreachableCodeEliminator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void UnreachableCodeEliminator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void UnconditionalBranchFolder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void NopEliminator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          Removes NopStmts from the passed body (which must be a JimpleBody).
protected  void LocalNameStandardizer.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void DeadAssignmentEliminator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          Eliminates dead code in a linear fashion.
protected  void CopyPropagator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map opts)
          Cascaded copy propagator.
protected  void ConstantPropagatorAndFolder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void ConditionalBranchFolder.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void CommonSubexpressionEliminator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          Common subexpression eliminator.

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Body
FastAvailableExpressions(Body b, SideEffectTester st)
          Wrapper for AvailableExpressionsAnalysis.
FastAvailableExpressions(Body b, SideEffectTester st)
          Wrapper for AvailableExpressionsAnalysis.
SlowAvailableExpressions(Body b)
          Wrapper for SlowAvailableExpressionsAnalysis.
SlowAvailableExpressions(Body b)
          Wrapper for SlowAvailableExpressionsAnalysis.

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre with parameters of type Body
protected  void BusyCodeMotion.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map opts)
          performs the busy code motion.
protected  void LazyCodeMotion.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map opts)
          performs the lazy code motion.
protected  void LazyCodeMotion.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map opts)
          performs the lazy code motion.
protected  void BusyCodeMotion.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map opts)
          performs the busy code motion.

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp

Fields in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp declared as Body
 Body PegChain.body
 Body PegChain.body

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp that return Body
 Body PegGraph.getBody()
 Body PegGraph.getBody()

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp with parameters of type Body
MethodExtentBuilder(Body unitBody, PegCallGraph pcg, CallGraph cg)
MethodExtentBuilder(Body unitBody, PegCallGraph pcg, CallGraph cg)
PegGraph(CallGraph callGraph, Hierarchy hierarchy, PAG pag, Set<Object> methodsNeedingInlining, Set<AllocNode> allocNodes, List inlineSites, Map synchObj, Set<AllocNode> multiRunAllocNodes, Map allocNodeToObj, Body unitBody, SootMethod sm, boolean addExceptionEdges, boolean dontAddEdgeFromStmtBeforeAreaOfProtectionToCatchBlock)
          Constructs a graph for the units found in the provided Body instance.
PegGraph(CallGraph callGraph, Hierarchy hierarchy, PAG pag, Set<Object> methodsNeedingInlining, Set<AllocNode> allocNodes, List inlineSites, Map synchObj, Set<AllocNode> multiRunAllocNodes, Map allocNodeToObj, Body unitBody, SootMethod sm, boolean addExceptionEdges, boolean dontAddEdgeFromStmtBeforeAreaOfProtectionToCatchBlock)
          Constructs a graph for the units found in the provided Body instance.
PegGraph(CallGraph callGraph, Hierarchy hierarchy, PAG pag, Set methodsNeedingInlining, Set allocNodes, List<List> inlineSites, Map<SootMethod,String> synchObj, Set multiRunAllocNodes, Map<AllocNode,String> allocNodeToObj, Body unitBody, String threadName, SootMethod sm, boolean addExceEdge, boolean dontAddEdgeFromStmtBeforeAreaOfProtectionToCatchBlock)
          Constructs a graph for the units found in the provided Body instance.
PegGraph(CallGraph callGraph, Hierarchy hierarchy, PAG pag, Set methodsNeedingInlining, Set allocNodes, List<List> inlineSites, Map<SootMethod,String> synchObj, Set multiRunAllocNodes, Map<AllocNode,String> allocNodeToObj, Body unitBody, String threadName, SootMethod sm, boolean addExceEdge, boolean dontAddEdgeFromStmtBeforeAreaOfProtectionToCatchBlock)
          Constructs a graph for the units found in the provided Body instance.

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization with parameters of type Body
protected  void LockAllocationBodyTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, FlowSet fs, List<soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSectionGroup> groups, boolean[] insertedGlobalLock)
protected  void LockAllocationBodyTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, FlowSet fs, List<soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.synchronization.CriticalSectionGroup> groups, boolean[] insertedGlobalLock)
protected  void LockAllocationBodyTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, String phase, Map opts)
protected  void LockAllocationBodyTransformer.internalTransform(Body b, String phase, Map opts)
 InstanceFieldRef LockAllocationBodyTransformer.reconstruct(Body b, PatchingChain<Unit> units, InstanceFieldRef lock, Stmt insertBefore, boolean redirect)
 InstanceFieldRef LockAllocationBodyTransformer.reconstruct(Body b, PatchingChain<Unit> units, InstanceFieldRef lock, Stmt insertBefore, boolean redirect)
 void LockAllocationBodyTransformer.redirectTraps(Body b, Unit oldUnit, Unit newUnit)
 void LockAllocationBodyTransformer.redirectTraps(Body b, Unit oldUnit, Unit newUnit)

Uses of Body in soot.jimple.toolkits.typing

Methods in soot.jimple.toolkits.typing with parameters of type Body
protected  void TypeAssigner.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          Assign types to local variables.
protected  void TypeAssigner.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
          Assign types to local variables.

Uses of Body in soot.shimple

Subclasses of Body in soot.shimple
 class ShimpleBody
          Implementation of the Body class for the SSA Shimple IR.

Fields in soot.shimple declared as Body
protected  Body DefaultShimpleFactory.body
protected  Body DefaultShimpleFactory.body

Methods in soot.shimple that return Body
 Body DefaultShimpleFactory.getBody()
 Body DefaultShimpleFactory.getBody()
 Body ShimpleMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod m, String phaseName)
 Body ShimpleMethodSource.getBody(SootMethod m, String phaseName)

Methods in soot.shimple with parameters of type Body
 ShimpleBody Shimple.newBody(Body b)
          Returns a ShimpleBody constructed from b, using default phase options.
 ShimpleBody Shimple.newBody(Body b)
          Returns a ShimpleBody constructed from b, using default phase options.
 ShimpleBody Shimple.newBody(Body b, Map options)
          Returns a ShimpleBody constructed from b, using provided option Map.
 ShimpleBody Shimple.newBody(Body b, Map options)
          Returns a ShimpleBody constructed from b, using provided option Map.
static void Shimple.redirectToPreds(Body body, Unit remove)
          If you are removing a Unit from a Unit chain which contains PhiExpr's, you might want to call this utility function in order to update any PhiExpr pointers to the Unit to point to the Unit's predecessor(s).
static void Shimple.redirectToPreds(Body body, Unit remove)
          If you are removing a Unit from a Unit chain which contains PhiExpr's, you might want to call this utility function in order to update any PhiExpr pointers to the Unit to point to the Unit's predecessor(s).
 void DefaultShimpleFactory.setBody(Body body)
 void ShimpleFactory.setBody(Body body)
          Some constructors may require a body.
 void ShimpleFactory.setBody(Body body)
          Some constructors may require a body.
 void DefaultShimpleFactory.setBody(Body body)

Uses of Body in soot.shimple.internal

Constructors in soot.shimple.internal with parameters of type Body
SPatchingChain(Body aBody, Chain aChain)
SPatchingChain(Body aBody, Chain aChain)

Uses of Body in soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar

Methods in soot.shimple.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Body
protected  void SConstantPropagatorAndFolder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void SConstantPropagatorAndFolder.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.tagkit

Methods in soot.tagkit with parameters of type Body
protected  void TagAggregator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void TagAggregator.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.toolkits.exceptions

Methods in soot.toolkits.exceptions with parameters of type Body
protected  void TrapTightener.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void TrapTightener.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)

Uses of Body in soot.toolkits.graph

Fields in soot.toolkits.graph declared as Body
protected  Body UnitGraph.body
protected  Body UnitGraph.body
protected  Body BlockGraph.mBody
protected  Body BlockGraph.mBody

Methods in soot.toolkits.graph that return Body
 Body Block.getBody()
          Returns the Block's enclosing Body instance.
 Body BlockGraph.getBody()
          Returns the Body this BlockGraph is derived from.
 Body ExceptionalGraph.getBody()
          Returns the Body from which this graph was built.
 Body UnitGraph.getBody()
 Body UnitGraph.getBody()
 Body ExceptionalGraph.getBody()
          Returns the Body from which this graph was built.
 Body BlockGraph.getBody()
          Returns the Body this BlockGraph is derived from.
 Body Block.getBody()
          Returns the Block's enclosing Body instance.

Constructors in soot.toolkits.graph with parameters of type Body
ArrayRefBlockGraph(Body body)
          Constructs an ArrayRefBlockGraph from the given Body.
ArrayRefBlockGraph(Body body)
          Constructs an ArrayRefBlockGraph from the given Body.
Block(Unit aHead, Unit aTail, Body aBody, int aIndexInMethod, int aBlockLength, BlockGraph aBlockGraph)
          Constructs a Block in the context of a BlockGraph, and enclosing Body instances.
Block(Unit aHead, Unit aTail, Body aBody, int aIndexInMethod, int aBlockLength, BlockGraph aBlockGraph)
          Constructs a Block in the context of a BlockGraph, and enclosing Body instances.
BriefBlockGraph(Body body)
          Constructs a BriefBlockGraph from a given Body.
BriefBlockGraph(Body body)
          Constructs a BriefBlockGraph from a given Body.
BriefUnitGraph(Body body)
          Constructs a BriefUnitGraph given a Body instance.
BriefUnitGraph(Body body)
          Constructs a BriefUnitGraph given a Body instance.
ClassicCompleteBlockGraph(Body body)
           Constructs a ClassicCompleteBlockGraph for the blocks found by partitioning the the units of the provided Body instance into basic blocks.
ClassicCompleteBlockGraph(Body body)
           Constructs a ClassicCompleteBlockGraph for the blocks found by partitioning the the units of the provided Body instance into basic blocks.
ClassicCompleteUnitGraph(Body body)
          Constructs the graph from a given Body instance.
ClassicCompleteUnitGraph(Body body)
          Constructs the graph from a given Body instance.
CompleteBlockGraph(Body b)
CompleteBlockGraph(Body b)
CompleteUnitGraph(Body b)
CompleteUnitGraph(Body b)
ExceptionalBlockGraph(Body body)
          Constructs an ExceptionalBlockGraph for the blocks found by partitioning the the units of the provided Body instance into basic blocks.
ExceptionalBlockGraph(Body body)
          Constructs an ExceptionalBlockGraph for the blocks found by partitioning the the units of the provided Body instance into basic blocks.
ExceptionalUnitGraph(Body body)
          Constructs the graph from a given Body instance, using the Scene's default ThrowAnalysis to estimate the set of exceptions that each Unit might throw and a default value, provided by the Options class, for the omitExceptingUnitEdges parameter.
ExceptionalUnitGraph(Body body)
          Constructs the graph from a given Body instance, using the Scene's default ThrowAnalysis to estimate the set of exceptions that each Unit might throw and a default value, provided by the Options class, for the omitExceptingUnitEdges parameter.
ExceptionalUnitGraph(Body body, boolean ignoredBogusParameter)
          Allocates an ExceptionalUnitGraph object without initializing it.
ExceptionalUnitGraph(Body body, boolean ignoredBogusParameter)
          Allocates an ExceptionalUnitGraph object without initializing it.
ExceptionalUnitGraph(Body body, ThrowAnalysis throwAnalysis)
          Constructs the graph from a given Body instance using the passed ThrowAnalysis and a default value, provided by the Options class, for the omitExceptingUnitEdges parameter.
ExceptionalUnitGraph(Body body, ThrowAnalysis throwAnalysis)
          Constructs the graph from a given Body instance using the passed ThrowAnalysis and a default value, provided by the Options class, for the omitExceptingUnitEdges parameter.
ExceptionalUnitGraph(Body body, ThrowAnalysis throwAnalysis, boolean omitExceptingUnitEdges)
          Constructs the graph for a given Body instance, using the ThrowAnalysis and omitExceptingUnitEdges value that are passed as parameters.
ExceptionalUnitGraph(Body body, ThrowAnalysis throwAnalysis, boolean omitExceptingUnitEdges)
          Constructs the graph for a given Body instance, using the ThrowAnalysis and omitExceptingUnitEdges value that are passed as parameters.
LoopNestTree(Body b)
          Builds a loop nest tree from a method body using LoopFinder.
LoopNestTree(Body b)
          Builds a loop nest tree from a method body using LoopFinder.
TrapUnitGraph(Body body)
          Constructs the graph from a given Body instance.
TrapUnitGraph(Body body)
          Constructs the graph from a given Body instance.
UnitGraph(Body body)
          Performs the work that is required to construct any sort of UnitGraph.
UnitGraph(Body body)
          Performs the work that is required to construct any sort of UnitGraph.
ZonedBlockGraph(Body body)
          Constructs a ZonedBlockGraph for the Units comprising the passed Body.
ZonedBlockGraph(Body body)
          Constructs a ZonedBlockGraph for the Units comprising the passed Body.

Uses of Body in soot.toolkits.graph.interaction

Methods in soot.toolkits.graph.interaction with parameters of type Body
 void InteractionHandler.handleNewAnalysis(Transform t, Body b)
 void InteractionHandler.handleNewAnalysis(Transform t, Body b)
 void InteractionHandler.handleTransformDone(Transform t, Body b)
 void InteractionHandler.handleTransformDone(Transform t, Body b)

Uses of Body in soot.toolkits.graph.pdg

Fields in soot.toolkits.graph.pdg declared as Body
protected  Body HashMutablePDG.m_body
protected  Body HashMutablePDG.m_body
protected  Body RegionAnalysis.m_methodBody
protected  Body RegionAnalysis.m_methodBody

Constructors in soot.toolkits.graph.pdg with parameters of type Body
EnhancedBlockGraph(Body body)
EnhancedBlockGraph(Body body)
EnhancedUnitGraph(Body body)
EnhancedUnitGraph(Body body)

Uses of Body in soot.toolkits.scalar

Methods in soot.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Body
static void FastColorer.assignColorsToLocals(Body unitBody, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, Map<Local,Integer> localToColor, Map<Object,Integer> groupToColorCount)
          Provides an economical coloring for the locals of unitBody.
static void FastColorer.assignColorsToLocals(Body unitBody, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, Map<Local,Integer> localToColor, Map<Object,Integer> groupToColorCount)
          Provides an economical coloring for the locals of unitBody.
protected  void LocalPacker.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void LocalSplitter.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void UnusedLocalEliminator.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void UnusedLocalEliminator.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void LocalSplitter.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void LocalPacker.internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map options)
static void FastColorer.unsplitAssignColorsToLocals(Body unitBody, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, Map<Local,Integer> localToColor, Map<Object,Integer> groupToColorCount)
          Provides a coloring for the locals of unitBody, attempting to not split locals assigned the same name in the original Jimple.
static void FastColorer.unsplitAssignColorsToLocals(Body unitBody, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, Map<Local,Integer> localToColor, Map<Object,Integer> groupToColorCount)
          Provides a coloring for the locals of unitBody, attempting to not split locals assigned the same name in the original Jimple.

Constructors in soot.toolkits.scalar with parameters of type Body
FastColorer.UnitInterferenceGraph(Body body, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, LiveLocals liveLocals)
FastColorer.UnitInterferenceGraph(Body body, Map<Local,Object> localToGroup, LiveLocals liveLocals)
SimpleLocalUses(Body body, LocalDefs localDefs)
          Construct the analysis from a method body and a LocalDefs interface.
SimpleLocalUses(Body body, LocalDefs localDefs)
          Construct the analysis from a method body and a LocalDefs interface.

Uses of Body in

Methods in with parameters of type Body
protected  void CFGViewer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void CFGViewer.internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options)
protected  void CFGViewer.print_cfg(Body body)
protected  void CFGViewer.print_cfg(Body body)

Uses of Body in soot.util

Methods in soot.util with parameters of type Body
 void PhaseDumper.dumpAfter(Body b, String phaseName)
          Tells the PhaseDumper that a Body transforming phase has ended, so that it can dump the phases's “after” file.
 void PhaseDumper.dumpAfter(Body b, String phaseName)
          Tells the PhaseDumper that a Body transforming phase has ended, so that it can dump the phases's “after” file.
 void PhaseDumper.dumpBefore(Body b, String phaseName)
          Tells the PhaseDumper that a Body transforming phase has started, so that it can dump the phases's “before” file.
 void PhaseDumper.dumpBefore(Body b, String phaseName)
          Tells the PhaseDumper that a Body transforming phase has started, so that it can dump the phases's “before” file.
 void PhaseDumper.dumpBody(Body b, String baseName)
 void PhaseDumper.dumpBody(Body b, String baseName)
 void PhaseDumper.dumpGraph(DirectedGraph g, Body b)
          Asks the PhaseDumper to dump the passed DirectedGraph if the current phase is being dumped.
 void PhaseDumper.dumpGraph(DirectedGraph g, Body b)
          Asks the PhaseDumper to dump the passed DirectedGraph if the current phase is being dumped.

Constructors in soot.util with parameters of type Body
UnitMap(Body b)
          maps each unit of this body to the result of mapTo.
before the mapping the method init is called.
the internal hashtable is initialized without any parameter.
UnitMap(Body b)
          maps each unit of this body to the result of mapTo.
before the mapping the method init is called.
the internal hashtable is initialized without any parameter.
UnitMap(Body b, int initialCapacity)
          maps each unit of this body to the result of mapTo.
before the mapping the method init is called.
the internal hashtable is initialized to initialCapacity.
UnitMap(Body b, int initialCapacity)
          maps each unit of this body to the result of mapTo.
before the mapping the method init is called.
the internal hashtable is initialized to initialCapacity.
UnitMap(Body b, int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)
          maps each unit of this body to the result of mapTo.
before the mapping the method init is called.
the internal hashtable is initialized to initialCapacity and loadFactor.
UnitMap(Body b, int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)
          maps each unit of this body to the result of mapTo.
before the mapping the method init is called.
the internal hashtable is initialized to initialCapacity and loadFactor.

Uses of Body in soot.util.cfgcmd

Methods in soot.util.cfgcmd that return Body
abstract  Body CFGIntermediateRep.getBody(JimpleBody b)
          Converts a JimpleBody into the corresponding Body in this intermediate representation.
abstract  Body CFGIntermediateRep.getBody(JimpleBody b)
          Converts a JimpleBody into the corresponding Body in this intermediate representation.

Methods in soot.util.cfgcmd with parameters of type Body
abstract  DirectedGraph CFGGraphType.buildGraph(Body b)
          Method that will build a graph of this type.
abstract  DirectedGraph CFGGraphType.buildGraph(Body b)
          Method that will build a graph of this type.
 DotGraph CFGToDotGraph.drawCFG(DirectedGraph graph, Body body)
          Create a DotGraph whose nodes and edges depict a control flow graph without distinguished exceptional edges.
 DotGraph CFGToDotGraph.drawCFG(DirectedGraph graph, Body body)
          Create a DotGraph whose nodes and edges depict a control flow graph without distinguished exceptional edges.
abstract  DotGraph CFGGraphType.drawGraph(CFGToDotGraph drawer, DirectedGraph g, Body b)
          Method that will draw a DotGraph representation of the control flow in this type of graph.
abstract  DotGraph CFGGraphType.drawGraph(CFGToDotGraph drawer, DirectedGraph g, Body b)
          Method that will draw a DotGraph representation of the control flow in this type of graph.

Uses of Body in soot.xml

Methods in soot.xml with parameters of type Body
 void TagCollector.collectBodyTags(Body b)
 void TagCollector.collectBodyTags(Body b)